Jean-Baptiste Doumenjou 8627256e74 Remove Deprecated Step 1
2018-07-31 19:28:03 +02:00

614 lines
20 KiB

package server
import (
traefiktls ""
// loadConfiguration manages dynamically frontends, backends and TLS configurations
func (s *Server) loadConfiguration(configMsg types.ConfigMessage) {
currentConfigurations := s.currentConfigurations.Get().(types.Configurations)
// Copy configurations to new map so we don't change current if LoadConfig fails
newConfigurations := make(types.Configurations)
for k, v := range currentConfigurations {
newConfigurations[k] = v
newConfigurations[configMsg.ProviderName] = configMsg.Configuration
newServerEntryPoints, err := s.loadConfig(newConfigurations, s.globalConfiguration)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error loading new configuration, aborted ", err)
for newServerEntryPointName, newServerEntryPoint := range newServerEntryPoints {
if s.entryPoints[newServerEntryPointName].Configuration.TLS == nil {
if newServerEntryPoint.certs.ContainsCertificates() {
log.Debugf("Certificates not added to non-TLS entryPoint %s.", newServerEntryPointName)
} else {
log.Infof("Server configuration reloaded on %s", s.serverEntryPoints[newServerEntryPointName].httpServer.Addr)
for _, listener := range s.configurationListeners {
// loadConfig returns a new gorilla.mux Route from the specified global configuration and the dynamic
// provider configurations.
func (s *Server) loadConfig(configurations types.Configurations, globalConfiguration configuration.GlobalConfiguration) (map[string]*serverEntryPoint, error) {
redirectHandlers, err := s.buildEntryPointRedirect()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
serverEntryPoints := s.buildServerEntryPoints()
backendsHandlers := map[string]http.Handler{}
backendsHealthCheck := map[string]*healthcheck.BackendConfig{}
var postConfigs []handlerPostConfig
for providerName, config := range configurations {
frontendNames := sortedFrontendNamesForConfig(config)
for _, frontendName := range frontendNames {
frontendPostConfigs, err := s.loadFrontendConfig(providerName, frontendName, config,
redirectHandlers, serverEntryPoints,
backendsHandlers, backendsHealthCheck)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("%v. Skipping frontend %s...", err, frontendName)
if len(frontendPostConfigs) > 0 {
postConfigs = append(postConfigs, frontendPostConfigs...)
for _, postConfig := range postConfigs {
err := postConfig(backendsHandlers)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("middleware post configuration error: %v", err)
healthcheck.GetHealthCheck(s.metricsRegistry).SetBackendsConfiguration(s.routinesPool.Ctx(), backendsHealthCheck)
// Get new certificates list sorted per entrypoints
// Update certificates
entryPointsCertificates, err := s.loadHTTPSConfiguration(configurations, globalConfiguration.DefaultEntryPoints)
// FIXME error management
// Sort routes and update certificates
for serverEntryPointName, serverEntryPoint := range serverEntryPoints {
if _, exists := entryPointsCertificates[serverEntryPointName]; exists {
return serverEntryPoints, err
func (s *Server) loadFrontendConfig(
providerName string, frontendName string, config *types.Configuration,
redirectHandlers map[string]negroni.Handler, serverEntryPoints map[string]*serverEntryPoint,
backendsHandlers map[string]http.Handler, backendsHealthCheck map[string]*healthcheck.BackendConfig,
) ([]handlerPostConfig, error) {
frontend := config.Frontends[frontendName]
hostResolver := buildHostResolver(s.globalConfiguration)
if len(frontend.EntryPoints) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no entrypoint defined for frontend %s", frontendName)
backend := config.Backends[frontend.Backend]
if backend == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("undefined backend '%s' for frontend %s", frontend.Backend, frontendName)
frontendHash, err := frontend.Hash()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error calculating hash value for frontend %s: %v", frontendName, err)
var postConfigs []handlerPostConfig
for _, entryPointName := range frontend.EntryPoints {
log.Debugf("Wiring frontend %s to entryPoint %s", frontendName, entryPointName)
entryPoint := s.entryPoints[entryPointName].Configuration
