2018-07-03 16:44:05 +02:00

301 lines
7.9 KiB

package rules
import (
// Rules holds rule parsing and configuration
type Rules struct {
Route *types.ServerRoute
err error
HostResolver *hostresolver.Resolver
func (r *Rules) host(hosts ...string) *mux.Route {
return r.Route.Route.MatcherFunc(func(req *http.Request, route *mux.RouteMatch) bool {
reqHost, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(req.Host)
if err != nil {
reqHost = req.Host
if r.HostResolver != nil && r.HostResolver.CnameFlattening {
reqH, flatH := r.HostResolver.CNAMEFlatten(types.CanonicalDomain(reqHost))
for _, host := range hosts {
if types.CanonicalDomain(reqH) == types.CanonicalDomain(host) ||
types.CanonicalDomain(flatH) == types.CanonicalDomain(host) {
return true
log.Debugf("CNAMEFlattening: request %s which resolved to %s, is not matched to route %s", reqH, flatH, host)
return false
for _, host := range hosts {
if types.CanonicalDomain(reqHost) == types.CanonicalDomain(host) {
return true
return false
func (r *Rules) hostRegexp(hosts ...string) *mux.Route {
router := r.Route.Route.Subrouter()
for _, host := range hosts {
return r.Route.Route
func (r *Rules) path(paths ...string) *mux.Route {
router := r.Route.Route.Subrouter()
for _, path := range paths {
return r.Route.Route
func (r *Rules) pathPrefix(paths ...string) *mux.Route {
router := r.Route.Route.Subrouter()
for _, path := range paths {
buildPath(path, router)
return r.Route.Route
func buildPath(path string, router *mux.Router) {
cleanPath := strings.TrimSpace(path)
// {} are used to define a regex pattern in
// if we find a { in the path, that means we use regex, then the gorilla/mux implementation is chosen
// otherwise, we use a lightweight implementation
if strings.Contains(cleanPath, "{") {
} else {
m := &prefixMatcher{prefix: cleanPath}
type prefixMatcher struct {
prefix string
func (m *prefixMatcher) Match(r *http.Request, _ *mux.RouteMatch) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(r.URL.Path, m.prefix) || strings.HasPrefix(r.URL.Path, m.prefix+"/")
type bySize []string
func (a bySize) Len() int { return len(a) }
func (a bySize) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a bySize) Less(i, j int) bool { return len(a[i]) > len(a[j]) }
func (r *Rules) pathStrip(paths ...string) *mux.Route {
r.Route.StripPrefixes = paths
router := r.Route.Route.Subrouter()
for _, path := range paths {
return r.Route.Route
func (r *Rules) pathStripRegex(paths ...string) *mux.Route {
r.Route.StripPrefixesRegex = paths
router := r.Route.Route.Subrouter()
for _, path := range paths {
return r.Route.Route
func (r *Rules) replacePath(paths ...string) *mux.Route {
for _, path := range paths {
r.Route.ReplacePath = path
return r.Route.Route
func (r *Rules) replacePathRegex(paths ...string) *mux.Route {
for _, path := range paths {
r.Route.ReplacePathRegex = path
return r.Route.Route
func (r *Rules) addPrefix(paths ...string) *mux.Route {
for _, path := range paths {
r.Route.AddPrefix = path
return r.Route.Route
func (r *Rules) pathPrefixStrip(paths ...string) *mux.Route {
r.Route.StripPrefixes = paths
router := r.Route.Route.Subrouter()
for _, path := range paths {
buildPath(path, router)
return r.Route.Route
func (r *Rules) pathPrefixStripRegex(paths ...string) *mux.Route {
r.Route.StripPrefixesRegex = paths
router := r.Route.Route.Subrouter()
for _, path := range paths {
return r.Route.Route
func (r *Rules) methods(methods ...string) *mux.Route {
return r.Route.Route.Methods(methods...)
func (r *Rules) headers(headers ...string) *mux.Route {
return r.Route.Route.Headers(headers...)
func (r *Rules) headersRegexp(headers ...string) *mux.Route {
return r.Route.Route.HeadersRegexp(headers...)
func (r *Rules) query(query ...string) *mux.Route {
var queries []string
for _, elem := range query {
queries = append(queries, strings.Split(elem, "=")...)
return r.Route.Route.Queries(queries...)
func (r *Rules) parseRules(expression string, onRule func(functionName string, function interface{}, arguments []string) error) error {
functions := map[string]interface{}{
"HostRegexp": r.hostRegexp,
"Path": r.path,
"PathStrip": r.pathStrip,
"PathStripRegex": r.pathStripRegex,
"PathPrefix": r.pathPrefix,
"PathPrefixStrip": r.pathPrefixStrip,
"PathPrefixStripRegex": r.pathPrefixStripRegex,
"Method": r.methods,
"Headers": r.headers,
"HeadersRegexp": r.headersRegexp,
"AddPrefix": r.addPrefix,
"ReplacePath": r.replacePath,
"ReplacePathRegex": r.replacePathRegex,
"Query": r.query,
if len(expression) == 0 {
return errors.New("empty rule")
f := func(c rune) bool {
return c == ':'
// Allow multiple rules separated by ;
splitRule := func(c rune) bool {
return c == ';'
parsedRules := strings.FieldsFunc(expression, splitRule)
for _, rule := range parsedRules {
// get function
parsedFunctions := strings.FieldsFunc(rule, f)
if len(parsedFunctions) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("error parsing rule: '%s'", rule)
functionName := strings.TrimSpace(parsedFunctions[0])
parsedFunction, ok := functions[functionName]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("error parsing rule: '%s'. Unknown function: '%s'", rule, parsedFunctions[0])
parsedFunctions = append(parsedFunctions[:0], parsedFunctions[1:]...)
// get function
fargs := func(c rune) bool {
return c == ','
parsedArgs := strings.FieldsFunc(strings.Join(parsedFunctions, ":"), fargs)
if len(parsedArgs) == 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("error parsing args from rule: '%s'", rule)
for i := range parsedArgs {
parsedArgs[i] = strings.TrimSpace(parsedArgs[i])
err := onRule(functionName, parsedFunction, parsedArgs)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("parsing error on rule: %v", err)
return nil
// Parse parses rules expressions
func (r *Rules) Parse(expression string) (*mux.Route, error) {
var resultRoute *mux.Route
err := r.parseRules(expression, func(functionName string, function interface{}, arguments []string) error {
inputs := make([]reflect.Value, len(arguments))
for i := range arguments {
inputs[i] = reflect.ValueOf(arguments[i])
method := reflect.ValueOf(function)
if method.IsValid() {
resultRoute = method.Call(inputs)[0].Interface().(*mux.Route)
if r.err != nil {
return r.err
if resultRoute.GetError() != nil {
return resultRoute.GetError()
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("method not found: '%s'", functionName)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error parsing rule: %v", err)
return resultRoute, nil
// ParseDomains parses rules expressions and returns domains
func (r *Rules) ParseDomains(expression string) ([]string, error) {
var domains []string
err := r.parseRules(expression, func(functionName string, function interface{}, arguments []string) error {
if functionName == "Host" {
domains = append(domains, arguments...)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error parsing domains: %v", err)
return fun.Map(types.CanonicalDomain, domains).([]string), nil