2018-10-01 16:56:03 +02:00

724 lines
22 KiB

package server
import (
stdlog "log"
traefiktls ""
var httpServerLogger = stdlog.New(log.WriterLevel(logrus.DebugLevel), "", 0)
func newHijackConnectionTracker() *hijackConnectionTracker {
return &hijackConnectionTracker{
conns: make(map[net.Conn]struct{}),
type hijackConnectionTracker struct {
conns map[net.Conn]struct{}
lock sync.RWMutex
// AddHijackedConnection add a connection in the tracked connections list
func (h *hijackConnectionTracker) AddHijackedConnection(conn net.Conn) {
defer h.lock.Unlock()
h.conns[conn] = struct{}{}
// RemoveHijackedConnection remove a connection from the tracked connections list
func (h *hijackConnectionTracker) RemoveHijackedConnection(conn net.Conn) {
defer h.lock.Unlock()
delete(h.conns, conn)
// Shutdown wait for the connection closing
func (h *hijackConnectionTracker) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) error {
ticker := time.NewTicker(500 * time.Millisecond)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
if len(h.conns) == 0 {
return nil
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case <-ticker.C:
// Close close all the connections in the tracked connections list
func (h *hijackConnectionTracker) Close() {
for conn := range h.conns {
if err := conn.Close(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error while closing Hijacked conn: %v", err)
delete(h.conns, conn)
// Server is the reverse-proxy/load-balancer engine
type Server struct {
serverEntryPoints serverEntryPoints
configurationChan chan types.ConfigMessage
configurationValidatedChan chan types.ConfigMessage
signals chan os.Signal
stopChan chan bool
currentConfigurations safe.Safe
providerConfigUpdateMap map[string]chan types.ConfigMessage
globalConfiguration configuration.GlobalConfiguration
accessLoggerMiddleware *accesslog.LogHandler
tracingMiddleware *tracing.Tracing
routinesPool *safe.Pool
leadership *cluster.Leadership
defaultForwardingRoundTripper http.RoundTripper
metricsRegistry metrics.Registry
provider provider.Provider
configurationListeners []func(types.Configuration)
entryPoints map[string]EntryPoint
bufferPool httputil.BufferPool
// EntryPoint entryPoint information (configuration + internalRouter)
type EntryPoint struct {
InternalRouter types.InternalRouter
Configuration *configuration.EntryPoint
OnDemandListener func(string) (*tls.Certificate, error)
TLSALPNGetter func(string) (*tls.Certificate, error)
CertificateStore *traefiktls.CertificateStore
type serverEntryPoints map[string]*serverEntryPoint
type serverEntryPoint struct {
httpServer *h2c.Server
listener net.Listener
httpRouter *middlewares.HandlerSwitcher
certs *traefiktls.CertificateStore
onDemandListener func(string) (*tls.Certificate, error)
tlsALPNGetter func(string) (*tls.Certificate, error)
hijackConnectionTracker *hijackConnectionTracker
func (s serverEntryPoint) Shutdown(ctx context.Context) {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
if s.httpServer != nil {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
if err := s.httpServer.Shutdown(ctx); err != nil {
if ctx.Err() == context.DeadlineExceeded {
log.Debugf("Wait server shutdown is over due to: %s", err)
err = s.httpServer.Close()
if err != nil {
if s.hijackConnectionTracker != nil {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
if err := s.hijackConnectionTracker.Shutdown(ctx); err != nil {
if ctx.Err() == context.DeadlineExceeded {
log.Debugf("Wait hijack connection is over due to: %s", err)
// tcpKeepAliveListener sets TCP keep-alive timeouts on accepted
// connections.
type tcpKeepAliveListener struct {
func (ln tcpKeepAliveListener) Accept() (net.Conn, error) {
tc, err := ln.AcceptTCP()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
tc.SetKeepAlivePeriod(3 * time.Minute)
return tc, nil
// NewServer returns an initialized Server.
