2020-03-23 11:24:05 +01:00

13 KiB

Traefik & Marathon

Traefik can be configured to use Marathon as a provider. {: .subtitle }

See also Marathon user guide.

Routing Configuration

!!! info "Labels"

- Labels are case insensitive.
- The complete list of labels can be found in [the reference page](../../reference/dynamic-configuration/


Traefik creates, for each Marathon application, a corresponding service and router.

The Service automatically gets a server per instance of the application, and the router automatically gets a rule defined by defaultRule (if no rule for it was defined in labels).

Service definition

--8<-- "content/routing/providers/"

??? example "Automatic service assignment with labels"

Service myservice gets automatically assigned to router myproxy.

labels: {
  "traefik.http.routers.myproxy.rule": "Host(``)",
  "": "80"

??? example "Automatic service creation and assignment with labels"

No service specified or defined, and yet one gets automatically created.
and assigned to router myproxy.

labels: {
  "traefik.http.routers.myproxy.rule": "Host(``)"


To update the configuration of the Router automatically attached to the application, add labels starting with traefik.http.routers.{router-name-of-your-choice}. and followed by the option you want to change.

For example, to change the routing rule, you could add the label "traefik.http.routers.routername.rule": "Host(``)".

!!! warning "The character @ is not authorized in the router name <router_name>."

??? info "traefik.http.routers.<router_name>.rule"

See [rule](../routers/ for more information. 

"traefik.http.routers.myrouter.rule": "Host(``)"

??? info "traefik.http.routers.<router_name>.entrypoints"

See [entry points](../routers/ for more information. 

"traefik.http.routers.myrouter.entrypoints": "ep1,ep2"

??? info "traefik.http.routers.<router_name>.middlewares"

See [middlewares](../routers/ and [middlewares overview](../../middlewares/ for more information. 

"traefik.http.routers.myrouter.middlewares": "auth,prefix,cb"

??? info "traefik.http.routers.<router_name>.service"

See [rule](../routers/ for more information. 

"traefik.http.routers.myrouter.service": "myservice"

??? info "traefik.http.routers.<router_name>.tls"

See [tls](../routers/ for more information.

"traefik.http.routers.myrouter.tls": "true"

??? info "traefik.http.routers.<router_name>.tls.certresolver"

See [certResolver](../routers/ for more information.

"traefik.http.routers.myrouter.tls.certresolver": "myresolver"

??? info "traefik.http.routers.<router_name>[n].main"

See [domains](../routers/ for more information.

"[0].main": ""

??? info "traefik.http.routers.<router_name>[n].sans"

See [domains](../routers/ for more information.

"[0].sans": ","

??? info "traefik.http.routers.<router_name>.tls.options"

See [options](../routers/ for more information.

"traefik.http.routers.myrouter.tls.options": "foobar"

??? info "traefik.http.routers.<router_name>.priority"

See [priority](../routers/ for more information.

"traefik.http.routers.myrouter.priority": "42"


To update the configuration of the Service automatically attached to the container, add labels starting with{service-name-of-your-choice}., followed by the option you want to change.

For example, to change the passHostHeader behavior, you'd add the label "": "false".

!!! warning "The character @ is not authorized in the service name <service_name>."

??? info "<service_name>.loadbalancer.server.port"

Registers a port.
Useful when the container exposes multiples ports.

"": "8080"

??? info "<service_name>.loadbalancer.server.scheme"

Overrides the default scheme.

"": "http"

??? info "<service_name>.loadbalancer.passhostheader"

See [pass Host header](../services/ for more information.

"": "true"

??? info "<service_name>.loadbalancer.healthcheck.headers.<header_name>"

See [health check](../services/ for more information.

"": "foobar"

??? info "<service_name>.loadbalancer.healthcheck.hostname"

See [health check](../services/ for more information.

"": ""

??? info "<service_name>.loadbalancer.healthcheck.interval"

See [health check](../services/ for more information.

"": "10"

??? info "<service_name>.loadbalancer.healthcheck.path"

See [health check](../services/ for more information.

"": "/foo"

??? info "<service_name>.loadbalancer.healthcheck.port"

See [health check](../services/ for more information.

