package fun import ( "reflect" "runtime" "sync" "" ) // All has a parametric type: // // func All(p func(A) bool, xs []A) bool // // All returns `true` if and only if every element in `xs` satisfies `p`. func All(f, xs interface{}) bool { chk := ty.Check( new(func(func(ty.A) bool, []ty.A) bool), f, xs) vf, vxs := chk.Args[0], chk.Args[1] xsLen := vxs.Len() for i := 0; i < xsLen; i++ { if !call1(vf, vxs.Index(i)).Interface().(bool) { return false } } return true } // Exists has a parametric type: // // func Exists(p func(A) bool, xs []A) bool // // Exists returns `true` if and only if an element in `xs` satisfies `p`. func Exists(f, xs interface{}) bool { chk := ty.Check( new(func(func(ty.A) bool, []ty.A) bool), f, xs) vf, vxs := chk.Args[0], chk.Args[1] xsLen := vxs.Len() for i := 0; i < xsLen; i++ { if call1(vf, vxs.Index(i)).Interface().(bool) { return true } } return false } // In has a parametric type: // // func In(needle A, haystack []A) bool // // In returns `true` if and only if `v` can be found in `xs`. The equality test // used is Go's standard `==` equality and NOT deep equality. // // Note that this requires that `A` be a type that can be meaningfully compared. func In(needle, haystack interface{}) bool { chk := ty.Check( new(func(ty.A, []ty.A) bool), needle, haystack) vhaystack := chk.Args[1] length := vhaystack.Len() for i := 0; i < length; i++ { if vhaystack.Index(i).Interface() == needle { return true } } return false } // Map has a parametric type: // // func Map(f func(A) B, xs []A) []B // // Map returns the list corresponding to the return value of applying // `f` to each element in `xs`. func Map(f, xs interface{}) interface{} { chk := ty.Check( new(func(func(ty.A) ty.B, []ty.A) []ty.B), f, xs) vf, vxs, tys := chk.Args[0], chk.Args[1], chk.Returns[0] xsLen := vxs.Len() vys := reflect.MakeSlice(tys, xsLen, xsLen) for i := 0; i < xsLen; i++ { vy := call1(vf, vxs.Index(i)) vys.Index(i).Set(vy) } return vys.Interface() } // Filter has a parametric type: // // func Filter(p func(A) bool, xs []A) []A // // Filter returns a new list only containing the elements of `xs` that satisfy // the predicate `p`. func Filter(p, xs interface{}) interface{} { chk := ty.Check( new(func(func(ty.A) bool, []ty.A) []ty.A), p, xs) vp, vxs, tys := chk.Args[0], chk.Args[1], chk.Returns[0] xsLen := vxs.Len() vys := reflect.MakeSlice(tys, 0, xsLen) for i := 0; i < xsLen; i++ { vx := vxs.Index(i) if call1(vp, vx).Bool() { vys = reflect.Append(vys, vx) } } return vys.Interface() } // Foldl has a parametric type: // // func Foldl(f func(A, B) B, init B, xs []A) B // // Foldl reduces a list of A to a single element B using a left fold with // an initial value `init`. func Foldl(f, init, xs interface{}) interface{} { chk := ty.Check( new(func(func(ty.A, ty.B) ty.B, ty.B, []ty.A) ty.B), f, init, xs) vf, vinit, vxs, tb := chk.Args[0], chk.Args[1], chk.Args[2], chk.Returns[0] xsLen := vxs.Len() vb := zeroValue(tb) vb.Set(vinit) if xsLen == 0 { return vb.Interface() } vb.Set(call1(vf, vxs.Index(0), vb)) for i := 1; i < xsLen; i++ { vb.Set(call1(vf, vxs.Index(i), vb)) } return vb.Interface() } // Foldr has a parametric type: // // func Foldr(f func(A, B) B, init B, xs []A) B // // Foldr reduces a list of A to a single element B using a right fold with // an initial value `init`. func Foldr(f, init, xs interface{}) interface{} { chk := ty.Check( new(func(func(ty.A, ty.B) ty.B, ty.B, []ty.A) ty.B), f, init, xs) vf, vinit, vxs, tb := chk.Args[0], chk.Args[1], chk.Args[2], chk.Returns[0] xsLen := vxs.Len() vb := zeroValue(tb) vb.Set(vinit) if xsLen == 0 { return vb.Interface() } vb.Set(call1(vf, vxs.Index(xsLen-1), vb)) for i := xsLen - 2; i >= 0; i-- { vb.Set(call1(vf, vxs.Index(i), vb)) } return vb.Interface() } // Concat has a parametric type: // // func Concat(xs [][]A) []A // // Concat returns a new flattened list by appending all elements of `xs`. func Concat(xs interface{}) interface{} { chk := ty.Check( new(func([][]ty.A) []ty.A), xs) vxs, tflat := chk.Args[0], chk.Returns[0] xsLen := vxs.Len() vflat := reflect.MakeSlice(tflat, 0, xsLen*3) for i := 0; i < xsLen; i++ { vflat = reflect.AppendSlice(vflat, vxs.Index(i)) } return vflat.Interface() } // Reverse has a parametric type: // // func Reverse(xs []A) []A // // Reverse returns a new slice that is the reverse of `xs`. func Reverse(xs interface{}) interface{} { chk := ty.Check( new(func([]ty.A) []ty.A), xs) vxs, tys := chk.Args[0], chk.Returns[0] xsLen := vxs.Len() vys := reflect.MakeSlice(tys, xsLen, xsLen) for i := 0; i < xsLen; i++ { vys.Index(i).Set(vxs.Index(xsLen - 1 - i)) } return vys.Interface() } // Copy has a parametric type: // // func Copy(xs []A) []A // // Copy returns a copy of `xs` using Go's `copy` operation. func Copy(xs interface{}) interface{} { chk := ty.Check( new(func([]ty.A) []ty.A), xs) vxs, tys := chk.Args[0], chk.Returns[0] xsLen := vxs.Len() vys := reflect.MakeSlice(tys, xsLen, xsLen) reflect.Copy(vys, vxs) return vys.Interface() } // ParMap has a parametric type: // // func ParMap(f func(A) B, xs []A) []B // // ParMap is just like Map, except it applies `f` to each element in `xs` // concurrently using N worker goroutines (where N is the number of CPUs // available reported by the Go runtime). If you want to control the number // of goroutines spawned, use `ParMapN`. // // It is important that `f` not be a trivial operation, otherwise the overhead // of executing it concurrently will result in worse performance than using // a `Map`. func ParMap(f, xs interface{}) interface{} { n := runtime.NumCPU() if n < 1 { n = 1 } return ParMapN(f, xs, n) } // ParMapN has a parametric type: // // func ParMapN(f func(A) B, xs []A, n int) []B // // ParMapN is just like Map, except it applies `f` to each element in `xs` // concurrently using `n` worker goroutines. // // It is important that `f` not be a trivial operation, otherwise the overhead // of executing it concurrently will result in worse performance than using // a `Map`. func ParMapN(f, xs interface{}, n int) interface{} { chk := ty.Check( new(func(func(ty.A) ty.B, []ty.A) []ty.B), f, xs) vf, vxs, tys := chk.Args[0], chk.Args[1], chk.Returns[0] xsLen := vxs.Len() ys := reflect.MakeSlice(tys, xsLen, xsLen) if n < 1 { n = 1 } work := make(chan int, n) wg := new(sync.WaitGroup) for i := 0; i < n; i++ { wg.Add(1) go func() { for j := range work { // Good golly miss molly. Is `reflect.Value.Index` // safe to access/set from multiple goroutines? // XXX: If not, we'll need an extra wave of allocation to // use real slices of `reflect.Value`. ys.Index(j).Set(call1(vf, vxs.Index(j))) } wg.Done() }() } for i := 0; i < xsLen; i++ { work <- i } close(work) wg.Wait() return ys.Interface() } // Range generates a list of integers corresponding to every integer in // the half-open interval [x, y). // // Range will panic if `end < start`. func Range(start, end int) []int { if end < start { panic("range must have end greater than or equal to start") } r := make([]int, end-start) for i := start; i < end; i++ { r[i-start] = i } return r }