2022-03-17 18:02:08 +01:00

20 KiB

Traefik & KV Stores

A Story of key & values {: .subtitle }

Routing Configuration

!!! info "Keys"

- Keys are case insensitive.
- The complete list of keys can be found in [the reference page](../../reference/dynamic-configuration/


!!! warning "The character @ is not authorized in the router name <router_name>."

??? info "traefik/http/routers/<router_name>/rule"

See [rule](../routers/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                           | Value                      |
| `traefik/http/routers/myrouter/rule` | ```Host(``)```  |

??? info "traefik/http/routers/<router_name>/entrypoints"

See [entry points](../routers/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                                    | Value       |
| `traefik/http/routers/myrouter/entrypoints/0` | `web`       |
| `traefik/http/routers/myrouter/entrypoints/1` | `websecure` |

??? info "traefik/http/routers/<router_name>/middlewares"

See [middlewares](../routers/ and [middlewares overview](../../middlewares/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                                    | Value       |
| `traefik/http/routers/myrouter/middlewares/0` | `auth`      |
| `traefik/http/routers/myrouter/middlewares/1` | `prefix`    |
| `traefik/http/routers/myrouter/middlewares/2` | `cb`        |

??? info "traefik/http/routers/<router_name>/service"

See [rule](../routers/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                              | Value       |
| `traefik/http/routers/myrouter/service` | `myservice` |

??? info "traefik/http/routers/<router_name>/tls"

See [tls](../routers/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                          | Value  |
| `traefik/http/routers/myrouter/tls` | `true` |

??? info "traefik/http/routers/<router_name>/tls/certresolver"

See [certResolver](../routers/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                                       | Value        |
| `traefik/http/routers/myrouter/tls/certresolver` | `myresolver` |    

??? info "traefik/http/routers/<router_name>/tls/domains/<n>/main"

See [domains](../routers/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                                         | Value         |
| `traefik/http/routers/myrouter/tls/domains/0/main` | `` |

??? info "traefik/http/routers/<router_name>/tls/domains/<n>/sans/<n>"

See [domains](../routers/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                                           | Value              |
| `traefik/http/routers/myrouter/tls/domains/0/sans/0` | `` |
| `traefik/http/routers/myrouter/tls/domains/0/sans/1` | ``  |

??? info "traefik/http/routers/<router_name>/tls/options"

See [options](../routers/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                                  | Value    |
| `traefik/http/routers/myrouter/tls/options` | `foobar` |

??? info "traefik/http/routers/<router_name>/priority"

See [priority](../routers/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                               | Value |
| `traefik/http/routers/myrouter/priority` | `42`  |


!!! warning "The character @ is not authorized in the service name <service_name>."

??? info "traefik/http/services/<service_name>/loadbalancer/servers/<n>/url"

See [servers](../services/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                                                      | Value                                   |
| `traefik/http/services/myservice/loadbalancer/servers/0/url`    | `http://<ip-server-1>:<port-server-1>/` |

??? info "traefik/http/services/<service_name>/loadbalancer/serverstransport"

Allows to reference a ServersTransport resource that is defined either with the File provider or the Kubernetes CRD one.
See [serverstransport](../services/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                                                      | Value         |
| `traefik/http/services/myservice/loadbalancer/serverstransport` | `foobar@file` |

??? info "traefik/http/services/<service_name>/loadbalancer/passhostheader"

See [pass Host header](../services/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                                                      | Value  |
| `traefik/http/services/myservice/loadbalancer/passhostheader`   | `true` |

??? info "traefik/http/services/<service_name>/loadbalancer/healthcheck/headers/<header_name>"

See [health check](../services/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                                                               | Value    |
| `traefik/http/services/myservice/loadbalancer/healthcheck/headers/X-Foo` | `foobar` |

??? info "traefik/http/services/<service_name>/loadbalancer/healthcheck/hostname"

See [health check](../services/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                                                          | Value         |
| `traefik/http/services/myservice/loadbalancer/healthcheck/hostname` | `` |

??? info "traefik/http/services/<service_name>/loadbalancer/healthcheck/interval"

