2018-01-02 11:46:02 +01:00

178 lines
4.6 KiB

package kv
import (
func (p *Provider) buildConfiguration() *types.Configuration {
templateObjects := struct {
Prefix string
// Allow `/traefik/alias` to supersede `p.Prefix`
Prefix: strings.TrimSuffix(p.get(p.Prefix, p.Prefix+pathAlias), pathSeparator),
var KvFuncMap = template.FuncMap{
"List": p.list,
"ListServers": p.listServers,
"Get": p.get,
"SplitGet": p.splitGet,
"Last": p.last,
// Backend functions
"getSticky": p.getSticky,
"hasStickinessLabel": p.hasStickinessLabel,
"getStickinessCookieName": p.getStickinessCookieName,
configuration, err := p.GetConfiguration("templates/kv.tmpl", KvFuncMap, templateObjects)
if err != nil {
for key, frontend := range configuration.Frontends {
if _, ok := configuration.Backends[frontend.Backend]; !ok {
delete(configuration.Frontends, key)
return configuration
func (p *Provider) getSticky(rootPath string) bool {
stickyValue := p.get("", rootPath, pathBackendLoadBalancerSticky)
if len(stickyValue) > 0 {
log.Warnf("Deprecated configuration found: %s. Please use %s.", pathBackendLoadBalancerSticky, pathBackendLoadBalancerStickiness)
} else {
return false
sticky, err := strconv.ParseBool(stickyValue)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("Invalid %s value: %s.", pathBackendLoadBalancerSticky, stickyValue)
return sticky
func (p *Provider) hasStickinessLabel(rootPath string) bool {
return p.getBool(false, rootPath, pathBackendLoadBalancerStickiness)
func (p *Provider) getStickinessCookieName(rootPath string) string {
return p.get("", rootPath, pathBackendLoadBalancerStickinessCookieName)
func (p *Provider) listServers(backend string) []string {
serverNames := p.list(backend, pathBackendServers)
return fun.Filter(p.serverFilter, serverNames).([]string)
func (p *Provider) serverFilter(serverName string) bool {
key := fmt.Sprint(serverName, pathBackendServerURL)
if _, err := p.kvClient.Get(key, nil); err != nil {
if err != store.ErrKeyNotFound {
log.Errorf("Failed to retrieve value for key %s: %s", key, err)
return false
return p.checkConstraints(serverName, pathTags)
func (p *Provider) checkConstraints(keys ...string) bool {
joinedKeys := strings.Join(keys, "")
keyPair, err := p.kvClient.Get(joinedKeys, nil)
value := ""
if err == nil && keyPair != nil && keyPair.Value != nil {
value = string(keyPair.Value)
constraintTags := label.SplitAndTrimString(value, ",")
ok, failingConstraint := p.MatchConstraints(constraintTags)
if !ok {
if failingConstraint != nil {
log.Debugf("Constraint %v not matching with following tags: %v", failingConstraint.String(), value)
return false
return true
func (p *Provider) get(defaultValue string, keyParts ...string) string {
key := strings.Join(keyParts, "")
if p.storeType == store.ETCD {
key = strings.TrimPrefix(key, pathSeparator)
keyPair, err := p.kvClient.Get(key, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("Cannot get key %s %s, setting default %s", key, err, defaultValue)
return defaultValue
} else if keyPair == nil {
log.Debugf("Cannot get key %s, setting default %s", key, defaultValue)
return defaultValue
return string(keyPair.Value)
func (p *Provider) getBool(defaultValue bool, keyParts ...string) bool {
rawValue := p.get(strconv.FormatBool(defaultValue), keyParts...)
if len(rawValue) == 0 {
return defaultValue
value, err := strconv.ParseBool(rawValue)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Invalid value for %v: %s", keyParts, rawValue)
return defaultValue
return value
func (p *Provider) list(keyParts ...string) []string {
rootKey := strings.Join(keyParts, "")
keysPairs, err := p.kvClient.List(rootKey, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("Cannot list keys under %q: %v", rootKey, err)
return nil
directoryKeys := make(map[string]string)
for _, key := range keysPairs {
directory := strings.Split(strings.TrimPrefix(key.Key, rootKey), pathSeparator)[0]
directoryKeys[directory] = rootKey + directory
keys := fun.Values(directoryKeys).([]string)
return keys
func (p *Provider) splitGet(keyParts ...string) []string {
value := p.get("", keyParts...)
if len(value) == 0 {
return nil
return label.SplitAndTrimString(value, ",")
func (p *Provider) last(key string) string {
index := strings.LastIndex(key, pathSeparator)
return key[index+1:]