"": "42"

??? info "<service_name>.loadbalancer.healthcheck.scheme"

See [health check](../services/ for more information.

"": "http"

??? info "<service_name>.loadbalancer.healthcheck.timeout"

See [health check](../services/ for more information.

"": "10"

??? info "<service_name>.loadbalancer.sticky"

See [sticky sessions](../services/ for more information.

"": "true"

??? info "<service_name>.loadbalancer.sticky.cookie.httponly"

See [sticky sessions](../services/ for more information.

"": "true"

??? info "<service_name>"

See [sticky sessions](../services/ for more information.

"": "foobar"

??? info "<service_name>"

See [sticky sessions](../services/ for more information.

"": "true"

??? info "<service_name>.loadbalancer.sticky.cookie.samesite"

See [sticky sessions](../services/ for more information.

"": "none"

??? info "<service_name>.loadbalancer.responseforwarding.flushinterval"

See [response forwarding](../services/ for more information.

"": "10"


You can declare pieces of middleware using labels starting with traefik.http.middlewares.{middleware-name-of-your-choice}., followed by the middleware type/options.

For example, to declare a middleware redirectscheme named my-redirect, you'd write "": "https".

More information about available middlewares in the dedicated middlewares section.

!!! warning "The character @ is not authorized in the middleware name."

??? example "Declaring and Referencing a Middleware"

	"labels": {
		"": "https",
		"": "my-redirect"

!!! warning "Conflicts in Declaration"

If you declare multiple middleware with the same name but with different parameters, the middleware fails to be declared.


You can declare TCP Routers and/or Services using labels.

??? example "Declaring TCP Routers and Services"

	"labels": {
		"": "HostSNI(``)",
		"": "true",
		"": "4123"

!!! warning "TCP and HTTP"

If you declare a TCP Router/Service, it will prevent Traefik from automatically creating an HTTP Router/Service (like it does by default if no TCP Router/Service is defined).
You can declare both a TCP Router/Service and an HTTP Router/Service for the same container (but you have to do so manually).

TCP Routers

??? info "traefik.tcp.routers.<router_name>.entrypoints"

See [entry points](../routers/ for more information.

 "traefik.tcp.routers.mytcprouter.entrypoints": "ep1,ep2"

??? info "traefik.tcp.routers.<router_name>.rule"

See [rule](../routers/ for more information.

"traefik.tcp.routers.mytcprouter.rule": "HostSNI(``)"

??? info "traefik.tcp.routers.<router_name>.service"

See [service](../routers/ for more information.

"traefik.tcp.routers.mytcprouter.service": "myservice"

??? info "traefik.tcp.routers.<router_name>.tls"

See [TLS](../routers/ for more information.

"traefik.tcp.routers.mytcprouter.tls": "true

??? info "traefik.tcp.routers.<router_name>.tls.certresolver"

See [certResolver](../routers/ for more information.

"traefik.tcp.routers.mytcprouter.tls.certresolver": "myresolver"

??? info "traefik.tcp.routers.<router_name>[n].main"

See [domains](../routers/ for more information.

"[0].main": ""

??? info "traefik.tcp.routers.<router_name>[n].sans"

See [domains](../routers/ for more information.

"[0].sans": ","

??? info "traefik.tcp.routers.<router_name>.tls.options"

See [options](../routers/ for more information.

"traefik.tcp.routers.mytcprouter.tls.options": "mysoptions"

??? info "traefik.tcp.routers.<router_name>.tls.passthrough"

See [TLS](../routers/ for more information.

"traefik.tcp.routers.mytcprouter.tls.passthrough": "true"

TCP Services

??? info "<service_name>.loadbalancer.server.port"

Registers a port of the application.

"": "423"

??? info "<service_name>.loadbalancer.terminationdelay"

See [termination delay](../services/ for more information.

"": "100"

Specific Provider Options


"traefik.enable": "true"

Setting this option controls whether Traefik exposes the application. It overrides the value of exposedByDefault.


"traefik.marathon.ipadressidx": "1"

If a task has several IP addresses, this option specifies which one, in the list of available addresses, to select.