2024-01-08 09:10:06 +01:00

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// Package ratelimiter implements a rate limiting and traffic shaping middleware with a set of token buckets.
package ratelimiter
import (
const (
typeName = "RateLimiter"
maxSources = 65536
// rateLimiter implements rate limiting and traffic shaping with a set of token buckets;
// one for each traffic source. The same parameters are applied to all the buckets.
type rateLimiter struct {
name string
rate rate.Limit // reqs/s
burst int64
// maxDelay is the maximum duration we're willing to wait for a bucket reservation to become effective, in nanoseconds.
// For now it is somewhat arbitrarily set to 1/(2*rate).
maxDelay time.Duration
// each rate limiter for a given source is stored in the buckets ttlmap.
// To keep this ttlmap constrained in size,
// each ratelimiter is "garbage collected" when it is considered expired.
// It is considered expired after it hasn't been used for ttl seconds.
ttl int
sourceMatcher utils.SourceExtractor
next http.Handler
buckets *ttlmap.TtlMap // actual buckets, keyed by source.
// New returns a rate limiter middleware.
func New(ctx context.Context, next http.Handler, config dynamic.RateLimit, name string) (http.Handler, error) {
logger := middlewares.GetLogger(ctx, name, typeName)
logger.Debug().Msg("Creating middleware")
ctxLog := logger.WithContext(ctx)
if config.SourceCriterion == nil ||
config.SourceCriterion.IPStrategy == nil &&
config.SourceCriterion.RequestHeaderName == "" && !config.SourceCriterion.RequestHost {
config.SourceCriterion = &dynamic.SourceCriterion{
IPStrategy: &dynamic.IPStrategy{},
sourceMatcher, err := middlewares.GetSourceExtractor(ctxLog, config.SourceCriterion)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
buckets, err := ttlmap.NewConcurrent(maxSources)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
burst := config.Burst
if burst < 1 {
burst = 1
period := time.Duration(config.Period)
if period < 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("negative value not valid for period: %v", period)
if period == 0 {
period = time.Second
// Initialized at rate.Inf to enforce no rate limiting when config.Average == 0
rtl := float64(rate.Inf)
// No need to set any particular value for maxDelay as the reservation's delay
// will be <= 0 in the Inf case (i.e. the average == 0 case).
var maxDelay time.Duration
if config.Average > 0 {
rtl = float64(config.Average*int64(time.Second)) / float64(period)
// maxDelay does not scale well for rates below 1,
// so we just cap it to the corresponding value, i.e. 0.5s, in order to keep the effective rate predictable.
// One alternative would be to switch to a no-reservation mode (Allow() method) whenever we are in such a low rate regime.
if rtl < 1 {
maxDelay = 500 * time.Millisecond
} else {
maxDelay = time.Second / (time.Duration(rtl) * 2)
// Make the ttl inversely proportional to how often a rate limiter is supposed to see any activity (when maxed out),
// for low rate limiters.
// Otherwise just make it a second for all the high rate limiters.
// Add an extra second in both cases for continuity between the two cases.
ttl := 1
if rtl >= 1 {
} else if rtl > 0 {
ttl += int(1 / rtl)
return &rateLimiter{
name: name,
rate: rate.Limit(rtl),
burst: burst,
maxDelay: maxDelay,
next: next,
sourceMatcher: sourceMatcher,
buckets: buckets,
ttl: ttl,
}, nil
func (rl *rateLimiter) GetTracingInformation() (string, string, trace.SpanKind) {
return, typeName, trace.SpanKindInternal
func (rl *rateLimiter) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
logger := middlewares.GetLogger(req.Context(),, typeName)
ctx := logger.WithContext(req.Context())
source, amount, err := rl.sourceMatcher.Extract(req)
if err != nil {
logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("Could not extract source of request")
http.Error(rw, "could not extract source of request", http.StatusInternalServerError)
if amount != 1 {
logger.Info().Msgf("ignoring token bucket amount > 1: %d", amount)
var bucket *rate.Limiter
if rlSource, exists := rl.buckets.Get(source); exists {
bucket = rlSource.(*rate.Limiter)
} else {
bucket = rate.NewLimiter(rl.rate, int(rl.burst))
// We Set even in the case where the source already exists,
// because we want to update the expiryTime everytime we get the source,
// as the expiryTime is supposed to reflect the activity (or lack thereof) on that source.
if err := rl.buckets.Set(source, bucket, rl.ttl); err != nil {
logger.Error().Err(err).Msg("Could not insert/update bucket")
tracing.SetStatusErrorf(req.Context(), "Could not insert/update bucket")
http.Error(rw, "could not insert/update bucket", http.StatusInternalServerError)
res := bucket.Reserve()
if !res.OK() {
tracing.SetStatusErrorf(req.Context(), "No bursty traffic allowed")
http.Error(rw, "No bursty traffic allowed", http.StatusTooManyRequests)
delay := res.Delay()
if delay > rl.maxDelay {
rl.serveDelayError(ctx, rw, delay)
time.Sleep(delay), req)
func (rl *rateLimiter) serveDelayError(ctx context.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, delay time.Duration) {
w.Header().Set("Retry-After", fmt.Sprintf("%.0f", math.Ceil(delay.Seconds())))
w.Header().Set("X-Retry-In", delay.String())
if _, err := w.Write([]byte(http.StatusText(http.StatusTooManyRequests))); err != nil {
log.Ctx(ctx).Error().Err(err).Msg("Could not serve 429")