# Maintainers ## The team * Emile Vauge [@emilevauge](https://github.com/emilevauge) * Vincent Demeester [@vdemeester](https://github.com/vdemeester) * Ed Robinson [@errm](https://github.com/errm) * Daniel Tomcej [@dtomcej](https://github.com/dtomcej) * Manuel Zapf [@SantoDE](https://github.com/SantoDE) * Timo Reimann [@timoreimann](https://github.com/timoreimann) * Ludovic Fernandez [@ldez](https://github.com/ldez) * Julien Salleyron [@juliens](https://github.com/juliens) * Nicolas Mengin [@nmengin](https://github.com/nmengin) * Marco Jantke [@marco-jantke](https://github.com/marco-jantke) * Michaël Matur [@mmatur](https://github.com/mmatur) ## PR review process: * The status `needs-design-review` is only used in complex/heavy/tricky PRs. * From `1` to `2`: 1 comment that says “design LGTM” (by a senior maintainer). * From `2` to `3`: 3 LGTM approvals by any maintainer. * If needed, a specific maintainer familiar with a particular domain can be requested for the review. We use [PRM](https://github.com/ldez/prm) to manage locally pull requests. ## Bots ### [Myrmica Lobicornis](https://github.com/containous/lobicornis/) **Update and Merge Pull Request** The maintainer giving the final LGTM must add the `status/3-needs-merge` label to trigger the merge bot. By default, a squash-rebase merge will be carried out. To preserve commits, add `bot/merge-method-rebase` before `status/3-needs-merge`. The status `status/4-merge-in-progress` is only used by the bot. If the bot is not able to perform the merge, the label `bot/need-human-merge` is added. In such a situation, solve the conflicts/CI/... and then remove the label `bot/need-human-merge`. To prevent the bot from automatically merging a PR, add the label `bot/no-merge`. The label `bot/light-review` decreases the number of required LGTM from 3 to 1. This label is used when: - Updating the vendors from previously reviewed PRs - Merging branches into the master - Preparing the release ### [Myrmica Bibikoffi](https://github.com/containous/bibikoffi/) * closes stale issues [cron] * use some criterion as number of days between creation, last update, labels, ... ### [Myrmica Aloba](https://github.com/containous/aloba) **Manage GitHub labels** * Add labels on new PR [GitHub WebHook] * Add milestone to a new PR based on a branch version (1.4, 1.3, ...) [GitHub WebHook] * Add and remove `contributor/waiting-for-corrections` label when a review request changes [GitHub WebHook] * Weekly report of PR status on Slack (CaptainPR) [cron] ## Labels A maintainer that looks at an issue/PR must define its `kind/*`, `area/*`, and `status/*`. ### Contributor * `contributor/need-more-information`: we need more information from the contributor in order to analyze a problem. * `contributor/waiting-for-feedback`: we need the contributor to give us feedback. * `contributor/waiting-for-corrections`: we need the contributor to take actions in order to move forward with a PR. **(only for PR)** _[bot, humans]_ * `contributor/needs-resolve-conflicts`: use it only when there is some conflicts (and an automatic rebase is not possible). **(only for PR)** _[bot, humans]_ ### Kind * `kind/enhancement`: a new or improved feature. * `kind/question`: a question. **(only for issue)** * `kind/proposal`: a proposal that needs to be discussed. * _Proposal issues_ are design proposals * _Proposal PRs_ are technical prototypes that need to be refined with multiple contributors. * `kind/bug/possible`: a possible bug that needs analysis before it is confirmed or fixed. **(only for issues)** * `kind/bug/confirmed`: a confirmed bug (reproducible). **(only for issues)** * `kind/bug/fix`: a bug fix. **(only for PR)** ### Resolution * `resolution/duplicate`: a duplicate issue/PR. * `resolution/declined`: declined (Rule #1 of open-source: no is temporary, yes is forever). * `WIP`: Work In Progress. **(only for PR)** ### Platform * `platform/windows`: Windows related. ### Area * `area/acme`: ACME related. * `area/api`: Traefik API related. * `area/authentication`: Authentication related. * `area/cluster`: Traefik clustering related. * `area/documentation`: Documentation related. * `area/infrastructure`: CI or Traefik building scripts related. * `area/healthcheck`: Health-check related. * `area/logs`: Logs related. * `area/middleware`: Middleware related. * `area/middleware/metrics`: Metrics related. (Prometheus, StatsD, ...) * `area/oxy`: Oxy related. * `area/provider`: related to all providers. * `area/provider/boltdb`: Boltd DB related. * `area/provider/consul`: Consul related. * `area/provider/docker`: Docker and Swarm related. * `area/provider/ecs`: ECS related. * `area/provider/etcd`: Etcd related. * `area/provider/eureka`: Eureka related. * `area/provider/file`: file provider related. * `area/provider/k8s`: Kubernetes related. * `area/provider/marathon`: Marathon related. * `area/provider/mesos`: Mesos related. * `area/provider/rancher`: Rancher related. * `area/provider/zk`: Zoo Keeper related. * `area/sticky-session`: Sticky session related. * `area/tls`: TLS related. * `area/websocket`: WebSocket related. * `area/webui`: Web UI related. ### Priority * `priority/P0`: needs a hot fix. **(only for issue)** * `priority/P1`: needs to be fixed the next release. **(only for issue)** * `priority/P2`: needs to be fixed in the future. **(only for issue)** * `priority/P3`: maybe. **(only for issue)** ### PR size * `size/S`: small PR. **(only for PR)** _[bot only]_ * `size/M`: medium PR. **(only for PR)** _[bot only]_ * `size/L`: large PR. **(only for PR)** _[bot only]_ ### Status - Workflow The `status/*` labels represent the desired state in the workflow. * `status/0-needs-triage`: all the new issues and PRs have this status. _[bot only]_ * `status/1-needs-design-review`: needs a design review. **(only for PR)** * `status/2-needs-review`: needs a code/documentation review. **(only for PR)** * `status/3-needs-merge`: ready to merge. **(only for PR)** * `status/4-merge-in-progress`: merge is in progress. _[bot only]_