if backendsHandlers[entryPointName+providerName+frontendHash] == nil {
log.Debugf("Creating backend %s", frontend.Backend)
handlers, responseModifier, postConfig, err := s.buildMiddlewares(frontendName, frontend, config.Backends, entryPointName, entryPoint, providerName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if postConfig != nil {
postConfigs = append(postConfigs, postConfig)
fwd, err := s.buildForwarder(entryPointName, entryPoint, frontendName, frontend, responseModifier)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create the forwarder for frontend %s: %v", frontendName, err)
lb, healthCheckConfig, err := s.buildBalancerMiddlewares(frontendName, frontend, backend, fwd)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if healthCheckConfig != nil {
backendsHealthCheck[entryPointName+providerName+frontendHash] = healthCheckConfig
n := negroni.New()
if _, exist := redirectHandlers[entryPointName]; exist {
for _, handler := range handlers {
backendsHandlers[entryPointName+providerName+frontendHash] = n
} else {
log.Debugf("Reusing backend %s [%s - %s - %s - %s]",
frontend.Backend, entryPointName, providerName, frontendName, frontendHash)
serverRoute, err := buildServerRoute(serverEntryPoints[entryPointName], frontendName, frontend, hostResolver)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
handler := buildMatcherMiddlewares(serverRoute, backendsHandlers[entryPointName+providerName+frontendHash])
err = serverRoute.Route.GetError()
if err != nil {
// FIXME error management
log.Errorf("Error building route: %s", err)
return postConfigs, nil
func (s *Server) buildForwarder(entryPointName string, entryPoint *configuration.EntryPoint,
frontendName string, frontend *types.Frontend,
responseModifier modifyResponse) (http.Handler, error) {
roundTripper, err := s.getRoundTripper(entryPointName, frontend.PassTLSCert, entryPoint.TLS)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to create RoundTripper for frontend %s: %v", frontendName, err)
rewriter, err := NewHeaderRewriter(entryPoint.ForwardedHeaders.TrustedIPs, entryPoint.ForwardedHeaders.Insecure)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating rewriter for frontend %s: %v", frontendName, err)
var fwd http.Handler
fwd, err = forward.New(
forward.WebsocketConnectionClosedHook(func(req *http.Request, conn net.Conn) {
server := req.Context().Value(http.ServerContextKey).(*http.Server)
if server != nil {
connState := server.ConnState
if connState != nil {
connState(conn, http.StateClosed)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating forwarder for frontend %s: %v", frontendName, err)
if s.tracingMiddleware.IsEnabled() {
tm := s.tracingMiddleware.NewForwarderMiddleware(frontendName, frontend.Backend)
next := fwd
fwd = http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
tm.ServeHTTP(w, r, next.ServeHTTP)
fwd = pipelining.NewPipelining(fwd)
return fwd, nil
func buildServerRoute(serverEntryPoint *serverEntryPoint, frontendName string, frontend *types.Frontend, hostResolver *hostresolver.Resolver) (*types.ServerRoute, error) {
serverRoute := &types.ServerRoute{Route: serverEntryPoint.httpRouter.GetHandler().NewRoute().Name(frontendName)}
priority := 0
for routeName, route := range frontend.Routes {
rls := rules.Rules{Route: serverRoute, HostResolver: hostResolver}
newRoute, err := rls.Parse(route.Rule)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating route for frontend %s: %v", frontendName, err)
serverRoute.Route = newRoute
priority += len(route.Rule)
log.Debugf("Creating route %s %s", routeName, route.Rule)
if frontend.Priority > 0 {
} else {
return serverRoute, nil
func (s *Server) preLoadConfiguration(configMsg types.ConfigMessage) {
providersThrottleDuration := time.Duration(s.globalConfiguration.ProvidersThrottleDuration)
currentConfigurations := s.currentConfigurations.Get().(types.Configurations)
if log.GetLevel() == logrus.DebugLevel {
jsonConf, _ := json.Marshal(configMsg.Configuration)
log.Debugf("Configuration received from provider %s: %s", configMsg.ProviderName, string(jsonConf))
if configMsg.Configuration == nil || configMsg.Configuration.Backends == nil && configMsg.Configuration.Frontends == nil && configMsg.Configuration.TLS == nil {
