2018-02-09 10:38:03 +01:00

402 lines
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# ACME (Let's Encrypt) configuration
See also [Let's Encrypt examples](/user-guide/examples/#lets-encrypt-support) and [Docker & Let's Encrypt user guide](/user-guide/docker-and-lets-encrypt).
## Configuration
# Sample entrypoint configuration when using ACME.
address = ":80"
address = ":443"
# Enable ACME (Let's Encrypt): automatic SSL.
# Email address used for registration.
# Required
email = ""
# File used for certificates storage.
# Optional (Deprecated)
#storageFile = "acme.json"
# File or key used for certificates storage.
# Required
storage = "acme.json"
# or `storage = "traefik/acme/account"` if using KV store.
# Entrypoint to proxy acme apply certificates to.
# WARNING, if the TLS-SNI-01 challenge is used, it must point to an entrypoint on port 443
# Required
entryPoint = "https"
# Use a DNS-01 acme challenge rather than TLS-SNI-01 challenge
# Optional (Deprecated, replaced by [acme.dnsChallenge])
# dnsProvider = "digitalocean"
# By default, the dnsProvider will verify the TXT DNS challenge record before letting ACME verify.
# If delayDontCheckDNS is greater than zero, avoid this & instead just wait so many seconds.
# Useful if internal networks block external DNS queries.
# Optional (Deprecated, replaced by [acme.dnsChallenge])
# Default: 0
# delayDontCheckDNS = 0
# If true, display debug log messages from the acme client library.
# Optional
# Default: false
# acmeLogging = true
# Enable on demand certificate generation.
# Optional (Deprecated)
# Default: false
# onDemand = true
# Enable certificate generation on frontends Host rules.
# Optional
# Default: false
# onHostRule = true
# CA server to use.
# - Uncomment the line to run on the staging let's encrypt server.
# - Leave comment to go to prod.
# Optional
# Default: ""
# caServer = ""
# Domains list.
# [[]]
# main = ""
# sans = ["", ""]
# [[]]
# main = ""
# sans = ["", ""]
# [[]]
# main = ""
# [[]]
# main = ""
# Use a HTTP-01 acme challenge rather than TLS-SNI-01 challenge
# Optional but recommend
# EntryPoint to use for the challenges.
# Required
entryPoint = "http"
# Use a DNS-01 acme challenge rather than TLS-SNI-01 challenge
# Optional
# [acme.dnsChallenge]
# Provider used.
# Required
# provider = "digitalocean"
# By default, the provider will verify the TXT DNS challenge record before letting ACME verify.
# If delayBeforeCheck is greater than zero, avoid this & instead just wait so many seconds.
# Useful if internal networks block external DNS queries.
# Optional
# Default: 0
# delayBeforeCheck = 0
!!! note
Even if `TLS-SNI-01` challenge is [disabled]( for the moment, it stays the _by default_ ACME Challenge in Træfik.
If `TLS-SNI-01` challenge is not re-enabled in the future, it we will be removed from Træfik.
!!! note
If `TLS-SNI-01` challenge is used, `acme.entryPoint` has to be reachable by Let's Encrypt through the port 443.
If `HTTP-01` challenge is used, `acme.httpChallenge.entryPoint` has to be defined and reachable by Let's Encrypt through the port 80.
These are Let's Encrypt limitations as described on the [community forum](
### Let's Encrypt downtime
Let's Encrypt functionality will be limited until Træfik is restarted.
If Let's Encrypt is not reachable, these certificates will be used :
- ACME certificates already generated before downtime
- Expired ACME certificates
- Provided certificates
!!! note
Default Træfik certificate will be used instead of ACME certificates for new (sub)domains (which need Let's Encrypt challenge).
### `storage`
# ...
storage = "acme.json"
# ...
The `storage` option sets where are stored your ACME certificates.
There are two kind of `storage` :
- a JSON file,
- a KV store entry.
!!! danger "DEPRECATED"
`storage` replaces `storageFile` which is deprecated.
!!! note
During Træfik configuration migration from a configuration file to a KV store (thanks to `storeconfig` subcommand as described [here](/user-guide/kv-config/#store-configuration-in-key-value-store)), if ACME certificates have to be migrated too, use both `storageFile` and `storage`.
- `storageFile` will contain the path to the `acme.json` file to migrate.
- `storage` will contain the key where the certificates will be stored.
#### Store data in a file
ACME certificates can be stored in a JSON file which with the `600` right mode.
There are two ways to store ACME certificates in a file from Docker:
- create a file on your host and mount it as a volume:
storage = "acme.json"
docker run -v "/my/host/acme.json:acme.json" traefik
- mount the folder containing the file as a volume
storage = "/etc/traefik/acme/acme.json"
docker run -v "/my/host/acme:/etc/traefik/acme" traefik
!!! warning
This file cannot be shared per many instances of Træfik at the same time.
If you have to use Træfik cluster mode, please use [a KV Store entry](/configuration/acme/#storage-kv-entry).
#### Store data in a KV store entry
ACME certificates can be stored in a KV Store entry.
storage = "traefik/acme/account"
**This kind of storage is mandatory in cluster mode.**
Because KV stores (like Consul) have limited entries size, the certificates list is compressed before to be set in a KV store entry.
