2019-02-18 16:52:03 +01:00

119 lines
2.9 KiB

package instana
import (
ot ""
const (
// MaxLogsPerSpan The maximum number of logs allowed on a span.
MaxLogsPerSpan = 2
type tracerS struct {
options TracerOptions
textPropagator *textMapPropagator
func (r *tracerS) Inject(sc ot.SpanContext, format interface{}, carrier interface{}) error {
switch format {
case ot.TextMap, ot.HTTPHeaders:
return r.textPropagator.inject(sc, carrier)
return ot.ErrUnsupportedFormat
func (r *tracerS) Extract(format interface{}, carrier interface{}) (ot.SpanContext, error) {
switch format {
case ot.TextMap, ot.HTTPHeaders:
return r.textPropagator.extract(carrier)
return nil, ot.ErrUnsupportedFormat
func (r *tracerS) StartSpan(operationName string, opts ...ot.StartSpanOption) ot.Span {
sso := ot.StartSpanOptions{}
for _, o := range opts {
return r.StartSpanWithOptions(operationName, sso)
func (r *tracerS) StartSpanWithOptions(operationName string, opts ot.StartSpanOptions) ot.Span {
startTime := opts.StartTime
if startTime.IsZero() {
startTime = time.Now()
tags := opts.Tags
span := &spanS{}
for _, ref := range opts.References {
switch ref.Type {
case ot.ChildOfRef, ot.FollowsFromRef:
refCtx := ref.ReferencedContext.(SpanContext)
span.context.TraceID = refCtx.TraceID
span.context.SpanID = randomID()
span.context.Sampled = refCtx.Sampled
span.ParentSpanID = refCtx.SpanID
if l := len(refCtx.Baggage); l > 0 {
span.context.Baggage = make(map[string]string, l)
for k, v := range refCtx.Baggage {
span.context.Baggage[k] = v
break Loop
if span.context.TraceID == 0 {
span.context.SpanID = randomID()
span.context.TraceID = span.context.SpanID
span.context.Sampled = r.options.ShouldSample(span.context.TraceID)
return r.startSpanInternal(span, operationName, startTime, tags)
func (r *tracerS) startSpanInternal(span *spanS, operationName string, startTime time.Time, tags ot.Tags) ot.Span {
span.tracer = r
span.Operation = operationName
span.Start = startTime
span.Duration = -1
span.Tags = tags
return span
func shouldSample(traceID int64) bool {
return false
// NewTracer Get a new Tracer with the default options applied.
func NewTracer() ot.Tracer {
return NewTracerWithOptions(&Options{})
// NewTracerWithOptions Get a new Tracer with the specified options.
func NewTracerWithOptions(options *Options) ot.Tracer {
return NewTracerWithEverything(options, NewRecorder())
// NewTracerWithEverything Get a new Tracer with the works.
func NewTracerWithEverything(options *Options, recorder SpanRecorder) ot.Tracer {
ret := &tracerS{options: TracerOptions{
Recorder: recorder,
ShouldSample: shouldSample,
MaxLogsPerSpan: MaxLogsPerSpan}}
ret.textPropagator = &textMapPropagator{ret}
return ret