apiVersion: traefik.io/v1alpha1 kind: TraefikService metadata: name: wrr2 namespace: default spec: weighted: services: - name: s1 weight: 1 port: 80 # Optional, as it is the default value kind: Service - name: s3 weight: 1 port: 80 --- apiVersion: traefik.io/v1alpha1 kind: TraefikService metadata: name: wrr1 namespace: default spec: weighted: services: - name: wrr2 kind: TraefikService weight: 1 - name: s3 weight: 1 port: 80 --- apiVersion: traefik.io/v1alpha1 kind: TraefikService metadata: name: mirror1 namespace: default spec: mirroring: name: s1 port: 80 mirrors: - name: s3 percent: 20 port: 80 - name: mirror2 kind: TraefikService percent: 20 --- apiVersion: traefik.io/v1alpha1 kind: TraefikService metadata: name: mirror2 namespace: default spec: mirroring: name: wrr2 kind: TraefikService # Optional maxBodySize: 2000000000 mirrors: - name: s2 # Optional, as it is the default value kind: Service percent: 20 port: 80 --- apiVersion: traefik.io/v1alpha1 kind: IngressRoute metadata: name: ingressroute spec: entryPoints: - web - websecure routes: - match: Host(`example.net`) && PathPrefix(`/bar`) kind: Rule priority: 12 # defining several services is possible and allowed, but for now the servers of # all the services (for a given route) get merged altogether under the same # load-balancing strategy. services: - name: s1 port: 80 # strategy defines the load balancing strategy between the servers. It defaults # to Round Robin, and for now only Round Robin is supported anyway. strategy: RoundRobin - name: s2 port: 433 serversTransport: mytransport - match: PathPrefix(`/misc`) kind: Rule services: - name: s3 port: 80 middlewares: - name: stripprefix - name: addprefix - match: PathPrefix(`/misc`) kind: Rule services: - name: s3 # Optional, as it is the default value kind: Service port: 8443 # scheme allow to override the scheme for the service. (ex: https or h2c) scheme: https - match: PathPrefix(`/lb`) kind: Rule services: - name: wrr1 kind: TraefikService - match: PathPrefix(`/mirrored`) kind: Rule services: - name: mirror1 kind: TraefikService # use an empty tls object for TLS with Let's Encrypt tls: secretName: supersecret options: name: my-tls-option namespace: default --- apiVersion: traefik.io/v1alpha1 kind: IngressRouteTCP metadata: name: ingressroutetcp.crd namespace: default spec: entryPoints: - footcp routes: - match: HostSNI(`example.com`) services: - name: whoamitcp port: 8080 middlewares: - name: ipallowlist tls: secretName: foosecret passthrough: false options: name: my-tls-option namespace: default --- apiVersion: traefik.io/v1alpha1 kind: IngressRouteUDP metadata: name: ingressrouteudp.crd namespace: default spec: entryPoints: - footcp routes: - services: - name: whoamiudp port: 8080 --- apiVersion: traefik.io/v1alpha1 kind: TLSOption metadata: name: tlsoption namespace: default spec: minVersion: foobar maxVersion: foobar cipherSuites: - foobar - foobar curvePreferences: - foobar - foobar clientAuth: secretNames: - foobar - foobar clientAuthType: RequireAndVerifyClientCert sniStrict: true preferServerCipherSuites: true alpnProtocols: - foobar - foobar --- apiVersion: traefik.io/v1alpha1 kind: ServersTransport metadata: name: mytransport namespace: default spec: serverName: foobar insecureSkipVerify: true rootCAsSecrets: - foobar - foobar certificatesSecrets: - foobar - foobar maxIdleConnsPerHost: 1 forwardingTimeouts: dialTimeout: 42s responseHeaderTimeout: 42s idleConnTimeout: 42s disableHTTP2: true