2024-09-27 12:12:05 +02:00

407 lines
14 KiB

package gateway
import (
corev1 ""
metav1 ""
ktypes ""
gatev1 ""
// TODO: as described in the specification, we should check for hostname conflicts between HTTP and GRPC routes.
func (p *Provider) loadGRPCRoutes(ctx context.Context, gatewayListeners []gatewayListener, conf *dynamic.Configuration) {
routes, err := p.client.ListGRPCRoutes()
if err != nil {
log.Ctx(ctx).Error().Err(err).Msg("Unable to list GRPCRoutes")
for _, route := range routes {
logger := log.Ctx(ctx).With().
Str("grpc_route", route.Name).
Str("namespace", route.Namespace).
var parentStatuses []gatev1.RouteParentStatus
for _, parentRef := range route.Spec.ParentRefs {
parentStatus := &gatev1.RouteParentStatus{
ParentRef: parentRef,
ControllerName: controllerName,
Conditions: []metav1.Condition{
Type: string(gatev1.RouteConditionAccepted),
Status: metav1.ConditionFalse,
ObservedGeneration: route.Generation,
LastTransitionTime: metav1.Now(),
Reason: string(gatev1.RouteReasonNoMatchingParent),
for _, listener := range gatewayListeners {
accepted := true
if !matchListener(listener, route.Namespace, parentRef) {
accepted = false
if accepted && !allowRoute(listener, route.Namespace, kindGRPCRoute) {
parentStatus.Conditions = updateRouteConditionAccepted(parentStatus.Conditions, string(gatev1.RouteReasonNotAllowedByListeners))
accepted = false
hostnames, ok := findMatchingHostnames(listener.Hostname, route.Spec.Hostnames)
if accepted && !ok {
parentStatus.Conditions = updateRouteConditionAccepted(parentStatus.Conditions, string(gatev1.RouteReasonNoMatchingListenerHostname))
accepted = false
if accepted {
// Gateway listener should have AttachedRoutes set even when Gateway has unresolved refs.
// Only consider the route attached if the listener is in an "attached" state.
if listener.Attached {
parentStatus.Conditions = updateRouteConditionAccepted(parentStatus.Conditions, string(gatev1.RouteReasonAccepted))
routeConf, resolveRefCondition := p.loadGRPCRoute(logger.WithContext(ctx), listener, route, hostnames)
if accepted && listener.Attached {
mergeHTTPConfiguration(routeConf, conf)
parentStatus.Conditions = upsertRouteConditionResolvedRefs(parentStatus.Conditions, resolveRefCondition)
parentStatuses = append(parentStatuses, *parentStatus)
status := gatev1.GRPCRouteStatus{
RouteStatus: gatev1.RouteStatus{
Parents: parentStatuses,
if err := p.client.UpdateGRPCRouteStatus(ctx, ktypes.NamespacedName{Namespace: route.Namespace, Name: route.Name}, status); err != nil {
Msg("Unable to update GRPCRoute status")
func (p *Provider) loadGRPCRoute(ctx context.Context, listener gatewayListener, route *gatev1.GRPCRoute, hostnames []gatev1.Hostname) (*dynamic.Configuration, metav1.Condition) {
conf := &dynamic.Configuration{
HTTP: &dynamic.HTTPConfiguration{
Routers: make(map[string]*dynamic.Router),
Middlewares: make(map[string]*dynamic.Middleware),
Services: make(map[string]*dynamic.Service),
ServersTransports: make(map[string]*dynamic.ServersTransport),
condition := metav1.Condition{
Type: string(gatev1.RouteConditionResolvedRefs),
Status: metav1.ConditionTrue,
ObservedGeneration: route.Generation,
LastTransitionTime: metav1.Now(),
Reason: string(gatev1.RouteConditionResolvedRefs),
for ri, routeRule := range route.Spec.Rules {
// Adding the gateway desc and the entryPoint desc prevents overlapping of routers build from the same routes.
routeKey := provider.Normalize(fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s-%s-%d", route.Namespace, route.Name, listener.GWName, listener.EPName, ri))
matches := routeRule.Matches
if len(matches) == 0 {
matches = []gatev1.GRPCRouteMatch{{}}
for _, match := range matches {
rule, priority := buildGRPCMatchRule(hostnames, match)
router := dynamic.Router{
RuleSyntax: "v3",
Rule: rule,
Priority: priority,
EntryPoints: []string{listener.EPName},
if listener.Protocol == gatev1.HTTPSProtocolType {
router.TLS = &dynamic.RouterTLSConfig{}
var err error
routerName := makeRouterName(rule, routeKey)
router.Middlewares, err = p.loadGRPCMiddlewares(conf, route.Namespace, routerName, routeRule.Filters)
switch {
case err != nil:
log.Ctx(ctx).Error().Err(err).Msg("Unable to load GRPC route filters")
errWrrName := routerName + "-err-wrr"
conf.HTTP.Services[errWrrName] = &dynamic.Service{
Weighted: &dynamic.WeightedRoundRobin{
Services: []dynamic.WRRService{
Name: "invalid-grpcroute-filter",
GRPCStatus: &dynamic.GRPCStatus{
Code: codes.Unavailable,
Msg: "Service Unavailable",
Weight: ptr.To(1),
router.Service = errWrrName
var serviceCondition *metav1.Condition
router.Service, serviceCondition = p.loadGRPCService(conf, routeKey, routeRule, route)
if serviceCondition != nil {
condition = *serviceCondition
conf.HTTP.Routers[routerName] = &router
return conf, condition
func (p *Provider) loadGRPCService(conf *dynamic.Configuration, routeKey string, routeRule gatev1.GRPCRouteRule, route *gatev1.GRPCRoute) (string, *metav1.Condition) {
name := routeKey + "-wrr"
if _, ok := conf.HTTP.Services[name]; ok {
return name, nil
var wrr dynamic.WeightedRoundRobin
var condition *metav1.Condition
for _, backendRef := range routeRule.BackendRefs {
svcName, svc, errCondition := p.loadGRPCBackendRef(route, backendRef)
weight := ptr.To(int(ptr.Deref(backendRef.Weight, 1)))
if errCondition != nil {
condition = errCondition
wrr.Services = append(wrr.Services, dynamic.WRRService{
Name: svcName,
GRPCStatus: &dynamic.GRPCStatus{
Code: codes.Unavailable,
Msg: "Service Unavailable",
Weight: weight,
if svc != nil {
conf.HTTP.Services[svcName] = svc
wrr.Services = append(wrr.Services, dynamic.WRRService{
Name: svcName,
Weight: weight,
conf.HTTP.Services[name] = &dynamic.Service{Weighted: &wrr}
return name, condition
func (p *Provider) loadGRPCBackendRef(route *gatev1.GRPCRoute, backendRef gatev1.GRPCBackendRef) (string, *dynamic.Service, *metav1.Condition) {
kind := ptr.Deref(backendRef.Kind, kindService)
group := groupCore
if backendRef.Group != nil && *backendRef.Group != "" {
group = string(*backendRef.Group)
namespace := route.Namespace
if backendRef.Namespace != nil && *backendRef.Namespace != "" {
namespace = string(*backendRef.Namespace)
serviceName := provider.Normalize(namespace + "-" + string(backendRef.Name))
if group != groupCore || kind != kindService {
return serviceName, nil, &metav1.Condition{
Type: string(gatev1.RouteConditionResolvedRefs),
Status: metav1.ConditionFalse,
ObservedGeneration: route.Generation,
LastTransitionTime: metav1.Now(),
Reason: string(gatev1.RouteReasonInvalidKind),
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Cannot load GRPCBackendRef %s/%s/%s/%s: only Kubernetes services are supported", group, kind, namespace, backendRef.Name),
if err := p.isReferenceGranted(kindGRPCRoute, route.Namespace, group, string(kind), string(backendRef.Name), namespace); err != nil {
return serviceName, nil, &metav1.Condition{
Type: string(gatev1.RouteConditionResolvedRefs),
Status: metav1.ConditionFalse,
ObservedGeneration: route.Generation,
LastTransitionTime: metav1.Now(),
Reason: string(gatev1.RouteReasonRefNotPermitted),
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Cannot load GRPCBackendRef %s/%s/%s/%s: %s", group, kind, namespace, backendRef.Name, err),
port := ptr.Deref(backendRef.Port, gatev1.PortNumber(0))
if port == 0 {
return serviceName, nil, &metav1.Condition{
Type: string(gatev1.RouteConditionResolvedRefs),
Status: metav1.ConditionFalse,
ObservedGeneration: route.Generation,
LastTransitionTime: metav1.Now(),
Reason: string(gatev1.RouteReasonUnsupportedProtocol),
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Cannot load GRPCBackendRef %s/%s/%s/%s: port is required", group, kind, namespace, backendRef.Name),
portStr := strconv.FormatInt(int64(port), 10)
serviceName = provider.Normalize(serviceName + "-" + portStr)
lb, errCondition := p.loadGRPCServers(namespace, route, backendRef)
if errCondition != nil {
return serviceName, nil, errCondition
return serviceName, &dynamic.Service{LoadBalancer: lb}, nil
func (p *Provider) loadGRPCMiddlewares(conf *dynamic.Configuration, namespace, routerName string, filters []gatev1.GRPCRouteFilter) ([]string, error) {
middlewares := make(map[string]*dynamic.Middleware)
for i, filter := range filters {
name := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%d", routerName, strings.ToLower(string(filter.Type)), i)
switch filter.Type {
case gatev1.GRPCRouteFilterRequestHeaderModifier:
middlewares[name] = createRequestHeaderModifier(filter.RequestHeaderModifier)
case gatev1.GRPCRouteFilterExtensionRef:
name, middleware, err := p.loadHTTPRouteFilterExtensionRef(namespace, filter.ExtensionRef)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("loading ExtensionRef filter %s: %w", filter.Type, err)
middlewares[name] = middleware
// As per the spec:
// In all cases where incompatible or unsupported filters are
// specified, implementations MUST add a warning condition to
// status.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported filter %s", filter.Type)
var middlewareNames []string
for name, middleware := range middlewares {
if middleware != nil {
conf.HTTP.Middlewares[name] = middleware
middlewareNames = append(middlewareNames, name)
return middlewareNames, nil
func (p *Provider) loadGRPCServers(namespace string, route *gatev1.GRPCRoute, backendRef gatev1.GRPCBackendRef) (*dynamic.ServersLoadBalancer, *metav1.Condition) {
backendAddresses, svcPort, err := p.getBackendAddresses(namespace, backendRef.BackendRef)
if err != nil {
return nil, &metav1.Condition{
Type: string(gatev1.RouteConditionResolvedRefs),
Status: metav1.ConditionFalse,
ObservedGeneration: route.Generation,
LastTransitionTime: metav1.Now(),
Reason: string(gatev1.RouteReasonBackendNotFound),
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Cannot load GRPCBackendRef %s/%s: %s", namespace, backendRef.Name, err),
if svcPort.Protocol != corev1.ProtocolTCP {
return nil, &metav1.Condition{
Type: string(gatev1.RouteConditionResolvedRefs),
Status: metav1.ConditionFalse,
ObservedGeneration: route.Generation,
LastTransitionTime: metav1.Now(),
Reason: string(gatev1.RouteReasonUnsupportedProtocol),
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Cannot load GRPCBackendRef %s/%s: only TCP protocol is supported", namespace, backendRef.Name),
if svcPort.AppProtocol != nil && *svcPort.AppProtocol != appProtocolH2C {
return nil, &metav1.Condition{
Type: string(gatev1.RouteConditionResolvedRefs),
Status: metav1.ConditionFalse,
ObservedGeneration: route.Generation,
LastTransitionTime: metav1.Now(),
Reason: string(gatev1.RouteReasonUnsupportedProtocol),
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Cannot load GRPCBackendRef %s/%s: only appProtocol is supported", namespace, backendRef.Name),
lb := &dynamic.ServersLoadBalancer{}
for _, ba := range backendAddresses {
lb.Servers = append(lb.Servers, dynamic.Server{
URL: fmt.Sprintf("h2c://%s", net.JoinHostPort(ba.Address, strconv.Itoa(int(ba.Port)))),
return lb, nil
func buildGRPCMatchRule(hostnames []gatev1.Hostname, match gatev1.GRPCRouteMatch) (string, int) {
var matchRules []string
methodRule := buildGRPCMethodRule(match.Method)
matchRules = append(matchRules, methodRule)
headerRules := buildGRPCHeaderRules(match.Headers)
matchRules = append(matchRules, headerRules...)
matchRulesStr := strings.Join(matchRules, " && ")
hostRule, priority := buildHostRule(hostnames)
if hostRule == "" {
return matchRulesStr, len(matchRulesStr)
return hostRule + " && " + matchRulesStr, priority + len(matchRulesStr)
func buildGRPCMethodRule(method *gatev1.GRPCMethodMatch) string {
if method == nil {
return "PathPrefix(`/`)"
sExpr := "[^/]+"
if s := ptr.Deref(method.Service, ""); s != "" {
sExpr = s
mExpr := "[^/]+"
if m := ptr.Deref(method.Method, ""); m != "" {
mExpr = m
return fmt.Sprintf("PathRegexp(`/%s/%s`)", sExpr, mExpr)
func buildGRPCHeaderRules(headers []gatev1.GRPCHeaderMatch) []string {
var rules []string
for _, header := range headers {
switch ptr.Deref(header.Type, gatev1.GRPCHeaderMatchExact) {
case gatev1.GRPCHeaderMatchExact:
rules = append(rules, fmt.Sprintf("Header(`%s`,`%s`)", header.Name, header.Value))
case gatev1.GRPCHeaderMatchRegularExpression:
rules = append(rules, fmt.Sprintf("HeaderRegexp(`%s`,`%s`)", header.Name, header.Value))
return rules