2023-07-05 01:06:46 -04:00

113 lines
2 KiB

# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/),
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
## [Unreleased]
## [0.1.68]
## [Added]
- (llama.cpp) Update llama.cpp
## [0.1.67]
## Fixed
- Fix performance bug in Llama model by pre-allocating memory tokens and logits.
- Fix bug in Llama model where the model was not free'd after use.
## [0.1.66]
## Added
- (llama.cpp) New model API
## Fixed
- Performance issue during eval caused by looped np.concatenate call
- State pickling issue when saving cache to disk
## [0.1.65]
### Added
- (llama.cpp) Fix struct misalignment bug
## [0.1.64]
### Added
- (llama.cpp) Update llama.cpp
- Fix docs for seed. Set -1 for random.
## [0.1.63]
### Added
- (llama.cpp) Add full gpu utilisation in CUDA
- (llama.cpp) Add get_vocab
- (llama.cpp) Add low_vram parameter
- (server) Add logit_bias parameter
## [0.1.62]
### Fixed
- Metal support working
- Cache re-enabled
## [0.1.61]
### Fixed
- Fix broken pip installation
## [0.1.60]
### NOTE
- This release was deleted due to a bug with the packaging system that caused pip installations to fail.
### Fixed
- Truncate max_tokens in create_completion so requested tokens doesn't exceed context size.
- Temporarily disable cache for completion requests
## [v0.1.59]
### Added
- (llama.cpp) k-quants support
- (server) mirostat sampling parameters to server
### Fixed
- Support both `.so` and `.dylib` for `libllama` on MacOS
## [v0.1.58]
### Added
- (llama.cpp) Metal Silicon support
## [v0.1.57]
### Added
- (llama.cpp) OpenLlama 3B support
## [v0.1.56]
### Added
- (misc) Added first version of the changelog
- (server) Use async routes
- (python-api) Use numpy for internal buffers to reduce memory usage and improve performance.
### Fixed
- (python-api) Performance bug in stop sequence check slowing down streaming.