// Package records contains functions to generate resource records from // mesos master states to serve through a dns server package records import ( "crypto/sha1" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net" "net/http" "net/url" "strconv" "strings" "time" "github.com/mesosphere/mesos-dns/errorutil" "github.com/mesosphere/mesos-dns/logging" "github.com/mesosphere/mesos-dns/models" "github.com/mesosphere/mesos-dns/records/labels" "github.com/mesosphere/mesos-dns/records/state" "github.com/tv42/zbase32" ) // Map host/service name to DNS answer // REFACTOR - when discoveryinfo is integrated // Will likely become map[string][]discoveryinfo // Effectively we're (ab)using the map type as a set // It used to have the type: rrs map[string][]string type rrs map[string]map[string]struct{} func (r rrs) add(name, host string) bool { if host == "" { return false } v, ok := r[name] if !ok { v = make(map[string]struct{}) r[name] = v } else { // don't overwrite existing values _, ok = v[host] if ok { return false } } v[host] = struct{}{} return true } func (r rrs) First(name string) (string, bool) { for host := range r[name] { return host, true } return "", false } // Transform the record set into something exportable via the REST API func (r rrs) ToAXFRResourceRecordSet() models.AXFRResourceRecordSet { ret := make(models.AXFRResourceRecordSet, len(r)) for host, values := range r { ret[host] = make([]string, 0, len(values)) for record := range values { ret[host] = append(ret[host], record) } } return ret } type rrsKind string const ( // A record types A rrsKind = "A" // SRV record types SRV = "SRV" ) func (kind rrsKind) rrs(rg *RecordGenerator) rrs { switch kind { case A: return rg.As case SRV: return rg.SRVs default: return nil } } // RecordGenerator contains DNS records and methods to access and manipulate // them. TODO(kozyraki): Refactor when discovery id is available. type RecordGenerator struct { As rrs SRVs rrs SlaveIPs map[string]string EnumData EnumerationData httpClient http.Client } // EnumerableRecord is the lowest level object, and should map 1:1 with DNS records type EnumerableRecord struct { Name string `json:"name"` Host string `json:"host"` Rtype string `json:"rtype"` } // EnumerableTask consists of the records derived from a task type EnumerableTask struct { Name string `json:"name"` ID string `json:"id"` Records []EnumerableRecord `json:"records"` } // EnumerableFramework is consistent of enumerable tasks, and include the name of the framework type EnumerableFramework struct { Tasks []*EnumerableTask `json:"tasks"` Name string `json:"name"` } // EnumerationData is the top level container pointing to the // enumerable frameworks containing enumerable tasks type EnumerationData struct { Frameworks []*EnumerableFramework `json:"frameworks"` } // NewRecordGenerator returns a RecordGenerator that's been configured with a timeout. func NewRecordGenerator(httpTimeout time.Duration) *RecordGenerator { enumData := EnumerationData{ Frameworks: []*EnumerableFramework{}, } rg := &RecordGenerator{ httpClient: http.Client{Timeout: httpTimeout}, EnumData: enumData, } return rg } // ParseState retrieves and parses the Mesos master /state.json and converts it // into DNS records. func (rg *RecordGenerator) ParseState(c Config, masters ...string) error { // find master -- return if error sj, err := rg.FindMaster(masters...) if err != nil { logging.Error.Println("no master") return err } if sj.Leader == "" { logging.Error.Println("Unexpected error") err = errors.New("empty master") return err } hostSpec := labels.RFC1123 if c.EnforceRFC952 { hostSpec = labels.RFC952 } return rg.InsertState(sj, c.Domain, c.SOARname, c.Listener, masters, c.IPSources, hostSpec) } // Tries each master and looks for the leader // if no leader responds it errors func (rg *RecordGenerator) FindMaster(masters ...string) (state.State, error) { var sj state.State var leader string if len(masters) > 0 { leader, masters = masters[0], masters[1:] } // Check if ZK leader is correct if leader != "" { logging.VeryVerbose.Println("Zookeeper says the leader is: ", leader) ip, port, err := getProto(leader) if err != nil { logging.Error.Println(err) } if sj, err = rg.loadWrap(ip, port); err == nil && sj.Leader != "" { return sj, nil } logging.Verbose.Println("Warning: Zookeeper is wrong about leader") if len(masters) == 0 { return sj, errors.New("no master") } logging.Verbose.Println("Warning: falling back to Masters config field: ", masters) } // try each listed mesos master