func NewServer(globalConfiguration configuration.GlobalConfiguration, provider provider.Provider, entrypoints map[string]EntryPoint) *Server {
server := &Server{}
server.entryPoints = entrypoints
server.provider = provider
server.globalConfiguration = globalConfiguration
server.serverEntryPoints = make(map[string]*serverEntryPoint)
server.configurationChan = make(chan types.ConfigMessage, 100)
server.configurationValidatedChan = make(chan types.ConfigMessage, 100)
server.signals = make(chan os.Signal, 1)
server.stopChan = make(chan bool, 1)
currentConfigurations := make(types.Configurations)
server.providerConfigUpdateMap = make(map[string]chan types.ConfigMessage)
if server.globalConfiguration.API != nil {
server.globalConfiguration.API.CurrentConfigurations = &server.currentConfigurations
server.bufferPool = newBufferPool()
server.routinesPool = safe.NewPool(context.Background())
transport, err := createHTTPTransport(globalConfiguration)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("failed to create HTTP transport: %v", err)
server.defaultForwardingRoundTripper = transport
server.tracingMiddleware = globalConfiguration.Tracing
if server.tracingMiddleware != nil && server.tracingMiddleware.Backend != "" {
server.metricsRegistry = registerMetricClients(globalConfiguration.Metrics)
if globalConfiguration.Cluster != nil {
// leadership creation if cluster mode
server.leadership = cluster.NewLeadership(server.routinesPool.Ctx(), globalConfiguration.Cluster)
if globalConfiguration.AccessLogsFile != "" {
globalConfiguration.AccessLog = &types.AccessLog{FilePath: globalConfiguration.AccessLogsFile, Format: accesslog.CommonFormat}
if globalConfiguration.AccessLog != nil {
var err error
server.accessLoggerMiddleware, err = accesslog.NewLogHandler(globalConfiguration.AccessLog)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("Unable to create log handler: %s", err)
return server
// Start starts the server.
func (s *Server) Start() {
s.routinesPool.Go(func(stop chan bool) {
s.routinesPool.Go(func(stop chan bool) {
s.routinesPool.Go(func(stop chan bool) {
// StartWithContext starts the server and Stop/Close it when context is Done
func (s *Server) StartWithContext(ctx context.Context) {
go func() {
defer s.Close()
log.Info("I have to go...")
reqAcceptGraceTimeOut := time.Duration(s.globalConfiguration.LifeCycle.RequestAcceptGraceTimeout)
if reqAcceptGraceTimeOut > 0 {
log.Infof("Waiting %s for incoming requests to cease", reqAcceptGraceTimeOut)
log.Info("Stopping server gracefully")
// Wait blocks until server is shutted down.
func (s *Server) Wait() {
// Stop stops the server
func (s *Server) Stop() {
defer log.Info("Server stopped")
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for sepn, sep := range s.serverEntryPoints {
go func(serverEntryPointName string, serverEntryPoint *serverEntryPoint) {
defer wg.Done()
graceTimeOut := time.Duration(s.globalConfiguration.LifeCycle.GraceTimeOut)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), graceTimeOut)
log.Debugf("Waiting %s seconds before killing connections on entrypoint %s...", graceTimeOut, serverEntryPointName)
log.Debugf("Entrypoint %s closed", serverEntryPointName)
}(sepn, sep)
s.stopChan <- true
// Close destroys the server
func (s *Server) Close() {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
go func(ctx context.Context) {
if ctx.Err() == context.Canceled {
} else if ctx.Err() == context.DeadlineExceeded {
panic("Timeout while stopping traefik, killing instance ✝")
if s.accessLoggerMiddleware != nil {
if err := s.accessLoggerMiddleware.Close(); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error closing access log file: %s", err)
func (s *Server) startLeadership() {
if s.leadership != nil {
func (s *Server) stopLeadership() {
if s.leadership != nil {
func (s *Server) startHTTPServers() {
s.serverEntryPoints = s.buildServerEntryPoints()
