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The tracing system allows developers to visualize call flows in their infrastructure.
We use OpenTracing. It is an open standard designed for distributed tracing.
Traefik supports three tracing backends: Jaeger, Zipkin and DataDog.
# Tracing definition
# Backend name used to send tracing data
# Default: "jaeger"
backend = "jaeger"
# Service name used in Jaeger backend
# Default: "traefik"
serviceName = "traefik"
# Span name limit allows for name truncation in case of very long Frontend/Backend names
# This can prevent certain tracing providers to drop traces that exceed their length limits
# Default: 0 - no truncation will occur
spanNameLimit = 0
# Sampling Server URL is the address of jaeger-agent's HTTP sampling server
# Default: "http://localhost:5778/sampling"
samplingServerURL = "http://localhost:5778/sampling"
# Sampling Type specifies the type of the sampler: const, probabilistic, rateLimiting
# Default: "const"
samplingType = "const"
# Sampling Param is a value passed to the sampler.
# Valid values for Param field are:
# - for "const" sampler, 0 or 1 for always false/true respectively
# - for "probabilistic" sampler, a probability between 0 and 1
# - for "rateLimiting" sampler, the number of spans per second
# Default: 1.0
samplingParam = 1.0
# Local Agent Host Port instructs reporter to send spans to jaeger-agent at this address
# Default: ""
localAgentHostPort = ""
# Generate 128-bit trace IDs, compatible with OpenCensus
# Default: false
gen128Bit = true
# Set the propagation header type. This can be either:
# - "jaeger", jaeger's default trace header.
# - "b3", compatible with OpenZipkin
# Default: "jaeger"
propagation = "jaeger"
# Trace Context Header Name is the http header name used to propagate tracing context.
# This must be in lower-case to avoid mismatches when decoding incoming headers.
# Default: "uber-trace-id"
traceContextHeaderName = "uber-trace-id"
!!! warning Traefik is only able to send data over compact thrift protocol to the Jaeger agent.
# Tracing definition
# Backend name used to send tracing data
# Default: "jaeger"
backend = "zipkin"
# Service name used in Zipkin backend
# Default: "traefik"
serviceName = "traefik"
# Span name limit allows for name truncation in case of very long Frontend/Backend names
# This can prevent certain tracing providers to drop traces that exceed their length limits
# Default: 0 - no truncation will occur
spanNameLimit = 150
# Zipkin HTTP endpoint used to send data
# Default: "http://localhost:9411/api/v1/spans"
httpEndpoint = "http://localhost:9411/api/v1/spans"
# Enable Zipkin debug
# Default: false
debug = false
# Use Zipkin SameSpan RPC style traces
# Default: false
sameSpan = false
# Use Zipkin 128 bit root span IDs
# Default: true
id128Bit = true
# The rate between 0.0 and 1.0 of requests to trace.
# Default: 1.0
sampleRate = 0.2
# Tracing definition
# Backend name used to send tracing data
# Default: "jaeger"
backend = "datadog"
# Service name used in DataDog backend
# Default: "traefik"
serviceName = "traefik"
# Span name limit allows for name truncation in case of very long Frontend/Backend names
# This can prevent certain tracing providers to drop traces that exceed their length limits
# Default: 0 - no truncation will occur
spanNameLimit = 100
# Local Agent Host Port instructs reporter to send spans to datadog-tracing-agent at this address
# Default: ""
localAgentHostPort = ""
# Enable DataDog debug
# Default: false
debug = false
# Apply shared tag in a form of Key:Value to all the traces
# Default: ""
globalTag = ""
# Enable priority sampling. When using distributed tracing, this option must be enabled in order
# to get all the parts of a distributed trace sampled.
# Default: false
prioritySampling = false