Seth Cottle 4287e2b6bd LittleLink 2.0
Refactored `index.html` to be in alphabetical order. This will make it easier for people to quickly scan to find what they're looking for to remove anything they don't want. They can reorder in the priority that meets their needs.

Refactored `index.html` to streamline how each button line is showcased.

Refactored `brands.css` to be in alphabetical order.

Added to `brands.css` to include strokes around light and dark buttons that fail to meet background contrasts.

Icons are all now 24x24.

Quality controlled all icons and manually adjusted spacing.

Created a custom .SVG for any .PNG icons.

New LittleLink logo.
2023-04-28 22:19:02 -04:00

18 lines
3.1 KiB

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