2018-08-29 11:36:03 +02:00

351 lines
8.8 KiB

# File Provider
Træfik can be configured with a file.
## Reference
# Backends
url = ""
weight = 1
url = ""
weight = 2
# ...
expression = "NetworkErrorRatio() > 0.5"
method = "drr"
cookieName = "foobar"
amount = 10
extractorfunc = ""
path = "/health"
port = 88
interval = "30s"
scheme = "http"
hostname = ""
My-Custom-Header = "foo"
My-Header = "bar"
# ...
# Frontends
entryPoints = ["http", "https"]
backend = "backend1"
passHostHeader = true
priority = 42
# Use frontends.frontend1.auth.basic below instead
basicAuth = [
# Pass the escaped pem in a `X-Forwarded-Ssl-Client-Cert` header
pem = true
# Pass the escaped client cert infos selected below in a `X-Forwarded-Ssl-Client-Cert-Infos` header
# The unescaped header is like `Subject="C=%s,ST=%s,L=%s,O=%s,CN=%s",NB=%d,NA=%d,SAN=%s`
# It there is more than one certificates, their are separated by a `;`
notBefore = true
notAfter = true
country = true
province = true
locality = true
organization = true
commonName = true
serialNumber = true
headerField = "X-WebAuth-User"
removeHeader = true
users = [
usersFile = "/path/to/.htpasswd"
removeHeader = true
users = [
usersFile = "/path/to/.htdigest"
address = ""
trustForwardHeader = true
authResponseHeaders = ["X-Auth-User"]
ca = "path/to/local.crt"
caOptional = true
cert = "path/to/foo.cert"
key = "path/to/foo.key"
insecureSkipVerify = true
sourceRange = ["", "", "afed:be44::/16"]
useXForwardedFor = true
rule = "Host:test.localhost"
rule = "Method:GET"
# ...
allowedHosts = ["foobar", "foobar"]
hostsProxyHeaders = ["foobar", "foobar"]
SSLRedirect = true
SSLTemporaryRedirect = true
SSLHost = "foobar"
STSSeconds = 42
STSIncludeSubdomains = true
STSPreload = true
forceSTSHeader = true
frameDeny = true
customFrameOptionsValue = "foobar"
contentTypeNosniff = true
browserXSSFilter = true
contentSecurityPolicy = "foobar"
publicKey = "foobar"
referrerPolicy = "foobar"
isDevelopment = true
X-Foo-Bar-01 = "foobar"
X-Foo-Bar-02 = "foobar"
# ...
X-Foo-Bar-03 = "foobar"
X-Foo-Bar-04 = "foobar"
# ...
X-Foo-Bar-05 = "foobar"
X-Foo-Bar-06 = "foobar"
# ...
status = ["500-599"]
backend = "error"
query = "/{status}.html"
status = ["404", "403"]
backend = "error"
query = "/{status}.html"
# ...
extractorfunc = "client.ip"
period = "10s"
average = 100
burst = 200
period = "3s"
average = 5
burst = 10
# ...
entryPoint = "https"
regex = "^http://localhost/(.*)"
replacement = "http://mydomain/$1"
permanent = true
# ...
# HTTPS certificates
entryPoints = ["https"]
certFile = "path/to/my.cert"
keyFile = "path/to/my.key"
# ...
## Configuration Mode
You have two choices:
- [Rules in Træfik configuration file](/configuration/backends/file/#rules-in-trfik-configuration-file)
- [Rules in dedicated files](/configuration/backends/file/#rules-in-dedicated-files)
To enable the file backend, you must either pass the `--file` option to the Træfik binary or put the `[file]` section (with or without inner settings) in the configuration file.
The configuration file allows managing both backends/frontends and HTTPS certificates (which are not [Let's Encrypt]( certificates generated through Træfik).
TOML templating can be used if rules are not defined in the Træfik configuration file.
### Rules in Træfik Configuration File
Add your configuration at the end of the global configuration file `traefik.toml`:
defaultEntryPoints = ["http", "https"]
# ...
# ...
# rules
# ...
# ...
# ...
# ...
# ...
# HTTPS certificate
# ...
# ...
!!! note
If `tls.entryPoints` is not defined, the certificate is attached to all the `defaultEntryPoints` with a TLS configuration.
!!! note
Adding certificates directly to the entryPoint is still maintained but certificates declared in this way cannot be managed dynamically.
It's recommended to use the file provider to declare certificates.
!!! warning
TOML templating cannot be used if rules are defined in the Træfik configuration file.
### Rules in Dedicated Files
Træfik allows defining rules in one or more separate files.
#### One Separate File
You have to specify the file path in the `file.filename` option.
# traefik.toml
defaultEntryPoints = ["http", "https"]
# ...
# ...
filename = "rules.toml"
watch = true
The option `` allows Træfik to watch file changes automatically.
#### Multiple Separated Files
You could have multiple `.toml` files in a directory (and recursively in its sub-directories):
directory = "/path/to/config/"
watch = true
The option `` allows Træfik to watch file changes automatically.
#### Separate Files Content
If you are defining rules in one or more separate files, you can use two formats.
##### Simple Format
Backends, Frontends and TLS certificates are defined one at time, as described in the file `rules.toml`:
# rules.toml
# ...
# ...
# ...
# ...
# ...
# HTTPS certificate
# ...
# ...
##### TOML Templating
!!! warning
TOML templating can only be used **if rules are defined in one or more separate files**.
Templating will not work in the Træfik configuration file.
Træfik allows using TOML templating.
Thus, it's possible to define easily lot of Backends, Frontends and TLS certificates as described in the file `template-rules.toml` :
# template-rules.toml
{{ range $i, $e := until 100 }}
[backends.backend{{ $e }}]
{{ end }}
{{ range $i, $e := until 100 }}
[frontends.frontend{{ $e }}]
{{ end }}
# HTTPS certificate
{{ range $i, $e := until 100 }}
{{ end }}