Kristian Klausen 020a8e31ab
kv: Ignore backend servers with no url
Currently with a kv tree like:
Traefik would try to forward traffic to web1, which is impossible as
traefik doesn't know the url of web1.

This commit solve that, by ignoring backend server with no url "key"
when generating the config.

This is very useful, for people who use etcd TTL feature. They can then
just "renew" the url key every X second, and if the server goes down, it
is automatic removed from traefik after the TTL.
2017-04-06 10:28:11 +02:00

221 lines
6.5 KiB

// Package provider holds the different provider implementation.
package provider
import (
// Kv holds common configurations of key-value providers.
type Kv struct {
BaseProvider `mapstructure:",squash"`
Endpoint string `description:"Comma sepparated server endpoints"`
Prefix string `description:"Prefix used for KV store"`
TLS *ClientTLS `description:"Enable TLS support"`
storeType store.Backend
kvclient store.Store
func (provider *Kv) createStore() (store.Store, error) {
storeConfig := &store.Config{
ConnectionTimeout: 30 * time.Second,
Bucket: "traefik",
if provider.TLS != nil {
var err error
storeConfig.TLS, err = provider.TLS.CreateTLSConfig()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return libkv.NewStore(
strings.Split(provider.Endpoint, ","),
func (provider *Kv) watchKv(configurationChan chan<- types.ConfigMessage, prefix string, stop chan bool) error {
operation := func() error {
events, err := provider.kvclient.WatchTree(provider.Prefix, make(chan struct{}))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to KV WatchTree: %v", err)
for {
select {
case <-stop:
return nil
case _, ok := <-events:
if !ok {
return errors.New("watchtree channel closed")
configuration := provider.loadConfig()
if configuration != nil {
configurationChan <- types.ConfigMessage{
ProviderName: string(provider.storeType),
Configuration: configuration,
notify := func(err error, time time.Duration) {
log.Errorf("KV connection error: %+v, retrying in %s", err, time)
err := backoff.RetryNotify(safe.OperationWithRecover(operation), job.NewBackOff(backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()), notify)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot connect to KV server: %v", err)
return nil
func (provider *Kv) provide(configurationChan chan<- types.ConfigMessage, pool *safe.Pool, constraints types.Constraints) error {
provider.Constraints = append(provider.Constraints, constraints...)
operation := func() error {
if _, err := provider.kvclient.Exists("qmslkjdfmqlskdjfmqlksjazçueznbvbwzlkajzebvkwjdcqmlsfj"); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to test KV store connection: %v", err)
if provider.Watch {
pool.Go(func(stop chan bool) {
err := provider.watchKv(configurationChan, provider.Prefix, stop)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Cannot watch KV store: %v", err)
configuration := provider.loadConfig()
configurationChan <- types.ConfigMessage{
ProviderName: string(provider.storeType),
Configuration: configuration,
return nil
notify := func(err error, time time.Duration) {
log.Errorf("KV connection error: %+v, retrying in %s", err, time)
err := backoff.RetryNotify(safe.OperationWithRecover(operation), job.NewBackOff(backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()), notify)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot connect to KV server: %v", err)
return nil
func (provider *Kv) loadConfig() *types.Configuration {
templateObjects := struct {
Prefix string
// Allow `/traefik/alias` to superesede `provider.Prefix`
strings.TrimSuffix(provider.get(provider.Prefix, provider.Prefix+"/alias"), "/"),
var KvFuncMap = template.FuncMap{
"List": provider.list,
"ListServers": provider.listServers,
"Get": provider.get,
"SplitGet": provider.splitGet,
"Last": provider.last,
configuration, err := provider.getConfiguration("templates/kv.tmpl", KvFuncMap, templateObjects)
if err != nil {
for key, frontend := range configuration.Frontends {
if _, ok := configuration.Backends[frontend.Backend]; ok == false {
delete(configuration.Frontends, key)
return configuration
func (provider *Kv) list(keys ...string) []string {
joinedKeys := strings.Join(keys, "")
keysPairs, err := provider.kvclient.List(joinedKeys)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("Cannot get keys %s %s ", joinedKeys, err)
return nil
directoryKeys := make(map[string]string)
for _, key := range keysPairs {
directory := strings.Split(strings.TrimPrefix(key.Key, joinedKeys), "/")[0]
directoryKeys[directory] = joinedKeys + directory
return fun.Values(directoryKeys).([]string)
func (provider *Kv) listServers(backend string) []string {
serverNames := provider.list(backend, "/servers/")
return fun.Filter(func(serverName string) bool {
if _, err := provider.kvclient.Get(fmt.Sprint(serverName, "/url")); err != nil {
return false
return provider.checkConstraints(serverName, "/tags")
}, serverNames).([]string)
func (provider *Kv) get(defaultValue string, keys ...string) string {
joinedKeys := strings.Join(keys, "")
keyPair, err := provider.kvclient.Get(strings.TrimPrefix(joinedKeys, "/"))
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("Cannot get key %s %s, setting default %s", joinedKeys, err, defaultValue)
return defaultValue
} else if keyPair == nil {
log.Debugf("Cannot get key %s, setting default %s", joinedKeys, defaultValue)
return defaultValue
return string(keyPair.Value)
func (provider *Kv) splitGet(keys ...string) []string {
joinedKeys := strings.Join(keys, "")
keyPair, err := provider.kvclient.Get(joinedKeys)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("Cannot get key %s %s, setting default empty", joinedKeys, err)
return []string{}
} else if keyPair == nil {
log.Debugf("Cannot get key %s, setting default %empty", joinedKeys)
return []string{}
return strings.Split(string(keyPair.Value), ",")
func (provider *Kv) last(key string) string {
splittedKey := strings.Split(key, "/")
return splittedKey[len(splittedKey)-1]
func (provider *Kv) checkConstraints(keys ...string) bool {
joinedKeys := strings.Join(keys, "")
keyPair, err := provider.kvclient.Get(joinedKeys)
value := ""
if err == nil && keyPair != nil && keyPair.Value != nil {
value = string(keyPair.Value)
constraintTags := strings.Split(value, ",")
ok, failingConstraint := provider.MatchConstraints(constraintTags)
if ok == false {
if failingConstraint != nil {
log.Debugf("Constraint %v not matching with following tags: %v", failingConstraint.String(), value)
return false
return true