before dying for i, master := range masters { ip, port, err := getProto(master) if err != nil { logging.Error.Println(err) } if sj, err = rg.loadWrap(ip, port); err == nil && sj.Leader == "" { logging.VeryVerbose.Println("Warning: not a leader - trying next one") if len(masters)-1 == i { return sj, errors.New("no master") } } else { return sj, nil } } return sj, errors.New("no master") } // Loads state.json from mesos master func (rg *RecordGenerator) loadFromMaster(ip string, port string) (state.State, error) { // REFACTOR: state.json security var sj state.State u := url.URL{ Scheme: "http", Host: net.JoinHostPort(ip, port), Path: "/master/state.json", } req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", u.String(), nil) if err != nil { logging.Error.Println(err) return state.State{}, err } req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json") resp, err := rg.httpClient.Do(req) if err != nil { logging.Error.Println(err) return state.State{}, err } defer errorutil.Ignore(resp.Body.Close) body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { logging.Error.Println(err) return state.State{}, err } err = json.Unmarshal(body, &sj) if err != nil { logging.Error.Println(err) return state.State{}, err } return sj, nil } // Catches an attempt to load state.json from a mesos master // attempts can fail from down server or mesos master secondary // it also reloads from a different master if the master it attempted to // load from was not the leader func (rg *RecordGenerator) loadWrap(ip string, port string) (state.State, error) { var err error var sj state.State logging.VeryVerbose.Println("reloading from master " + ip) sj, err = rg.loadFromMaster(ip, port) if err != nil { return state.State{}, err } if rip := leaderIP(sj.Leader); rip != ip { logging.VeryVerbose.Println("Warning: master changed to " + ip) sj, err = rg.loadFromMaster(rip, port) return sj, err } return sj, nil } // hashes a given name using a truncated sha1 hash // 5 characters extracted from the zbase32 encoded hash provides // enough entropy to avoid collisions // zbase32: http://philzimmermann.com/docs/human-oriented-base-32-encoding.txt // is used to promote human-readable names func hashString(s string) string { hash := sha1.Sum([]byte(s)) return zbase32.EncodeToString(hash[:])[:5] } // attempt to translate the hostname into an IPv4 address. logs an error if IP // lookup fails. if an IP address cannot be found, returns the same hostname // that was given. upon success returns the IP address as a string. func hostToIP4(hostname string) (string, bool) { ip := net.ParseIP(hostname) if ip == nil { t, err := net.ResolveIPAddr("ip4", hostname) if err != nil { logging.Error.Printf("cannot translate hostname %q into an ip4 address", hostname) return hostname, false } ip = t.IP } return ip.String(), true } // InsertState transforms a StateJSON into RecordGenerator RRs func (rg *RecordGenerator) InsertState(sj state.State, domain, ns, listener string, masters, ipSources []string, spec labels.Func) error { rg.SlaveIPs = map[string]string{} rg.SRVs = rrs{} rg.As = rrs{} rg.frameworkRecords(sj, domain, spec) rg.slaveRecords(sj, domain, spec) rg.listenerRecord(listener, ns) rg.masterRecord(domain, masters, sj.Leader) rg.taskRecords(sj, domain, spec, ipSources) return nil } // frameworkRecords injects A and SRV records into the generator store: // frameworkname.domain. // resolves to IPs of each framework // _framework._tcp.frameworkname.domain. // resolves to the driver port and IP of each framework func (rg *RecordGenerator) frameworkRecords(sj state.State, domain string, spec labels.Func) { for _, f := range sj.Frameworks { fname := labels.DomainFrag(f.Name, labels.Sep, spec) host, port := f.HostPort() if address, ok := hostToIP4(host); ok { a := fname + "." + domain + "." rg.insertRR(a, address, A) if port != "" { srvAddress := net.JoinHostPort(a, port) rg.insertRR("_framework._tcp."+a, srvAddress, SRV) } } } } // slaveRecords injects A and SRV records into the generator store: // slave.domain. // resolves to IPs of all slaves // _slave._tc.domain. // resolves to the driver port and IP of all slaves func (rg *RecordGenerator) slaveRecords(sj state.State, domain string, spec labels.Func) { for _, slave := range sj.Slaves { address, ok := hostToIP4(slave.PID.Host) if ok { a := "slave." + domain + "." rg.insertRR(a, address, A) srv := net.JoinHostPort(a, slave.PID.Port) rg.insertRR("_slave._tcp."