for newServerEntryPointName, newServerEntryPoint := range s.serverEntryPoints {
serverEntryPoint := s.setupServerEntryPoint(newServerEntryPointName, newServerEntryPoint)
go s.startServer(serverEntryPoint)
func (s *Server) listenProviders(stop chan bool) {
for {
select {
case <-stop:
case configMsg, ok := <-s.configurationChan:
if !ok || configMsg.Configuration == nil {
// AddListener adds a new listener function used when new configuration is provided
func (s *Server) AddListener(listener func(types.Configuration)) {
if s.configurationListeners == nil {
s.configurationListeners = make([]func(types.Configuration), 0)
s.configurationListeners = append(s.configurationListeners, listener)
// getCertificate allows to customize tlsConfig.GetCertificate behaviour to get the certificates inserted dynamically
func (s *serverEntryPoint) getCertificate(clientHello *tls.ClientHelloInfo) (*tls.Certificate, error) {
domainToCheck := types.CanonicalDomain(clientHello.ServerName)
if s.tlsALPNGetter != nil {
cert, err := s.tlsALPNGetter(domainToCheck)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if cert != nil {
return cert, nil
bestCertificate := s.certs.GetBestCertificate(clientHello)
if bestCertificate != nil {
return bestCertificate, nil
if s.onDemandListener != nil && len(domainToCheck) > 0 {
// Only check for an onDemandCert if there is a domain name
return s.onDemandListener(domainToCheck)
if s.certs.SniStrict {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("strict SNI enabled - No certificate found for domain: %q, closing connection", domainToCheck)
log.Debugf("Serving default cert for request: %q", domainToCheck)
return s.certs.DefaultCertificate, nil
func (s *Server) startProvider() {
// start providers
jsonConf, err := json.Marshal(s.provider)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("Unable to marshal provider conf %T with error: %v", s.provider, err)
log.Infof("Starting provider %T %s", s.provider, jsonConf)
currentProvider := s.provider
safe.Go(func() {
err := currentProvider.Provide(s.configurationChan, s.routinesPool)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error starting provider %T: %s", s.provider, err)
// creates a TLS config that allows terminating HTTPS for multiple domains using SNI
func (s *Server) createTLSConfig(entryPointName string, tlsOption *traefiktls.TLS, router *middlewares.HandlerSwitcher) (*tls.Config, error) {
if tlsOption == nil {
return nil, nil
config, err := tlsOption.Certificates.CreateTLSConfig(entryPointName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// ensure http2 enabled
config.NextProtos = []string{"h2", "http/1.1", acme.ACMETLS1Protocol}
if len(tlsOption.ClientCAFiles) > 0 {
log.Warnf("Deprecated configuration found during TLS configuration creation: %s. Please use %s (which allows to make the CA Files optional).", "tls.ClientCAFiles", "tls.ClientCA.files")
tlsOption.ClientCA.Files = tlsOption.ClientCAFiles
tlsOption.ClientCA.Optional = false
if len(tlsOption.ClientCA.Files) > 0 {
pool := x509.NewCertPool()
for _, caFile := range tlsOption.ClientCA.Files {
data, err := caFile.Read()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ok := pool.AppendCertsFromPEM(data)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid certificate(s) in %s", caFile)
config.ClientCAs = pool
if tlsOption.ClientCA.Optional {
config.ClientAuth = tls.VerifyClientCertIfGiven
} else {
config.ClientAuth = tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert
if s.globalConfiguration.ACME != nil && entryPointName == s.globalConfiguration.ACME.EntryPoint {
checkOnDemandDomain := func(domain string) bool {
routeMatch := &mux.RouteMatch{}
match := router.GetHandler().Match(&http.Request{URL: &url.URL{}, Host: domain}, routeMatch)
if match && routeMatch.Route != nil {
return true
return false
err := s.globalConfiguration.ACME.CreateClusterConfig(s.leadership, config, s.serverEntryPoints[entryPointName].certs.DynamicCerts, checkOnDemandDomain)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
