*Your operating system distribution may already have packages for NVIDIA CUDA. Distro packages are often preferable, but instructions are distro-specific. Please consult distro-specific docs for dependencies if available!*
*Your operating system distribution may already have packages for AMD ROCm and CLBlast. Distro packages are often preferable, but instructions are distro-specific. Please consult distro-specific docs for dependencies if available!*
Install [CLBlast](https://github.com/CNugteren/CLBlast/blob/master/doc/installation.md) and [ROCm](https://rocm.docs.amd.com/en/latest/deploy/linux/quick_start.html) developement packages first, as well as `cmake` and `golang`.
If you have Docker available, you can build linux binaries with `./scripts/build_linux.sh` which has the CUDA and ROCm dependencies included. The resulting binary is placed in `./dist`
### Windows
Note: The windows build for Ollama is still under development.
Install required tools:
- MSVC toolchain - C/C++ and cmake as minimal requirements
- go version 1.20 or higher
- MinGW (pick one variant) with GCC.
go generate ./...
go build .
#### Windows CUDA (NVIDIA)
In addition to the common Windows development tools described above, install: