2019-07-18 21:36:05 +02:00

258 lines
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package tracer
import (
// config holds the tracer configuration.
type config struct {
// debug, when true, writes details to logs.
debug bool
// serviceName specifies the name of this application.
serviceName string
// sampler specifies the sampler that will be used for sampling traces.
sampler Sampler
// agentAddr specifies the hostname and port of the agent where the traces
// are sent to.
agentAddr string
// globalTags holds a set of tags that will be automatically applied to
// all spans.
globalTags map[string]interface{}
// transport specifies the Transport interface which will be used to send data to the agent.
transport transport
// propagator propagates span context cross-process
propagator Propagator
// httpRoundTripper defines the http.RoundTripper used by the agent transport.
httpRoundTripper http.RoundTripper
// hostname is automatically assigned when the DD_TRACE_REPORT_HOSTNAME is set to true,
// and is added as a special tag to the root span of traces.
hostname string
// logger specifies the logger to use when printing errors. If not specified, the "log" package
// will be used.
logger ddtrace.Logger
// StartOption represents a function that can be provided as a parameter to Start.
type StartOption func(*config)
// defaults sets the default values for a config.
func defaults(c *config) {
c.serviceName = filepath.Base(os.Args[0])
c.sampler = NewAllSampler()
c.agentAddr = defaultAddress
if os.Getenv("DD_TRACE_REPORT_HOSTNAME") == "true" {
var err error
c.hostname, err = os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
log.Warn("unable to look up hostname: %v", err)
// WithLogger sets logger as the tracer's error printer.
func WithLogger(logger ddtrace.Logger) StartOption {
return func(c *config) {
c.logger = logger
// WithPrioritySampling is deprecated, and priority sampling is enabled by default.
// When using distributed tracing, the priority sampling value is propagated in order to
// get all the parts of a distributed trace sampled.
// To learn more about priority sampling, please visit:
func WithPrioritySampling() StartOption {
return func(c *config) {
// This is now enabled by default.
// WithDebugMode enables debug mode on the tracer, resulting in more verbose logging.
func WithDebugMode(enabled bool) StartOption {
return func(c *config) {
c.debug = enabled
// WithPropagator sets an alternative propagator to be used by the tracer.
func WithPropagator(p Propagator) StartOption {
return func(c *config) {
c.propagator = p
// WithServiceName sets the default service name to be used with the tracer.
func WithServiceName(name string) StartOption {
return func(c *config) {
c.serviceName = name
// WithAgentAddr sets the address where the agent is located. The default is
// localhost:8126. It should contain both host and port.
func WithAgentAddr(addr string) StartOption {
return func(c *config) {
c.agentAddr = addr
// WithGlobalTag sets a key/value pair which will be set as a tag on all spans
// created by tracer. This option may be used multiple times.
func WithGlobalTag(k string, v interface{}) StartOption {
return func(c *config) {
if c.globalTags == nil {
c.globalTags = make(map[string]interface{})
c.globalTags[k] = v
// WithSampler sets the given sampler to be used with the tracer. By default
// an all-permissive sampler is used.
func WithSampler(s Sampler) StartOption {
return func(c *config) {
c.sampler = s
// WithHTTPRoundTripper allows customizing the underlying HTTP transport for
// emitting spans. This is useful for advanced customization such as emitting
// spans to a unix domain socket. The default should be used in most cases.
func WithHTTPRoundTripper(r http.RoundTripper) StartOption {
return func(c *config) {
c.httpRoundTripper = r
// WithAnalytics allows specifying whether Trace Search & Analytics should be enabled
// for integrations.
func WithAnalytics(on bool) StartOption {
if on {
return WithAnalyticsRate(1.0)
return WithAnalyticsRate(0.0)
// WithAnalyticsRate sets the global sampling rate for sampling APM events.
func WithAnalyticsRate(rate float64) StartOption {
return func(_ *config) {
// StartSpanOption is a configuration option for StartSpan. It is aliased in order
// to help godoc group all the functions returning it together. It is considered
// more correct to refer to it as the type as the origin, ddtrace.StartSpanOption.
type StartSpanOption = ddtrace.StartSpanOption
// Tag sets the given key/value pair as a tag on the started Span.
func Tag(k string, v interface{}) StartSpanOption {
return func(cfg *ddtrace.StartSpanConfig) {
if cfg.Tags == nil {
cfg.Tags = map[string]interface{}{}
cfg.Tags[k] = v
// ServiceName sets the given service name on the started span. For example "http.server".
func ServiceName(name string) StartSpanOption {
return Tag(ext.ServiceName, name)
// ResourceName sets the given resource name on the started span. A resource could
// be an SQL query, a URL, an RPC method or something else.
func ResourceName(name string) StartSpanOption {
return Tag(ext.ResourceName, name)
// SpanType sets the given span type on the started span. Some examples in the case of
// the Datadog APM product could be "web", "db" or "cache".
func SpanType(name string) StartSpanOption {
return Tag(ext.SpanType, name)
// WithSpanID sets the SpanID on the started span, instead of using a random number.
// If there is no parent Span (eg from ChildOf), then the TraceID will also be set to the
// value given here.
func WithSpanID(id uint64) StartSpanOption {
return func(cfg *ddtrace.StartSpanConfig) {
cfg.SpanID = id
// ChildOf tells StartSpan to use the given span context as a parent for the
// created span.
func ChildOf(ctx ddtrace.SpanContext) StartSpanOption {
return func(cfg *ddtrace.StartSpanConfig) {
cfg.Parent = ctx
// StartTime sets a custom time as the start time for the created span. By
// default a span is started using the creation time.
func StartTime(t time.Time) StartSpanOption {
return func(cfg *ddtrace.StartSpanConfig) {
cfg.StartTime = t
// FinishOption is a configuration option for FinishSpan. It is aliased in order
// to help godoc group all the functions returning it together. It is considered
// more correct to refer to it as the type as the origin, ddtrace.FinishOption.
type FinishOption = ddtrace.FinishOption
// FinishTime sets the given time as the finishing time for the span. By default,
// the current time is used.
func FinishTime(t time.Time) FinishOption {
return func(cfg *ddtrace.FinishConfig) {
cfg.FinishTime = t
// WithError marks the span as having had an error. It uses the information from
// err to set tags such as the error message, error type and stack trace. It has
// no effect if the error is nil.
func WithError(err error) FinishOption {
return func(cfg *ddtrace.FinishConfig) {
cfg.Error = err
// NoDebugStack prevents any error presented using the WithError finishing option
// from generating a stack trace. This is useful in situations where errors are frequent
// and performance is critical.
func NoDebugStack() FinishOption {
return func(cfg *ddtrace.FinishConfig) {
cfg.NoDebugStack = true
// StackFrames limits the number of stack frames included into erroneous spans to n, starting from skip.
func StackFrames(n, skip uint) FinishOption {
if n == 0 {
return NoDebugStack()
return func(cfg *ddtrace.FinishConfig) {
cfg.StackFrames = n
cfg.SkipStackFrames = skip