log.Infof("Skipping empty Configuration for provider %s", configMsg.ProviderName)
if reflect.DeepEqual(currentConfigurations[configMsg.ProviderName], configMsg.Configuration) {
log.Infof("Skipping same configuration for provider %s", configMsg.ProviderName)
providerConfigUpdateCh, ok := s.providerConfigUpdateMap[configMsg.ProviderName]
if !ok {
providerConfigUpdateCh = make(chan types.ConfigMessage)
s.providerConfigUpdateMap[configMsg.ProviderName] = providerConfigUpdateCh
s.routinesPool.Go(func(stop chan bool) {
s.throttleProviderConfigReload(providersThrottleDuration, s.configurationValidatedChan, providerConfigUpdateCh, stop)
providerConfigUpdateCh <- configMsg
func (s *Server) defaultConfigurationValues(configuration *types.Configuration) {
if configuration == nil || configuration.Frontends == nil {
func (s *Server) configureFrontends(frontends map[string]*types.Frontend) {
defaultEntrypoints := s.globalConfiguration.DefaultEntryPoints
for frontendName, frontend := range frontends {
// default endpoints if not defined in frontends
if len(frontend.EntryPoints) == 0 {
frontend.EntryPoints = defaultEntrypoints
frontendEntryPoints, undefinedEntryPoints := s.filterEntryPoints(frontend.EntryPoints)
if len(undefinedEntryPoints) > 0 {
log.Errorf("Undefined entry point(s) '%s' for frontend %s", strings.Join(undefinedEntryPoints, ","), frontendName)
frontend.EntryPoints = frontendEntryPoints
func (s *Server) filterEntryPoints(entryPoints []string) ([]string, []string) {
var frontendEntryPoints []string
var undefinedEntryPoints []string
for _, fepName := range entryPoints {
var exist bool
for epName := range s.entryPoints {
if epName == fepName {
exist = true
if exist {
frontendEntryPoints = append(frontendEntryPoints, fepName)
} else {
undefinedEntryPoints = append(undefinedEntryPoints, fepName)
return frontendEntryPoints, undefinedEntryPoints
func configureBackends(backends map[string]*types.Backend) {
for backendName := range backends {
backend := backends[backendName]
_, err := types.NewLoadBalancerMethod(backend.LoadBalancer)
if err != nil {
log.Debugf("Backend %s: %v", backendName, err)
var stickiness *types.Stickiness
if backend.LoadBalancer != nil {
stickiness = backend.LoadBalancer.Stickiness
backend.LoadBalancer = &types.LoadBalancer{
Method: "wrr",
Stickiness: stickiness,
func (s *Server) listenConfigurations(stop chan bool) {
for {
select {
case <-stop:
case configMsg, ok := <-s.configurationValidatedChan:
if !ok || configMsg.Configuration == nil {
// throttleProviderConfigReload throttles the configuration reload speed for a single provider.
// It will immediately publish a new configuration and then only publish the next configuration after the throttle duration.
// Note that in the case it receives N new configs in the timeframe of the throttle duration after publishing,
// it will publish the last of the newly received configurations.
func (s *Server) throttleProviderConfigReload(throttle time.Duration, publish chan<- types.ConfigMessage, in <-chan types.ConfigMessage, stop chan bool) {
ring := channels.NewRingChannel(1)
defer ring.Close()
s.routinesPool.Go(func(stop chan bool) {
for {
select {
case <-stop:
case nextConfig := <-ring.Out():
publish <- nextConfig.(types.ConfigMessage)
for {
select {
case <-stop:
case nextConfig := <-in:
ring.In() <- nextConfig
func buildMatcherMiddlewares(serverRoute *types.ServerRoute, handler http.Handler) http.Handler {
// path replace - This needs to always be the very last on the handler chain (first in the order in this function)
// -- Replacing Path should happen at the very end of the Modifier chain, after all the Matcher+Modifiers ran
if len(serverRoute.ReplacePath) > 0 {
handler = &middlewares.ReplacePath{
Path: serverRoute.ReplacePath,
Handler: handler,
if len(serverRoute.ReplacePathRegex) > 0 {
sp := strings.Split(serverRoute.ReplacePathRegex, " ")
if len(sp) == 2 {
handler = middlewares.NewReplacePathRegexHandler(sp[0], sp[1], handler)
} else {
log.Warnf("Invalid syntax for ReplacePathRegex: %s. Separate the regular expression and the replacement by a space.", serverRoute.ReplacePathRegex)
// add prefix - This needs to always be right before ReplacePath on the chain (second in order in this function)
