2024-06-05 00:05:37 +02:00

274 lines
5.9 KiB

package http
import (
var httpFuncs = map[string]func(*matchersTree, ...string) error{
"ClientIP": expectNParameters(clientIP, 1),
"Method": expectNParameters(method, 1),
"Host": expectNParameters(host, 1),
"HostRegexp": expectNParameters(hostRegexp, 1),
"Path": expectNParameters(path, 1),
"PathRegexp": expectNParameters(pathRegexp, 1),
"PathPrefix": expectNParameters(pathPrefix, 1),
"Header": expectNParameters(header, 2),
"HeaderRegexp": expectNParameters(headerRegexp, 2),
"Query": expectNParameters(query, 1, 2),
"QueryRegexp": expectNParameters(queryRegexp, 1, 2),
func expectNParameters(fn func(*matchersTree, ...string) error, n func(*matchersTree, ...string) error {
return func(tree *matchersTree, s ...string) error {
if !slices.Contains(n, len(s)) {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected number of parameters; got %d, expected one of %v", len(s), n)
return fn(tree, s...)
func clientIP(tree *matchersTree, clientIP ...string) error {
checker, err := ip.NewChecker(clientIP)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("initializing IP checker for ClientIP matcher: %w", err)
strategy := ip.RemoteAddrStrategy{}
tree.matcher = func(req *http.Request) bool {
ok, err := checker.Contains(strategy.GetIP(req))
if err != nil {
log.Ctx(req.Context()).Warn().Err(err).Msg("ClientIP matcher: could not match remote address")
return false
return ok
return nil
func method(tree *matchersTree, methods ...string) error {
method := strings.ToUpper(methods[0])
tree.matcher = func(req *http.Request) bool {
return method == req.Method
return nil
func host(tree *matchersTree, hosts ...string) error {
host := hosts[0]
if !IsASCII(host) {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid value %q for Host matcher, non-ASCII characters are not allowed", host)
host = strings.ToLower(host)
tree.matcher = func(req *http.Request) bool {
reqHost := requestdecorator.GetCanonizedHost(req.Context())
if len(reqHost) == 0 {
return false
if reqHost == host {
return true
flatH := requestdecorator.GetCNAMEFlatten(req.Context())
if len(flatH) > 0 {
return strings.EqualFold(flatH, host)
// Check for match on trailing period on host
if last := len(host) - 1; last >= 0 && host[last] == '.' {
h := host[:last]
if reqHost == h {
return true
// Check for match on trailing period on request
if last := len(reqHost) - 1; last >= 0 && reqHost[last] == '.' {
h := reqHost[:last]
if h == host {
return true
return false
return nil
func hostRegexp(tree *matchersTree, hosts ...string) error {
host := hosts[0]
if !IsASCII(host) {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid value %q for HostRegexp matcher, non-ASCII characters are not allowed", host)
re, err := regexp.Compile(host)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("compiling HostRegexp matcher: %w", err)
tree.matcher = func(req *http.Request) bool {
return re.MatchString(requestdecorator.GetCanonizedHost(req.Context())) ||
return nil
func path(tree *matchersTree, paths ...string) error {
path := paths[0]
if !strings.HasPrefix(path, "/") {
return fmt.Errorf("path %q does not start with a '/'", path)
tree.matcher = func(req *http.Request) bool {
return req.URL.Path == path
return nil
func pathRegexp(tree *matchersTree, paths ...string) error {
path := paths[0]
re, err := regexp.Compile(path)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("compiling PathPrefix matcher: %w", err)
tree.matcher = func(req *http.Request) bool {
return re.MatchString(req.URL.Path)
return nil
func pathPrefix(tree *matchersTree, paths ...string) error {
path := paths[0]
if !strings.HasPrefix(path, "/") {
return fmt.Errorf("path %q does not start with a '/'", path)
tree.matcher = func(req *http.Request) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(req.URL.Path, path)
return nil
func header(tree *matchersTree, headers ...string) error {
key, value := http.CanonicalHeaderKey(headers[0]), headers[1]
tree.matcher = func(req *http.Request) bool {
for _, headerValue := range req.Header[key] {
if headerValue == value {
return true
return false
return nil
func headerRegexp(tree *matchersTree, headers ...string) error {
key, value := http.CanonicalHeaderKey(headers[0]), headers[1]
re, err := regexp.Compile(value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("compiling HeaderRegexp matcher: %w", err)
tree.matcher = func(req *http.Request) bool {
for _, headerValue := range req.Header[key] {
if re.MatchString(headerValue) {
return true
return false
return nil
func query(tree *matchersTree, queries ...string) error {
key := queries[0]
var value string
if len(queries) == 2 {
value = queries[1]
tree.matcher = func(req *http.Request) bool {
values, ok := req.URL.Query()[key]
if !ok {
return false
return slices.Contains(values, value)
return nil
func queryRegexp(tree *matchersTree, queries ...string) error {
if len(queries) == 1 {
return query(tree, queries...)
key, value := queries[0], queries[1]
re, err := regexp.Compile(value)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("compiling QueryRegexp matcher: %w", err)
tree.matcher = func(req *http.Request) bool {
values, ok := req.URL.Query()[key]
if !ok {
return false
idx := slices.IndexFunc(values, func(value string) bool {
return re.MatchString(value)
return idx >= 0
return nil
// IsASCII checks if the given string contains only ASCII characters.
func IsASCII(s string) bool {
for i := range len(s) {
if s[i] >= utf8.RuneSelf {
return false
return true