2019-04-01 17:56:04 +02:00

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It Has Never Been Easier to Say That Something Went Wrong {: .subtitle }


The ErrorPage middleware returns a custom page in lieu of the default, according to configured ranges of HTTP Status codes.

!!! important The error page itself is not hosted by Traefik.

Configuration Examples

# Dynamic Custom Error Page for 5XX Status Code
- "traefik.http.middlewares.test-errorpage.errors.status=500-599"
- "traefik.http.middlewares.test-errorpage.errors.service=serviceError"
- "traefik.http.middlewares.test-errorpage.errors.query=/{status}.html"
# Custom Error Page for 5XX
    Service = "my-service"
    Rule = Host(`my-domain`)

    status = ["500-599"]
    service = "error-handler-service"
    query = "/error.html"
  # ... definition of error-handler-service and my-service

!!! note In this example, the error page URL is based on the status code (query=/{status}.html).

Configuration Options


The status that will trigger the error page.

The status code ranges are inclusive (500-599 will trigger with every code between 500 and 599, 500 and 599 included).

!!! Note

You can define either a status code like `500` or ranges with a syntax like `500-599`.


The service that will serve the new requested error page.


The URL for the error page (hosted by service). You can use {status} in the query, that will be replaced by the received status code.