+domain+".", srv, SRV) } else { logging.VeryVerbose.Printf("string '%q' for slave with id %q is not a valid IP address", address, slave.ID) address = labels.DomainFrag(address, labels.Sep, spec) } rg.SlaveIPs[slave.ID] = address } } // masterRecord injects A and SRV records into the generator store: // master.domain. // resolves to IPs of all masters // masterN.domain. // one IP address for each master // leader.domain. // one IP address for the leading master // // The current func implementation makes an assumption about the order of masters: // it's the order in which you expect the enumerated masterN records to be created. // This is probably important: if a new leader is elected, you may not want it to // become master0 simply because it's the leader. You probably want your DNS records // to change as little as possible. And this func should have the least impact on // enumeration order, or name/IP mappings - it's just creating the records. So let // the caller do the work of ordering/sorting (if desired) the masters list if a // different outcome is desired. // // Another consequence of the current overall mesos-dns app implementation is that // the leader may not even be in the masters list at some point in time. masters is // really fallback-masters (only consider these to be masters if I can't find a // leader via ZK). At some point in time, they may not actually be masters any more. // Consider a cluster of 3 nodes that suffers the loss of a member, and gains a new // member (VM crashed, was replaced by another VM). And the cycle repeats several // times. You end up with a set of running masters (and leader) that's different // than the set of statically configured fallback masters. // // So the func tries to index the masters as they're listed and begrudgingly assigns // the leading master an index out-of-band if it's not actually listed in the masters // list. There are probably better ways to do it. func (rg *RecordGenerator) masterRecord(domain string, masters []string, leader string) { // create records for leader // A records h := strings.Split(leader, "@") if len(h) < 2 { logging.Error.Println(leader) return // avoid a panic later } leaderAddress := h[1] ip, port, err := getProto(leaderAddress) if err != nil { logging.Error.Println(err) return } arec := "leader." + domain + "." rg.insertRR(arec, ip, A) arec = "master." + domain + "." rg.insertRR(arec, ip, A) // SRV records tcp := "_leader._tcp." + domain + "." udp := "_leader._udp." + domain + "." host := "leader." + domain + "." + ":" + port rg.insertRR(tcp, host, SRV) rg.insertRR(udp, host, SRV) // if there is a list of masters, insert that as well addedLeaderMasterN := false idx := 0 for _, master := range masters { masterIP, _, err := getProto(master) if err != nil { logging.Error.Println(err) continue } // A records (master and masterN) if master != leaderAddress { arec := "master." + domain + "." added := rg.insertRR(arec, masterIP, A) if !added { // duplicate master?! continue } } if master == leaderAddress && addedLeaderMasterN { // duplicate leader in masters list?! continue } arec := "master" + strconv.Itoa(idx) + "." + domain + "." rg.insertRR(arec, masterIP, A) idx++ if master == leaderAddress { addedLeaderMasterN = true } } // flake: we ended up with a leader that's not in the list of all masters? if !addedLeaderMasterN { // only a flake if there were fallback masters configured if len(masters) > 0 { logging.Error.Printf("warning: leader %q is not in master list", leader) } arec = "master" + strconv.Itoa(idx) + "." + domain + "." rg.insertRR(arec, ip, A) } } // A record for mesos-dns (the name is listed in SOA replies) func (rg *RecordGenerator) listenerRecord(listener string, ns string) { if listener == "" { rg.setFromLocal(listener, ns) } else if listener == "" { rg.insertRR(ns, "", A) } else { rg.insertRR(ns, listener, A) } } func (rg *RecordGenerator) taskRecords(sj state.State, domain string, spec labels.Func, ipSources []string) { for _, f := range sj.Frameworks { enumerableFramework := &EnumerableFramework{ Name: f.Name, Tasks: []*EnumerableTask{}, } rg.EnumData.Frameworks = append(rg.EnumData.Frameworks, enumerableFramework) for _, task := range f.Tasks { var ok bool task.SlaveIP, ok = rg.SlaveIPs[task.SlaveID] // only do running and discoverable tasks if ok && (task.State == "TASK_RUNNING") { rg.taskRecord(task, f, domain, spec, ipSources, enumerableFramework) } } } } type context struct { taskName, taskID, slaveID, taskIP, slaveIP string } func (rg *RecordGenerator) taskRecord(task state.Task, f state.Framework, domain