2017-03-09 13:13:02 +01:00

186 lines
3.9 KiB

package route
import (
// requestMapper maps the request to string e.g. maps request to it's hostname, or request to header
type requestMapper interface {
// separator returns the separator that makes sense for this request, e.g. / for urls or . for domains
separator() byte
// equals returns the equivalent mapper if the two mappers are equivalent, e.g. map to the same sequence
// mappers are also equivalent if one mapper is subset of another, e.g. combined mapper (host, path) is equivalent of (host) mapper
equivalent(requestMapper) requestMapper
// mapRequest maps request to string, e.g. request to it's URL path
mapRequest(r *http.Request) string
// newIter returns the iterator instead of string for stream matchers
newIter(r *http.Request) *charIter
type methodMapper struct {
func (m *methodMapper) separator() byte {
return methodSep
func (m *methodMapper) equivalent(o requestMapper) requestMapper {
_, ok := o.(*methodMapper)
if ok {
return m
return nil
func (m *methodMapper) mapRequest(r *http.Request) string {
return r.Method
func (m *methodMapper) newIter(r *http.Request) *charIter {
return newIter([]string{m.mapRequest(r)}, []byte{m.separator()})
type pathMapper struct {
func (m *pathMapper) separator() byte {
return pathSep
func (p *pathMapper) equivalent(o requestMapper) requestMapper {
_, ok := o.(*pathMapper)
if ok {
return p
return nil
func (p *pathMapper) newIter(r *http.Request) *charIter {
return newIter([]string{p.mapRequest(r)}, []byte{p.separator()})
func (p *pathMapper) mapRequest(r *http.Request) string {
return rawPath(r)
type hostMapper struct {
func (p *hostMapper) equivalent(o requestMapper) requestMapper {
_, ok := o.(*hostMapper)
if ok {
return p
return nil
func (m *hostMapper) separator() byte {
return domainSep
func (h *hostMapper) mapRequest(r *http.Request) string {
return strings.Split(strings.ToLower(r.Host), ":")[0]
func (p *hostMapper) newIter(r *http.Request) *charIter {
return newIter([]string{p.mapRequest(r)}, []byte{p.separator()})
type headerMapper struct {
header string
func (h *headerMapper) equivalent(o requestMapper) requestMapper {
hm, ok := o.(*headerMapper)
if ok && hm.header == h.header {
return h
return nil
func (m *headerMapper) separator() byte {
return headerSep
func (h *headerMapper) mapRequest(r *http.Request) string {
return r.Header.Get(h.header)
func (h *headerMapper) newIter(r *http.Request) *charIter {
return newIter([]string{h.mapRequest(r)}, []byte{h.separator()})
type seqMapper struct {
seq []requestMapper
func newSeqMapper(seq ...requestMapper) *seqMapper {
var out []requestMapper
for _, s := range seq {
switch m := s.(type) {
case *seqMapper:
out = append(out, m.seq...)
out = append(out, s)
return &seqMapper{seq: out}
func (s *seqMapper) newIter(r *http.Request) *charIter {
out := make([]string, len(s.seq))
for i := range s.seq {
out[i] = s.seq[i].mapRequest(r)
seps := make([]byte, len(s.seq))
for i := range s.seq {
seps[i] = s.seq[i].separator()
return newIter(out, seps)
func (s *seqMapper) mapRequest(r *http.Request) string {
out := make([]string, len(s.seq))
for i := range s.seq {
out[i] = s.seq[i].mapRequest(r)
return strings.Join(out, "")
func (s *seqMapper) separator() byte {
return s.seq[0].separator()
func (s *seqMapper) equivalent(o requestMapper) requestMapper {
so, ok := o.(*seqMapper)
if !ok {
return nil
var longer, shorter *seqMapper
if len(s.seq) > len(so.seq) {
longer = s
shorter = so
} else {
longer = so
shorter = s
for i, _ := range longer.seq {
// shorter is subset of longer, return longer sequence mapper
if i >= len(shorter.seq)-1 {
return longer
if longer.seq[i].equivalent(shorter.seq[i]) == nil {
return nil
return longer
const (
pathSep = '/'
domainSep = '.'
headerSep = '/'
methodSep = ' '