config.GetCertificate = s.serverEntryPoints[entryPointName].getCertificate
if len(config.Certificates) != 0 {
certMap := s.buildNameOrIPToCertificate(config.Certificates)
if s.entryPoints[entryPointName].CertificateStore != nil {
// Remove certs from the TLS config object
config.Certificates = []tls.Certificate{}
// Set the minimum TLS version if set in the config TOML
if minConst, exists := traefiktls.MinVersion[s.entryPoints[entryPointName].Configuration.TLS.MinVersion]; exists {
config.PreferServerCipherSuites = true
config.MinVersion = minConst
// Set the list of CipherSuites if set in the config TOML
if s.entryPoints[entryPointName].Configuration.TLS.CipherSuites != nil {
// if our list of CipherSuites is defined in the entrypoint config, we can re-initilize the suites list as empty
config.CipherSuites = make([]uint16, 0)
for _, cipher := range s.entryPoints[entryPointName].Configuration.TLS.CipherSuites {
if cipherConst, exists := traefiktls.CipherSuites[cipher]; exists {
config.CipherSuites = append(config.CipherSuites, cipherConst)
} else {
// CipherSuite listed in the toml does not exist in our listed
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid CipherSuite: %s", cipher)
return config, nil
func (s *Server) startServer(serverEntryPoint *serverEntryPoint) {
log.Infof("Starting server on %s", serverEntryPoint.httpServer.Addr)
var err error
if serverEntryPoint.httpServer.TLSConfig != nil {
err = serverEntryPoint.httpServer.ServeTLS(serverEntryPoint.listener, "", "")
} else {
err = serverEntryPoint.httpServer.Serve(serverEntryPoint.listener)
if err != http.ErrServerClosed {
log.Error("Error creating server: ", err)
func (s *Server) setupServerEntryPoint(newServerEntryPointName string, newServerEntryPoint *serverEntryPoint) *serverEntryPoint {
serverMiddlewares, err := s.buildServerEntryPointMiddlewares(newServerEntryPointName, newServerEntryPoint)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Error preparing server: ", err)
newSrv, listener, err := s.prepareServer(newServerEntryPointName, s.entryPoints[newServerEntryPointName].Configuration, newServerEntryPoint.httpRouter, serverMiddlewares)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Error preparing server: ", err)
serverEntryPoint := s.serverEntryPoints[newServerEntryPointName]
serverEntryPoint.httpServer = newSrv
serverEntryPoint.listener = listener
serverEntryPoint.hijackConnectionTracker = newHijackConnectionTracker()
serverEntryPoint.httpServer.ConnState = func(conn net.Conn, state http.ConnState) {
switch state {
case http.StateHijacked:
case http.StateClosed:
return serverEntryPoint
func (s *Server) prepareServer(entryPointName string, entryPoint *configuration.EntryPoint, router *middlewares.HandlerSwitcher, middlewares []negroni.Handler) (*h2c.Server, net.Listener, error) {
readTimeout, writeTimeout, idleTimeout := buildServerTimeouts(s.globalConfiguration)
log.Infof("Preparing server %s %+v with readTimeout=%s writeTimeout=%s idleTimeout=%s", entryPointName, entryPoint, readTimeout, writeTimeout, idleTimeout)
// middlewares
n := negroni.New()
for _, middleware := range middlewares {
internalMuxRouter := s.buildInternalRouter(entryPointName)
internalMuxRouter.NotFoundHandler = n
tlsConfig, err := s.createTLSConfig(entryPointName, entryPoint.TLS, router)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating TLS config: %v", err)
listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", entryPoint.Address)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("error opening listener: %v", err)
listener = tcpKeepAliveListener{listener.(*net.TCPListener)}
if entryPoint.ProxyProtocol != nil {
listener, err = buildProxyProtocolListener(entryPoint, listener)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return &h2c.Server{
Server: &http.Server{
Addr: entryPoint.Address,
