Fernandez Ludovic 7c2ba62b56 doc: structural review
- user-guide review.
- add DataDog and StatD configuration.
- sync sample.toml and doc.
- split entry points doc.
- Deprecated.
2017-08-28 23:02:04 +02:00

12 KiB

Marathon Backend

Træfik can be configured to use Marathon as a backend configuration:

# Mesos/Marathon configuration backend

# Enable Marathon configuration backend

# Marathon server endpoint.
# You can also specify multiple endpoint for Marathon:
# endpoint := ",,"
# Required
endpoint = ""

# Enable watch Marathon changes
# Optional
watch = true

# Default domain used.
# Can be overridden by setting the "traefik.domain" label on an application.
# Required
domain = "marathon.localhost"

# Override default configuration template. For advanced users :)
# Optional
# filename = "marathon.tmpl"

# Expose Marathon apps by default in traefik
# Optional
# Default: true
# exposedByDefault = true

# Convert Marathon groups to subdomains
# Default behavior: /foo/bar/myapp => foo-bar-myapp.{defaultDomain}
# with groupsAsSubDomains enabled: /foo/bar/myapp =>{defaultDomain}
# Optional
# Default: false
# groupsAsSubDomains = true

# Enable compatibility with marathon-lb labels
# Optional
# Default: false
# marathonLBCompatibility = true

# Enable Marathon basic authentication
# Optional
#  [marathon.basic]
#  httpBasicAuthUser = "foo"
#  httpBasicPassword = "bar"

# TLS client configuration.
# Optional
# [marathon.TLS]
# CA = "/etc/ssl/ca.crt"
# Cert = "/etc/ssl/marathon.cert"
# Key = "/etc/ssl/marathon.key"
# InsecureSkipVerify = true

# DCOSToken for DCOS environment, This will override the Authorization header
# Optional
# dcosToken = "xxxxxx"

# Override DialerTimeout
# Amount of time to allow the Marathon provider to wait to open a TCP connection
# to a Marathon master.
# Can be provided in a format supported by [time.ParseDuration]( or as raw
# values (digits). If no units are provided, the value is parsed assuming
# seconds.
# Optional
# Default: "60s"
# dialerTimeout = "60s"

# Set the TCP Keep Alive interval for the Marathon HTTP Client.
# Can be provided in a format supported by [time.ParseDuration]( or as raw
# values (digits). If no units are provided, the value is parsed assuming
# seconds.
# Optional
# Default: "10s"
# keepAlive = "10s"

# By default, a task's IP address (as returned by the Marathon API) is used as
# backend server if an IP-per-task configuration can be found; otherwise, the
# name of the host running the task is used.
# The latter behavior can be enforced by enabling this switch.
# Optional
# Default: false
# forceTaskHostname = false

# Applications may define readiness checks which are probed by Marathon during
# deployments periodically and the results exposed via the API. Enabling the
# following parameter causes Traefik to filter out tasks whose readiness checks
# have not succeeded.
# Note that the checks are only valid at deployment times. See the Marathon
# guide for details.
# Optional
# Default: false
# respectReadinessChecks = false

Labels can be used on containers to override default behaviour:

Label Description
traefik.backend=foo assign the application to foo backend
traefik.backend.maxconn.amount=10 set a maximum number of connections to the backend. Must be used in conjunction with the below label to take effect.
traefik.backend.maxconn.extractorfunc=client.ip set the function to be used against the request to determine what to limit maximum connections to the backend by. Must be used in conjunction with the above label to take effect.
traefik.backend.loadbalancer.method=drr override the default wrr load balancer algorithm
traefik.backend.loadbalancer.sticky=true enable backend sticky sessions
traefik.backend.circuitbreaker.expression=NetworkErrorRatio() > 0.5 create a circuit breaker to be used against the backend
traefik.backend.healthcheck.path=/health set the Traefik health check path [default: no health checks]
traefik.backend.healthcheck.interval=5s sets a custom health check interval in Go-parseable (time.ParseDuration) format [default: 30s]
traefik.portIndex=1 register port by index in the application's ports array. Useful when the application exposes multiple ports.
traefik.port=80 register the explicit application port value. Cannot be used alongside traefik.portIndex.
traefik.protocol=https override the default http protocol
traefik.weight=10 assign this weight to the application
traefik.enable=false disable this application in Træfik override the default frontend rule (Default: Host:{containerName}.{domain}).
traefik.frontend.passHostHeader=true forward client Host header to the backend.
traefik.frontend.priority=10 override default frontend priority
traefik.frontend.entryPoints=http,https assign this frontend to entry points http and https. Overrides defaultEntryPoints.
traefik.frontend.auth.basic=test:$apr1$H6uskkkW$IgXLP6ewTrSuBkTrqE8wj/,test2:$apr1$d9hr9HBB$4HxwgUir3HP4EsggP/QNo0 Sets basic authentication for that frontend with the usernames and passwords test:test and test2:test2, respectively

If several ports need to be exposed from a container, the services labels can be used:

Label Description
traefik.<service-name>.port=443 create a service binding with frontend/backend using this port. Overrides traefik.port.
traefik.<service-name>.portIndex=1 create a service binding with frontend/backend using this port index. Overrides traefik.portIndex.
traefik.<service-name>.protocol=https assign https protocol. Overrides traefik.protocol.
traefik.<service-name>.weight=10 assign this service weight. Overrides traefik.weight.
traefik.<service-name>.frontend.backend=fooBackend assign this service frontend to foobackend. Default is to assign to the service backend.
traefik.<service-name>.frontend.entryPoints=http assign this service entrypoints. Overrides traefik.frontend.entrypoints.
traefik.<service-name>.frontend.auth.basic=test:$apr1$H6uskkkW$IgXLP6ewTrSuBkTrqE8wj/,test2:$apr1$d9hr9HBB$4HxwgUir3HP4EsggP/QNo0 Sets a Basic Auth for that frontend with the users test:test and test2:test2.
traefik.<service-name>.frontend.passHostHeader=true Forward client Host header to the backend. Overrides traefik.frontend.passHostHeader.
traefik.<service-name>.frontend.priority=10 assign the service frontend priority. Overrides traefik.frontend.priority.
traefik.<service-name>.frontend.rule=Path:/foo assign the service frontend rule. Overrides traefik.frontend.rule.