See [health check](../services/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                                                          | Value |
| `traefik/http/services/myservice/loadbalancer/healthcheck/interval` | `10`  |

??? info "traefik/http/services/<service_name>/loadbalancer/healthcheck/path"

See [health check](../services/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                                                      | Value  |
| `traefik/http/services/myservice/loadbalancer/healthcheck/path` | `/foo` |

??? info "traefik/http/services/<service_name>/loadbalancer/healthcheck/port"

See [health check](../services/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                                                      | Value |
| `traefik/http/services/myservice/loadbalancer/healthcheck/port` | `42`  |

??? info "traefik/http/services/<service_name>/loadbalancer/healthcheck/scheme"

See [health check](../services/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                                                        | Value  |
| `traefik/http/services/myservice/loadbalancer/healthcheck/scheme` | `http` |

??? info "traefik/http/services/<service_name>/loadbalancer/healthcheck/timeout"

See [health check](../services/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                                                         | Value |
| `traefik/http/services/myservice/loadbalancer/healthcheck/timeout` | `10`  |

??? info "traefik/http/services/<service_name>/loadbalancer/sticky"

See [sticky sessions](../services/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                                            | Value  |
| `traefik/http/services/myservice/loadbalancer/sticky` | `true` |

??? info "traefik/http/services/<service_name>/loadbalancer/sticky/cookie/httponly"

See [sticky sessions](../services/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                                                            | Value  |
| `traefik/http/services/myservice/loadbalancer/sticky/cookie/httponly` | `true` |

??? info "traefik/http/services/<service_name>/loadbalancer/sticky/cookie/name"

See [sticky sessions](../services/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                                                        | Value    |
| `traefik/http/services/myservice/loadbalancer/sticky/cookie/name` | `foobar` |

??? info "traefik/http/services/<service_name>/loadbalancer/sticky/cookie/secure"

See [sticky sessions](../services/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                                                          | Value  |
| `traefik/http/services/myservice/loadbalancer/sticky/cookie/secure` | `true` |

??? info "traefik/http/services/<service_name>/loadbalancer/sticky/cookie/samesite"

See [sticky sessions](../services/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                                                            | Value  |
| `traefik/http/services/myservice/loadbalancer/sticky/cookie/samesite` | `none` |

??? info "traefik/http/services/<service_name>/loadbalancer/responseforwarding/flushinterval"

See [response forwarding](../services/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                                                                      | Value |
| `traefik/http/services/myservice/loadbalancer/responseforwarding/flushinterval` | `10`  |

??? info "traefik/http/services/<service_name>/mirroring/service"

| Key (Path)                                               | Value    |
| `traefik/http/services/<service_name>/mirroring/service` | `foobar` |

??? info "traefik/http/services/<service_name>/mirroring/mirrors/<n>/name"

| Key (Path)                                                        | Value    |
| `traefik/http/services/<service_name>/mirroring/mirrors/<n>/name` | `foobar` |

??? info "traefik/http/services/<service_name>/mirroring/mirrors/<n>/percent"

| Key (Path)                                                           | Value |
| `traefik/http/services/<service_name>/mirroring/mirrors/<n>/percent` | `42`  |

??? info "traefik/http/services/<service_name>/weighted/services/<n>/name"

| Key (Path)                                                        | Value    |
| `traefik/http/services/<service_name>/weighted/services/<n>/name` | `foobar` |

??? info "traefik/http/services/<service_name>/weighted/services/<n>/weight"

| Key (Path)                                                          | Value |
| `traefik/http/services/<service_name>/weighted/services/<n>/weight` | `42`  |

??? info "traefik/http/services/<service_name>/weighted/sticky/cookie/name"

| Key (Path)                                                         | Value    |
| `traefik/http/services/<service_name>/weighted/sticky/cookie/name` | `foobar` |

??? info "traefik/http/services/<service_name>/weighted/sticky/cookie/secure"

| Key (Path)                                                           | Value  |
| `traefik/http/services/<service_name>/weighted/sticky/cookie/secure` | `true` |

??? info "traefik/http/services/<service_name>/weighted/sticky/cookie/samesite"

| Key (Path)                                                             | Value  |
| `traefik/http/services/<service_name>/weighted/sticky/cookie/samesite` | `none` |

??? info "traefik/http/services/<service_name>/weighted/sticky/cookie/httpOnly"

| Key (Path)                                                             | Value  |
| `traefik/http/services/<service_name>/weighted/sticky/cookie/httpOnly` | `true` |


More information about available middlewares in the dedicated middlewares section.

