2023-01-02 15:20:39 +01:00

102 lines
2.7 KiB

package redirect
import (
const (
typeSchemeName = "RedirectScheme"
uriPattern = `^(https?:\/\/)?(\[[\w:.]+\]|[\w\._-]+)?(:\d+)?(.*)$`
xForwardedProto = "X-Forwarded-Proto"
type redirectScheme struct {
name string
// NewRedirectScheme creates a new RedirectScheme middleware.
func NewRedirectScheme(ctx context.Context, next http.Handler, conf dynamic.RedirectScheme, name string) (http.Handler, error) {
logger := middlewares.GetLogger(ctx, name, typeSchemeName)
logger.Debug().Msg("Creating middleware")
logger.Debug().Msgf("Setting up redirection to %s %s", conf.Scheme, conf.Port)
if len(conf.Scheme) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("you must provide a target scheme")
port := ""
if len(conf.Port) > 0 && !(conf.Scheme == schemeHTTP && conf.Port == "80" || conf.Scheme == schemeHTTPS && conf.Port == "443") {
port = ":" + conf.Port
rs := &redirectScheme{name: name}
handler, err := newRedirect(next, uriPattern, conf.Scheme+"://${2}"+port+"${4}", conf.Permanent, rs.clientRequestURL, name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rs.Handler = handler
return rs, nil
func (r *redirectScheme) clientRequestURL(req *http.Request) string {
scheme := schemeHTTP
host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(req.Host)
if err != nil {
host = req.Host
} else {
port = ":" + port
uri := req.RequestURI
if match := uriRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(req.RequestURI); len(match) > 0 {
scheme = match[1]
if len(match[2]) > 0 {
host = match[2]
if len(match[3]) > 0 {
port = match[3]
uri = match[4]
if req.TLS != nil {
scheme = schemeHTTPS
if xProto := req.Header.Get(xForwardedProto); xProto != "" {
// When the initial request is a connection upgrade request,
// X-Forwarded-Proto header might have been set by a previous hop to ws(s),
// even though the actual protocol used so far is HTTP(s).
// Given that we're in a middleware that is only used in the context of HTTP(s) requests,
// the only possible valid schemes are one of "http" or "https", so we convert back to them.
switch {
case strings.EqualFold(xProto, schemeHTTP), strings.EqualFold(xProto, "ws"):
scheme = schemeHTTP
case strings.EqualFold(xProto, schemeHTTPS), strings.EqualFold(xProto, "wss"):
scheme = schemeHTTPS
middlewares.GetLogger(req.Context(),, typeSchemeName).Debug().Msgf("Invalid X-Forwarded-Proto: %s", xProto)
if scheme == schemeHTTP && port == ":80" || scheme == schemeHTTPS && port == ":443" {
port = ""
return strings.Join([]string{scheme, "://", host, port, uri}, "")