2017-11-21 11:06:03 +01:00

4.9 KiB

ECS Backend

Træfik can be configured to use Amazon ECS as a backend configuration.


# ECS configuration backend

# Enable ECS configuration backend.

# ECS Cluster Name.
# DEPRECATED - Please use `clusters`.
cluster = "default"

# ECS Clusters Name.
# Optional
# Default: ["default"]
clusters = ["default"]

# Enable watch ECS changes.
# Optional
# Default: true
watch = true

# Default domain used.
# Optional
# Default: ""
domain = "ecs.localhost"

# Enable auto discover ECS clusters.
# Optional
# Default: false
autoDiscoverClusters = false

# Polling interval (in seconds).
# Optional
# Default: 15
refreshSeconds = 15

# Expose ECS services by default in Traefik.
# Optional
# Default: true
exposedByDefault = false

# Region to use when connecting to AWS.
# Optional
region = "us-east-1"

# AccessKeyID to use when connecting to AWS.
# Optional
accessKeyID = "abc"

# SecretAccessKey to use when connecting to AWS.
# Optional
secretAccessKey = "123"

# Override default configuration template.
# For advanced users :)
# Optional
# filename = "ecs.tmpl"

If AccessKeyID/SecretAccessKey is not given credentials will be resolved in the following order:

  • From environment variables; AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and AWS_SESSION_TOKEN.
  • Shared credentials, determined by AWS_PROFILE and AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE, defaults to default and ~/.aws/credentials.
  • EC2 instance role or ECS task role


Træfik needs the following policy to read ECS information:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "TraefikECSReadAccess",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

Labels: overriding default behaviour

Labels can be used on task containers to override default behaviour:

Label Description
traefik.protocol=https override the default http protocol
traefik.weight=10 assign this weight to the container
traefik.enable=false disable this container in Træfik
traefik.port=80 override the default port value. Overrides NetworkBindings from Docker Container
traefik.backend.loadbalancer.method=drr override the default wrr load balancer algorithm
traefik.backend.loadbalancer.stickiness=true enable backend sticky sessions
traefik.backend.loadbalancer.stickiness.cookieName=NAME Manually set the cookie name for sticky sessions
traefik.backend.loadbalancer.sticky=true enable backend sticky sessions (DEPRECATED)
traefik.backend.healthcheck.path=/health enable health checks for the backend, hitting the container at path
traefik.backend.healthcheck.interval=1s configure the health check interval override the default frontend rule (Default: Host:{containerName}.{domain}).
traefik.frontend.passHostHeader=true forward client Host header to the backend.
traefik.frontend.priority=10 override default frontend priority
traefik.frontend.entryPoints=http,https assign this frontend to entry points http and https. Overrides defaultEntryPoints.
traefik.frontend.auth.basic=EXPR Sets basic authentication for that frontend in CSV format: User:Hash,User:Hash