!!! warning "The character @ is not authorized in the middleware name."

!!! warning "Conflicts in Declaration"

If you declare multiple middleware with the same name but with different parameters, the middleware fails to be declared.


You can declare TCP Routers and/or Services using KV.

TCP Routers

??? info "traefik/tcp/routers/<router_name>/entrypoints"

See [entry points](../routers/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                                      | Value |
| `traefik/tcp/routers/mytcprouter/entrypoints/0` | `ep1` |
| `traefik/tcp/routers/mytcprouter/entrypoints/1` | `ep2` |

??? info "traefik/tcp/routers/<router_name>/rule"

See [rule](../routers/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                           | Value                        |
| `traefik/tcp/routers/my-router/rule` | ```HostSNI(``)``` |  

??? info "traefik/tcp/routers/<router_name>/service"

See [service](../routers/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                                | Value       |
| `traefik/tcp/routers/mytcprouter/service` | `myservice` |

??? info "traefik/tcp/routers/<router_name>/tls"

See [TLS](../routers/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                            | Value  |
| `traefik/tcp/routers/mytcprouter/tls` | `true` |

??? info "traefik/tcp/routers/<router_name>/tls/certresolver"

See [certResolver](../routers/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                                         | Value        |
| `traefik/tcp/routers/mytcprouter/tls/certresolver` | `myresolver` |

??? info "traefik/tcp/routers/<router_name>/tls/domains/<n>/main"

See [domains](../routers/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                                           | Value         |
| `traefik/tcp/routers/mytcprouter/tls/domains/0/main` | `` |

??? info "traefik/tcp/routers/<router_name>/tls/domains/<n>/sans"

See [domains](../routers/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                                             | Value              |
| `traefik/tcp/routers/mytcprouter/tls/domains/0/sans/0` | `` |
| `traefik/tcp/routers/mytcprouter/tls/domains/0/sans/1` | ``  |

??? info "traefik/tcp/routers/<router_name>/tls/options"

See [options](../routers/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                                    | Value    |
| `traefik/tcp/routers/mytcprouter/tls/options` | `foobar` |

??? info "traefik/tcp/routers/<router_name>/tls/passthrough"

See [TLS](../routers/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                                        | Value  |
| `traefik/tcp/routers/mytcprouter/tls/passthrough` | `true` |

??? info "traefik/tcp/routers/<router_name>/priority"

See [priority](../routers/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                               | Value |
| `traefik/tcp/routers/myrouter/priority`  | `42`  |

TCP Services

??? info "traefik/tcp/services/<service_name>/loadbalancer/servers/<n>/url"

See [servers](../services/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                                                         | Value            |
| `traefik/tcp/services/mytcpservice/loadbalancer/servers/0/address` | `xx.xx.xx.xx:xx` |

??? info "traefik/tcp/services/<service_name>/loadbalancer/terminationdelay"

See [termination delay](../services/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                                                        | Value |
| `traefik/tcp/services/mytcpservice/loadbalancer/terminationdelay` | `100` |

??? info "traefik/tcp/services/<service_name>/loadbalancer/proxyprotocol/version"

See [PROXY protocol](../services/ for more information.

| Key (Path)                                                             | Value |
| `traefik/tcp/services/mytcpservice/loadbalancer/proxyprotocol/version` | `1`   |

??? info "traefik/tcp/services/<service_name>/weighted/services/<n>/name"

| Key (Path)                                                          | Value    |
| `traefik/tcp/services/<service_name>/weighted/services/0/name`      | `foobar` |

??? info "traefik/tcp/services/<service_name>/weighted/services/<n>/weight"

| Key (Path)                                                       | Value |
| `traefik/tcp/services/<service_name>/weighted/services/0/weight` | `42`  |