Let's take our example from the [overview](https://docs.traefik.io/#overview) again:
> Imagine that you have deployed a bunch of microservices on your infrastructure. You probably used a service registry (like etcd or consul) and/or an orchestrator (swarm, Mesos/Marathon) to manage all these services.
> If you want your users to access some of your microservices from the Internet, you will have to use a reverse proxy and configure it using virtual hosts or prefix paths:
> - domain `api.domain.com` will point the microservice `api` in your private network
> - path `domain.com/web` will point the microservice `web` in your private network
> - domain `backoffice.domain.com` will point the microservices `backoffice` in your private network, load-balancing between your multiple instances
> ![Architecture](img/architecture.png)
Let's zoom on Træfɪk and have an overview of its internal architecture:
- Incoming requests end on [entrypoints](#entrypoints), as the name suggests, they are the network entry points into Træfɪk (listening port, SSL, traffic redirection...).
Routes are created using requests fields (`Host`, `Path`, `Headers`...) and can match or not a request.
- The [frontend](#frontends) will then send the request to a [backend](#backends). A backend can be composed by one or more [servers](#servers), and by a load-balancing strategy.
- Finally, the [server](#servers) will forward the request to the corresponding microservice in the private network.
## Entrypoints
Entrypoints are the network entry points into Træfɪk.
-`Headers: Content-Type, application/json`: Headers adds a matcher for request header values. It accepts a sequence of key/value pairs to be matched.
-`HeadersRegexp: Content-Type, application/(text|json)`: Regular expressions can be used with headers as well. It accepts a sequence of key/value pairs, where the value has regex support.
-`Host: traefik.io, www.traefik.io`: Match request host with given host list.
-`HostRegexp: traefik.io, {subdomain:[a-z]+}.traefik.io`: Adds a matcher for the URL hosts. It accepts templates with zero or more URL variables enclosed by `{}`. Variables can define an optional regexp pattern to be matched.
-`Path: /products/, /articles/{category}/{id:[0-9]+}`: Path adds a matcher for the URL paths. It accepts templates with zero or more URL variables enclosed by `{}`.
-`frontend1` will forward the traffic to the `backend2` if the rule `Host:test.localhost,test2.localhost` is matched
-`frontend2` will forward the traffic to the `backend1` if the rule `Host:localhost,{subdomain:[a-z]+}.localhost` is matched (forwarding client `Host` header to the backend)
-`frontend3` will forward the traffic to the `backend2` if the rules `Host:test3.localhost`**AND**`Path:/test` are matched
-`drr`: Dynamic Round Robin: increases weights on servers that perform better than others. It also rolls back to original weights if the servers have changed.
A circuit breaker can also be applied to a backend, preventing high loads on failing servers.
Initial state is Standby. CB observes the statistics and does not modify the request.
Here is an example of backends and servers definition:
expression = "NetworkErrorRatio() > 0.5"
url = ""
weight = 10
url = ""
weight = 1
method = "drr"
url = ""
weight = 1
url = ""
weight = 2
- Two backends are defined: `backend1` and `backend2`
-`backend1` will forward the traffic to two servers: `"` with weight `10` and `` with weight `1` using default `wrr` load-balancing strategy.
-`backend2` will forward the traffic to two servers: `"` with weight `1` and `` with weight `2` using `drr` load-balancing strategy.
- a circuit breaker is added on `backend1` using the expression `NetworkErrorRatio() > 0.5`: watch error ratio over 10 second sliding window
List of Træfɪk availablecommands with description :
-`version` : Printversion
-`storeconfig` : Store the static traefik configuration into a Key-value stores.Please refer to the [Store Træfɪk configuration](/user-guide/kv-config/#store-trfk-configuration) section to get documentation on it.