string, spec labels.Func, ipSources []string, enumFW *EnumerableFramework) { newTask := &EnumerableTask{ID: task.ID, Name: task.Name} enumFW.Tasks = append(enumFW.Tasks, newTask) // define context ctx := context{ spec(task.Name), hashString(task.ID), slaveIDTail(task.SlaveID), task.IP(ipSources...), task.SlaveIP, } // use DiscoveryInfo name if defined instead of task name if task.HasDiscoveryInfo() { // LEGACY TODO: REMOVE ctx.taskName = task.DiscoveryInfo.Name rg.taskContextRecord(ctx, task, f, domain, spec, newTask) // LEGACY, TODO: REMOVE ctx.taskName = spec(task.DiscoveryInfo.Name) rg.taskContextRecord(ctx, task, f, domain, spec, newTask) } else { rg.taskContextRecord(ctx, task, f, domain, spec, newTask) } } func (rg *RecordGenerator) taskContextRecord(ctx context, task state.Task, f state.Framework, domain string, spec labels.Func, enumTask *EnumerableTask) { fname := labels.DomainFrag(f.Name, labels.Sep, spec) tail := "." + domain + "." // insert canonical A records canonical := ctx.taskName + "-" + ctx.taskID + "-" + ctx.slaveID + "." + fname arec := ctx.taskName + "." + fname rg.insertTaskRR(arec+tail, ctx.taskIP, A, enumTask) rg.insertTaskRR(canonical+tail, ctx.taskIP, A, enumTask) rg.insertTaskRR(arec+".slave"+tail, ctx.slaveIP, A, enumTask) rg.insertTaskRR(canonical+".slave"+tail, ctx.slaveIP, A, enumTask) // recordName generates records for ctx.taskName, given some generation chain recordName := func(gen chain) { gen("_" + ctx.taskName) } // asSRV is always the last link in a chain, it must insert RR's asSRV := func(target string) chain { return func(records ...string) { for i := range records { name := records[i] + tail rg.insertTaskRR(name, target, SRV, enumTask) } } } // Add RFC 2782 SRV records var subdomains []string if task.HasDiscoveryInfo() { subdomains = []string{"slave"} } else { subdomains = []string{"slave", domainNone} } slaveHost := canonical + ".slave" + tail for _, port := range task.Ports() { slaveTarget := slaveHost + ":" + port recordName(withProtocol(protocolNone, fname, spec, withSubdomains(subdomains, asSRV(slaveTarget)))) } if !task.HasDiscoveryInfo() { return } for _, port := range task.DiscoveryInfo.Ports.DiscoveryPorts { target := canonical + tail + ":" + strconv.Itoa(port.Number) recordName(withProtocol(port.Protocol, fname, spec, withNamedPort(port.Name, spec, asSRV(target)))) } } // A records for each local interface // If this causes problems you should explicitly set the // listener address in config.json func (rg *RecordGenerator) setFromLocal(host string, ns string) { ifaces, err := net.Interfaces() if err != nil { logging.Error.Println(err) } // handle err for _, i := range ifaces { addrs, err := i.Addrs() if err != nil { logging.Error.Println(err) } for _, addr := range addrs { var ip net.IP switch v := addr.(type) { case *net.IPNet: ip = v.IP case *net.IPAddr: ip = v.IP } if ip == nil || ip.IsLoopback() { continue } ip = ip.To4() if ip == nil { continue } rg.insertRR(ns, ip.String(), A) } } } // insertRR adds a record to the appropriate record map for the given name/host pair, // but only if the pair is unique. returns true if added, false otherwise. // TODO(???): REFACTOR when storage is updated func (rg *RecordGenerator) insertTaskRR(name, host string, kind rrsKind, enumTask *EnumerableTask) bool { if rg.insertRR(name, host, kind) { enumRecord := EnumerableRecord{Name: name, Host: host, Rtype: string(kind)} enumTask.Records = append(enumTask.Records, enumRecord) return true } return false } func (rg *RecordGenerator) insertRR(name, host string, kind rrsKind) (added bool) { if rrs := kind.rrs(rg); rrs != nil { if added = rrs.add(name, host); added { logging.VeryVerbose.Println("[" + string(kind) + "]\t" + name + ": " + host) } } return } // leaderIP returns the ip for the mesos master // input format master@ip:port func leaderIP(leader string) string { pair := strings.Split(leader, "@")[1] return strings.Split(pair, ":")[0] } // return the slave number from a Mesos slave id func slaveIDTail(slaveID string) string { fields := strings.Split(slaveID, "-") return strings.ToLower(fields[len(fields)-1]) } // should be able to accept // ip:port // zk://host1:port1,host2:port2,.../path // zk://username:password@host1:port1,host2:port2,.../path // file:///path/to/file (where file contains one of the above) func getProto(pair string) (string, string, error) { h := strings.SplitN(pair, ":", 2) if len(h) != 2 { return "", "", fmt.Errorf("unable to parse proto from %q", pair) } return h[0], h[1], nil }