!!! note
It's possible to store up to approximately 100 ACME certificates in Consul.
### `acme.httpChallenge`
Use `HTTP-01` challenge to generate/renew ACME certificates.
The redirection is fully compatible with the HTTP-01 challenge.
You can use redirection with HTTP-01 challenge without problem.
# ...
entryPoint = "https"
entryPoint = "http"
#### `entryPoint`
Specify the entryPoint to use during the challenges.
address = ":80"
address = ":443"
# ...
# ...
entryPoint = "https"
entryPoint = "http"
!!! note
`acme.httpChallenge.entryPoint` has to be reachable by Let's Encrypt through the port 80.
It's a Let's Encrypt limitation as described on the [community forum](
### `acme.dnsChallenge`
Use `DNS-01` challenge to generate/renew ACME certificates.
# ...
provider = "digitalocean"
delayBeforeCheck = 0
# ...
#### `provider`
Select the provider that matches the DNS domain that will host the challenge TXT record, and provide environment variables to enable setting it:
| Provider Name | Provider code | Configuration |
| [Auroradns]( | `auroradns` | `AURORA_USER_ID`, `AURORA_KEY`, `AURORA_ENDPOINT` |
| [Cloudflare]( | `cloudflare` | `CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL`, `CLOUDFLARE_API_KEY` - The Cloudflare `Global API Key` needs to be used and not the `Origin CA Key` |
| [DigitalOcean]( | `digitalocean` | `DO_AUTH_TOKEN` |
| [DNSimple]( | `dnsimple` | `DNSIMPLE_OAUTH_TOKEN`, `DNSIMPLE_BASE_URL` |
| [DNSPod]( | `dnspod` | `DNSPOD_API_KEY` |
| [Gandi]( | `gandi` | `GANDI_API_KEY` |
| [GoDaddy]( | `godaddy` | `GODADDY_API_KEY`, `GODADDY_API_SECRET` |
| [Google Cloud DNS]( | `gcloud` | `GCE_PROJECT`, `GCE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE` |
| [Linode]( | `linode` | `LINODE_API_KEY` |
| manual | - | none, but run Træfik interactively & turn on `acmeLogging` to see instructions & press <kbd>Enter</kbd>. |
| [Namecheap]( | `namecheap` | `NAMECHEAP_API_USER`, `NAMECHEAP_API_KEY` |
| [Ns1]( | `ns1` | `NS1_API_KEY` |
| [PowerDNS]( | `pdns` | `PDNS_API_KEY`, `PDNS_API_URL` |
| [Rackspace]( | `rackspace` | `RACKSPACE_USER`, `RACKSPACE_API_KEY` |
| [RFC2136]( | `rfc2136` | `RFC2136_TSIG_KEY`, `RFC2136_TSIG_SECRET`, `RFC2136_TSIG_ALGORITHM`, `RFC2136_NAMESERVER` |
| [Route 53]( | `route53` | `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`, `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`, `AWS_REGION`, `AWS_HOSTED_ZONE_ID` or configured user/instance IAM profile. |
| [VULTR]( | `vultr` | `VULTR_API_KEY` |
#### `delayBeforeCheck`
By default, the `provider` will verify the TXT DNS challenge record before letting ACME verify.
If `delayBeforeCheck` is greater than zero, avoid this & instead just wait so many seconds.
Useful if internal networks block external DNS queries.
!!! note
This field has no sense if a `provider` is not defined.
### `onDemand` (Deprecated)
!!! danger "DEPRECATED"
This option is deprecated.
# ...
onDemand = true
# ...
Enable on demand certificate.
This will request a certificate from Let's Encrypt during the first TLS handshake for a hostname that does not yet have a certificate.
!!! warning
TLS handshakes will be slow when requesting a hostname certificate for the first time, this can lead to DoS attacks.
!!! warning
Take note that Let's Encrypt have [rate limiting](
### `onHostRule`
# ...
onHostRule = true
# ...
Enable certificate generation on frontends Host rules.
This will request a certificate from Let's Encrypt for each frontend with a Host rule.
For example, a rule `,` will request a certificate with main domain `` and SAN ``.
### `caServer`
# ...
caServer = ""
# ...
CA server to use.
- Uncomment the line to run on the staging Let's Encrypt server.
- Leave comment to go to prod.
### ``
# ...
main = ""
sans = ["", ""]
main = ""
sans = ["", ""]
main = ""
main = ""
# ...
You can provide SANs (alternative domains) to each main domain.
All domains must have A/AAAA records pointing to Træfik.
!!! warning
Take note that Let's Encrypt have [rate limiting](
Each domain & SANs will lead to a certificate request.
### `dnsProvider` (Deprecated)
!!! danger "DEPRECATED"
This option is deprecated.
Please refer to [DNS challenge provider section](/configuration/acme/#provider)
### `delayDontCheckDNS` (Deprecated)
!!! danger "DEPRECATED"
This option is deprecated.
Please refer to [DNS challenge delayBeforeCheck section](/configuration/acme/#delaybeforecheck)