// -- Adding Path Prefix should happen after all *Strip Matcher+Modifiers ran, but before Replace (in case it's configured)
if len(serverRoute.AddPrefix) > 0 {
handler = &middlewares.AddPrefix{
Prefix: serverRoute.AddPrefix,
Handler: handler,
// strip prefix
if len(serverRoute.StripPrefixes) > 0 {
handler = &middlewares.StripPrefix{
Prefixes: serverRoute.StripPrefixes,
Handler: handler,
// strip prefix with regex
if len(serverRoute.StripPrefixesRegex) > 0 {
handler = middlewares.NewStripPrefixRegex(handler, serverRoute.StripPrefixesRegex)
return handler
func (s *Server) postLoadConfiguration() {
if s.metricsRegistry.IsEnabled() {
activeConfig := s.currentConfigurations.Get().(types.Configurations)
if s.globalConfiguration.ACME == nil || s.leadership == nil || !s.leadership.IsLeader() {
if s.globalConfiguration.ACME.OnHostRule {
currentConfigurations := s.currentConfigurations.Get().(types.Configurations)
for _, config := range currentConfigurations {
for _, frontend := range config.Frontends {
// check if one of the frontend entrypoints is configured with TLS
// and is configured with ACME
acmeEnabled := false
for _, entryPoint := range frontend.EntryPoints {
if s.globalConfiguration.ACME.EntryPoint == entryPoint && s.entryPoints[entryPoint].Configuration.TLS != nil {
acmeEnabled = true
if acmeEnabled {
for _, route := range frontend.Routes {
rls := rules.Rules{}
domains, err := rls.ParseDomains(route.Rule)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error parsing domains: %v", err)
} else {
// loadHTTPSConfiguration add/delete HTTPS certificate managed dynamically
func (s *Server) loadHTTPSConfiguration(configurations types.Configurations, defaultEntryPoints configuration.DefaultEntryPoints) (map[string]map[string]*tls.Certificate, error) {
newEPCertificates := make(map[string]map[string]*tls.Certificate)
// Get all certificates
for _, config := range configurations {
if config.TLS != nil && len(config.TLS) > 0 {
if err := traefiktls.SortTLSPerEntryPoints(config.TLS, newEPCertificates, defaultEntryPoints); err != nil {
return nil, err
return newEPCertificates, nil
func (s *Server) buildServerEntryPoints() map[string]*serverEntryPoint {
serverEntryPoints := make(map[string]*serverEntryPoint)
for entryPointName, entryPoint := range s.entryPoints {
serverEntryPoints[entryPointName] = &serverEntryPoint{
httpRouter: middlewares.NewHandlerSwitcher(s.buildDefaultHTTPRouter()),
onDemandListener: entryPoint.OnDemandListener,
tlsALPNGetter: entryPoint.TLSALPNGetter,
if entryPoint.CertificateStore != nil {
serverEntryPoints[entryPointName].certs = entryPoint.CertificateStore
} else {
serverEntryPoints[entryPointName].certs = traefiktls.NewCertificateStore()
if entryPoint.Configuration.TLS != nil {
serverEntryPoints[entryPointName].certs.SniStrict = entryPoint.Configuration.TLS.SniStrict
if entryPoint.Configuration.TLS.DefaultCertificate != nil {
cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(entryPoint.Configuration.TLS.DefaultCertificate.CertFile.String(), entryPoint.Configuration.TLS.DefaultCertificate.KeyFile.String())
if err != nil {
serverEntryPoints[entryPointName].certs.DefaultCertificate = &cert
} else {
cert, err := generate.DefaultCertificate()
if err != nil {
serverEntryPoints[entryPointName].certs.DefaultCertificate = cert
if len(entryPoint.Configuration.TLS.Certificates) > 0 {
config, _ := entryPoint.Configuration.TLS.Certificates.CreateTLSConfig(entryPointName)
certMap := s.buildNameOrIPToCertificate(config.Certificates)
return serverEntryPoints
func (s *Server) buildDefaultHTTPRouter() *mux.Router {
rt := mux.NewRouter()
rt.NotFoundHandler = s.wrapHTTPHandlerWithAccessLog(http.HandlerFunc(http.NotFound), "backend not found")
return rt
func sortedFrontendNamesForConfig(configuration *types.Configuration) []string {
var keys []string
for key := range configuration.Frontends {
keys = append(keys, key)
return keys
func buildHostResolver(globalConfig configuration.GlobalConfiguration) *hostresolver.Resolver {
if globalConfig.HostResolver != nil {
return &hostresolver.Resolver{
CnameFlattening: globalConfig.HostResolver.CnameFlattening,
ResolvConfig: globalConfig.HostResolver.ResolvConfig,
ResolvDepth: globalConfig.HostResolver.ResolvDepth,
return nil