
6.1 KiB

API Definition


# API definition
  # Name of the related entry point
  # Optional
  # Default: "traefik"
  entryPoint = "traefik"
  # Enabled Dashboard
  # Optional
  # Default: true
  dashboard = true
  # Enable debug mode.
  # This will install HTTP handlers to expose Go expvars under /debug/vars and
  # pprof profiling data under /debug/pprof.
  # Additionally, the log level will be set to DEBUG.
  # Optional
  # Default: false
  debug = true

For more customization, see entry points documentation and examples.

Web UI

Web UI Providers

Web UI Health


Path Method Description
/ GET Provides a simple HTML frontend of Træfik
/health GET json health metrics
/api GET Configuration for all providers
/api/providers GET Providers
/api/providers/{provider} GET, PUT Get or update provider (1)
/api/providers/{provider}/backends GET List backends
/api/providers/{provider}/backends/{backend} GET Get backend
/api/providers/{provider}/backends/{backend}/servers GET List servers in backend
/api/providers/{provider}/backends/{backend}/servers/{server} GET Get a server in a backend
/api/providers/{provider}/frontends GET List frontends
/api/providers/{provider}/frontends/{frontend} GET Get a frontend
/api/providers/{provider}/frontends/{frontend}/routes GET List routes in a frontend
/api/providers/{provider}/frontends/{frontend}/routes/{route} GET Get a route in a frontend

<1> See Rest for more information.

!!! warning For compatibility reason, when you activate the rest provider, you can use web or rest as provider value. But be careful, in the configuration for all providers the key is still web.

Provider configurations

curl -s "http://localhost:8080/api" | jq .
  "file": {
    "frontends": {
      "frontend2": {
        "routes": {
          "test_2": {
            "rule": "Path:/test"
        "backend": "backend1"
      "frontend1": {
        "routes": {
          "test_1": {
            "rule": "Host:test.localhost"
        "backend": "backend2"
    "backends": {
      "backend2": {
        "loadBalancer": {
          "method": "drr"
        "servers": {
          "server2": {
            "weight": 2,
            "URL": ""
          "server1": {
            "weight": 1,
            "url": ""
      "backend1": {
        "loadBalancer": {
          "method": "wrr"
        "circuitBreaker": {
          "expression": "NetworkErrorRatio() > 0.5"
        "servers": {
          "server2": {
            "weight": 1,
            "url": ""
          "server1": {
            "weight": 10,
            "url": ""


curl -s "http://localhost:8080/health" | jq .
  // Træfik PID
  "pid": 2458,
  // Træfik server uptime (formated time)
  "uptime": "39m6.885931127s",
  //  Træfik server uptime in seconds
  "uptime_sec": 2346.885931127,
  // current server date
  "time": "2015-10-07 18:32:24.362238909 +0200 CEST",
  // current server date in seconds
  "unixtime": 1444235544,
  // count HTTP response status code in realtime
  "status_code_count": {
    "502": 1
  // count HTTP response status code since Træfik started
  "total_status_code_count": {
    "200": 7,
    "404": 21,
    "502": 13
  // count HTTP response
  "count": 1,
  // count HTTP response
  "total_count": 41,
  // sum of all response time (formated time)
  "total_response_time": "35.456865605s",
  // sum of all response time in seconds
  "total_response_time_sec": 35.456865605,
  // average response time (formated time)
  "average_response_time": "864.8016ms",
  // average response time in seconds
  "average_response_time_sec": 0.8648016000000001,

  // request statistics [requires --statistics to be set]
  // ten most recent requests with 4xx and 5xx status codes
  "recent_errors": [
      // status code
      "status_code": 500,
      // description of status code
      "status": "Internal Server Error",
      // request HTTP method
      "method": "GET",
      // request hostname
      "host": "localhost",
      // request path
      "path": "/path",
      // RFC 3339 formatted date/time
      "time": "2016-10-21T16:59:15.418495872-07:00"


You can enable Traefik to export internal metrics to different monitoring systems.

  # ...

  # Enable more detailed statistics.

    # Number of recent errors logged.
    # Default: 10
    recentErrors = 10

  # ...
Path Method Description
/metrics GET Export internal metrics