Handler: internalMuxRouter,
TLSConfig: tlsConfig,
ReadTimeout: readTimeout,
WriteTimeout: writeTimeout,
IdleTimeout: idleTimeout,
ErrorLog: httpServerLogger,
func buildProxyProtocolListener(entryPoint *configuration.EntryPoint, listener net.Listener) (net.Listener, error) {
IPs, err := whitelist.NewIP(entryPoint.ProxyProtocol.TrustedIPs, entryPoint.ProxyProtocol.Insecure, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating whitelist: %s", err)
log.Infof("Enabling ProxyProtocol for trusted IPs %v", entryPoint.ProxyProtocol.TrustedIPs)
return &proxyproto.Listener{
Listener: listener,
SourceCheck: func(addr net.Addr) (bool, error) {
ip, ok := addr.(*net.TCPAddr)
if !ok {
return false, fmt.Errorf("type error %v", addr)
return IPs.ContainsIP(ip.IP), nil
}, nil
func (s *Server) buildInternalRouter(entryPointName string) *mux.Router {
internalMuxRouter := mux.NewRouter()
if entryPoint, ok := s.entryPoints[entryPointName]; ok && entryPoint.InternalRouter != nil {
if s.globalConfiguration.API != nil && s.globalConfiguration.API.EntryPoint == entryPointName && s.leadership != nil {
if s.globalConfiguration.Web != nil && s.globalConfiguration.Web.Path != "" {
rt := router.WithPrefix{Router: s.leadership, PathPrefix: s.globalConfiguration.Web.Path}
} else {
return internalMuxRouter
func buildServerTimeouts(globalConfig configuration.GlobalConfiguration) (readTimeout, writeTimeout, idleTimeout time.Duration) {
readTimeout = time.Duration(0)
writeTimeout = time.Duration(0)
if globalConfig.RespondingTimeouts != nil {
readTimeout = time.Duration(globalConfig.RespondingTimeouts.ReadTimeout)
writeTimeout = time.Duration(globalConfig.RespondingTimeouts.WriteTimeout)
// Prefer legacy idle timeout parameter for backwards compatibility reasons
if globalConfig.IdleTimeout > 0 {
idleTimeout = time.Duration(globalConfig.IdleTimeout)
log.Warn("top-level idle timeout configuration has been deprecated -- please use responding timeouts")
} else if globalConfig.RespondingTimeouts != nil {
idleTimeout = time.Duration(globalConfig.RespondingTimeouts.IdleTimeout)
} else {
idleTimeout = configuration.DefaultIdleTimeout
return readTimeout, writeTimeout, idleTimeout
func registerMetricClients(metricsConfig *types.Metrics) metrics.Registry {
if metricsConfig == nil {
return metrics.NewVoidRegistry()
var registries []metrics.Registry
if metricsConfig.Prometheus != nil {
prometheusRegister := metrics.RegisterPrometheus(metricsConfig.Prometheus)
if prometheusRegister != nil {
registries = append(registries, prometheusRegister)
log.Debug("Configured Prometheus metrics")
if metricsConfig.Datadog != nil {
registries = append(registries, metrics.RegisterDatadog(metricsConfig.Datadog))
log.Debugf("Configured DataDog metrics pushing to %s once every %s", metricsConfig.Datadog.Address, metricsConfig.Datadog.PushInterval)
if metricsConfig.StatsD != nil {
registries = append(registries, metrics.RegisterStatsd(metricsConfig.StatsD))
log.Debugf("Configured StatsD metrics pushing to %s once every %s", metricsConfig.StatsD.Address, metricsConfig.StatsD.PushInterval)
if metricsConfig.InfluxDB != nil {
registries = append(registries, metrics.RegisterInfluxDB(metricsConfig.InfluxDB))
log.Debugf("Configured InfluxDB metrics pushing to %s once every %s", metricsConfig.InfluxDB.Address, metricsConfig.InfluxDB.PushInterval)
return metrics.NewMultiRegistry(registries)
func stopMetricsClients() {
func (s *Server) buildNameOrIPToCertificate(certs []tls.Certificate) map[string]*tls.Certificate {
certMap := make(map[string]*tls.Certificate)
for i := range certs {
cert := &certs[i]
x509Cert, err := x509.ParseCertificate(cert.Certificate[0])
if err != nil {
if len(x509Cert.Subject.CommonName) > 0 {
certMap[x509Cert.Subject.CommonName] = cert
for _, san := range x509Cert.DNSNames {
certMap[san] = cert
for _, ipSan := range x509Cert.IPAddresses {
certMap[ipSan.String()] = cert
return certMap