2018-11-27 17:42:04 +01:00

322 lines
8.7 KiB

package configuration
import (
// EntryPoint holds an entry point configuration of the reverse proxy (ip, port, TLS...)
type EntryPoint struct {
Address string
TLS *tls.TLS `export:"true"`
Redirect *types.Redirect `export:"true"`
Auth *types.Auth `export:"true"`
WhiteList *types.WhiteList `export:"true"`
Compress *Compress `export:"true"`
ProxyProtocol *ProxyProtocol `export:"true"`
ForwardedHeaders *ForwardedHeaders `export:"true"`
ClientIPStrategy *types.IPStrategy `export:"true"`
// Compress contains compress configuration
type Compress struct{}
// ProxyProtocol contains Proxy-Protocol configuration
type ProxyProtocol struct {
Insecure bool `export:"true"`
TrustedIPs []string
// ForwardedHeaders Trust client forwarding headers
type ForwardedHeaders struct {
Insecure bool `export:"true"`
TrustedIPs []string
// EntryPoints holds entry points configuration of the reverse proxy (ip, port, TLS...)
type EntryPoints map[string]*EntryPoint
// String is the method to format the flag's value, part of the flag.Value interface.
// The String method's output will be used in diagnostics.
func (ep EntryPoints) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%+v", map[string]*EntryPoint(ep))
// Get return the EntryPoints map
func (ep *EntryPoints) Get() interface{} {
return *ep
// SetValue sets the EntryPoints map with val
func (ep *EntryPoints) SetValue(val interface{}) {
*ep = val.(EntryPoints)
// Type is type of the struct
func (ep *EntryPoints) Type() string {
return "entrypoints"
// Set is the method to set the flag value, part of the flag.Value interface.
// Set's argument is a string to be parsed to set the flag.
// It's a comma-separated list, so we split it.
func (ep *EntryPoints) Set(value string) error {
result := parseEntryPointsConfiguration(value)
var compress *Compress
if len(result["compress"]) > 0 {
compress = &Compress{}
configTLS, err := makeEntryPointTLS(result)
if err != nil {
return err
(*ep)[result["name"]] = &EntryPoint{
Address: result["address"],
TLS: configTLS,
Auth: makeEntryPointAuth(result),
Redirect: makeEntryPointRedirect(result),
Compress: compress,
WhiteList: makeWhiteList(result),
ProxyProtocol: makeEntryPointProxyProtocol(result),
ForwardedHeaders: makeEntryPointForwardedHeaders(result),
ClientIPStrategy: makeIPStrategy("clientipstrategy", result),
return nil
func makeWhiteList(result map[string]string) *types.WhiteList {
if rawRange, ok := result["whitelist_sourcerange"]; ok {
return &types.WhiteList{
SourceRange: strings.Split(rawRange, ","),
IPStrategy: makeIPStrategy("whitelist_ipstrategy", result),
return nil
func makeIPStrategy(prefix string, result map[string]string) *types.IPStrategy {
depth := toInt(result, prefix+"_depth")
excludedIPs := result[prefix+"_excludedips"]
if depth == 0 && len(excludedIPs) == 0 {
return nil
return &types.IPStrategy{
Depth: depth,
ExcludedIPs: strings.Split(excludedIPs, ","),
func makeEntryPointAuth(result map[string]string) *types.Auth {
var basic *types.Basic
if v, ok := result["auth_basic_users"]; ok {
basic = &types.Basic{
Realm: result["auth_basic_realm"],
Users: strings.Split(v, ","),
RemoveHeader: toBool(result, "auth_basic_removeheader"),
var digest *types.Digest
if v, ok := result["auth_digest_users"]; ok {
digest = &types.Digest{
Users: strings.Split(v, ","),
RemoveHeader: toBool(result, "auth_digest_removeheader"),
var forward *types.Forward
if address, ok := result["auth_forward_address"]; ok {
var clientTLS *types.ClientTLS
cert := result["auth_forward_tls_cert"]
key := result["auth_forward_tls_key"]
insecureSkipVerify := toBool(result, "auth_forward_tls_insecureskipverify")
if len(cert) > 0 && len(key) > 0 || insecureSkipVerify {
clientTLS = &types.ClientTLS{
CA: result["auth_forward_tls_ca"],
CAOptional: toBool(result, "auth_forward_tls_caoptional"),
Cert: cert,
Key: key,
InsecureSkipVerify: insecureSkipVerify,
var authResponseHeaders []string
if v, ok := result["auth_forward_authresponseheaders"]; ok {
authResponseHeaders = strings.Split(v, ",")
forward = &types.Forward{
Address: address,
TLS: clientTLS,
TrustForwardHeader: toBool(result, "auth_forward_trustforwardheader"),
AuthResponseHeaders: authResponseHeaders,
var auth *types.Auth
if basic != nil || digest != nil || forward != nil {
auth = &types.Auth{
Basic: basic,
Digest: digest,
Forward: forward,
HeaderField: result["auth_headerfield"],
return auth
func makeEntryPointProxyProtocol(result map[string]string) *ProxyProtocol {
var proxyProtocol *ProxyProtocol
ppTrustedIPs := result["proxyprotocol_trustedips"]
if len(result["proxyprotocol_insecure"]) > 0 || len(ppTrustedIPs) > 0 {
proxyProtocol = &ProxyProtocol{
Insecure: toBool(result, "proxyprotocol_insecure"),
if len(ppTrustedIPs) > 0 {
proxyProtocol.TrustedIPs = strings.Split(ppTrustedIPs, ",")
if proxyProtocol != nil && proxyProtocol.Insecure {
log.Warn("ProxyProtocol.insecure:true is dangerous. Please use 'ProxyProtocol.TrustedIPs:IPs' and remove 'ProxyProtocol.insecure:true'")
return proxyProtocol
func makeEntryPointForwardedHeaders(result map[string]string) *ForwardedHeaders {
forwardedHeaders := &ForwardedHeaders{}
if _, ok := result["forwardedheaders_insecure"]; ok {
forwardedHeaders.Insecure = toBool(result, "forwardedheaders_insecure")
fhTrustedIPs := result["forwardedheaders_trustedips"]
if len(fhTrustedIPs) > 0 {
// TODO must be removed in the next breaking version.
forwardedHeaders.Insecure = toBool(result, "forwardedheaders_insecure")
forwardedHeaders.TrustedIPs = strings.Split(fhTrustedIPs, ",")
return forwardedHeaders
func makeEntryPointRedirect(result map[string]string) *types.Redirect {
var redirect *types.Redirect
if len(result["redirect_entrypoint"]) > 0 || len(result["redirect_regex"]) > 0 || len(result["redirect_replacement"]) > 0 {
redirect = &types.Redirect{
EntryPoint: result["redirect_entrypoint"],
Regex: result["redirect_regex"],
Replacement: result["redirect_replacement"],
Permanent: toBool(result, "redirect_permanent"),
return redirect
func makeEntryPointTLS(result map[string]string) (*tls.TLS, error) {
var configTLS *tls.TLS
if len(result["tls"]) > 0 {
certs := tls.Certificates{}
if err := certs.Set(result["tls"]); err != nil {
return nil, err
configTLS = &tls.TLS{
Certificates: certs,
} else if len(result["tls_acme"]) > 0 {
configTLS = &tls.TLS{
Certificates: tls.Certificates{},
if configTLS != nil {
if len(result["ca"]) > 0 {
files := tls.FilesOrContents{}
optional := toBool(result, "ca_optional")
configTLS.ClientCA = tls.ClientCA{
Files: files,
Optional: optional,
if len(result["tls_minversion"]) > 0 {
configTLS.MinVersion = result["tls_minversion"]
if len(result["tls_ciphersuites"]) > 0 {
configTLS.CipherSuites = strings.Split(result["tls_ciphersuites"], ",")
if len(result["tls_snistrict"]) > 0 {
configTLS.SniStrict = toBool(result, "tls_snistrict")
if len(result["tls_defaultcertificate_cert"]) > 0 && len(result["tls_defaultcertificate_key"]) > 0 {
configTLS.DefaultCertificate = &tls.Certificate{
CertFile: tls.FileOrContent(result["tls_defaultcertificate_cert"]),
KeyFile: tls.FileOrContent(result["tls_defaultcertificate_key"]),
return configTLS, nil
func parseEntryPointsConfiguration(raw string) map[string]string {
sections := strings.Fields(raw)
config := make(map[string]string)
for _, part := range sections {
field := strings.SplitN(part, ":", 2)
name := strings.ToLower(strings.Replace(field[0], ".", "_", -1))
if len(field) > 1 {
config[name] = field[1]
} else {
if strings.EqualFold(name, "TLS") {
config["tls_acme"] = "TLS"
} else {
config[name] = ""
return config
func toBool(conf map[string]string, key string) bool {
if val, ok := conf[key]; ok {
return strings.EqualFold(val, "true") ||
strings.EqualFold(val, "enable") ||
strings.EqualFold(val, "on")
return false
func toInt(conf map[string]string, key string) int {
if val, ok := conf[key]; ok {
intVal, err := strconv.Atoi(val)
if err != nil {
return 0
return intVal
return 0