package file import ( "context" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "path" "testing" "time" "" "" "" ) // createRandomFile Helper func createRandomFile(t *testing.T, tempDir string, contents ...string) *os.File { return createFile(t, tempDir, fmt.Sprintf("temp%d.toml", time.Now().UnixNano()), contents...) } // createFile Helper func createFile(t *testing.T, tempDir string, name string, contents ...string) *os.File { t.Helper() fileName := path.Join(tempDir, name) tempFile, err := os.Create(fileName) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } for _, content := range contents { _, err := tempFile.WriteString(content) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } err = tempFile.Close() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return tempFile } // createTempDir Helper func createTempDir(t *testing.T, dir string) string { t.Helper() d, err := ioutil.TempDir("", dir) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return d } // createFrontendConfiguration Helper func createFrontendConfiguration(n int) string { conf := "[frontends]\n" for i := 1; i <= n; i++ { conf += fmt.Sprintf(` [frontends."frontend%[1]d"] backend = "backend%[1]d" `, i) } return conf } // createBackendConfiguration Helper func createBackendConfiguration(n int) string { conf := "[backends]\n" for i := 1; i <= n; i++ { conf += fmt.Sprintf(` [backends.backend%[1]d] [backends.backend%[1]d.servers.server1] url = "http://172.17.0.%[1]d:80" `, i) } return conf } // createTLS Helper func createTLS(n int) string { var conf string for i := 1; i <= n; i++ { conf += fmt.Sprintf(`[[TLS]] EntryPoints = ["https"] [TLS.Certificate] CertFile = "integration/fixtures/https/snitest%[1]" KeyFile = "integration/fixtures/https/snitest%[1]" `, i) } return conf } type ProvideTestCase struct { desc string directoryContent []string fileContent string traefikFileContent string expectedNumFrontend int expectedNumBackend int expectedNumTLSConf int } func getTestCases() []ProvideTestCase { return []ProvideTestCase{ { desc: "simple file", fileContent: createFrontendConfiguration(2) + createBackendConfiguration(3) + createTLS(4), expectedNumFrontend: 2, expectedNumBackend: 3, expectedNumTLSConf: 4, }, { desc: "simple file and a traefik file", fileContent: createFrontendConfiguration(2) + createBackendConfiguration(3) + createTLS(4), traefikFileContent: ` debug=true `, expectedNumFrontend: 2, expectedNumBackend: 3, expectedNumTLSConf: 4, }, { desc: "template file", fileContent: ` [frontends] {{ range $i, $e := until 20 }} [frontends.frontend{{ $e }}] backend = "backend" {{ end }} `, expectedNumFrontend: 20, }, { desc: "simple directory", directoryContent: []string{ createFrontendConfiguration(2), createBackendConfiguration(3), createTLS(4), }, expectedNumFrontend: 2, expectedNumBackend: 3, expectedNumTLSConf: 4, }, { desc: "template in directory", directoryContent: []string{ ` [frontends] {{ range $i, $e := until 20 }} [frontends.frontend{{ $e }}] backend = "backend" {{ end }} `, ` [backends] {{ range $i, $e := until 20 }} [backends.backend{{ $e }}] [backends.backend{{ $e }}.servers.server1] url="" {{ end }} `, }, expectedNumFrontend: 20, expectedNumBackend: 20, }, { desc: "simple traefik file", traefikFileContent: ` debug=true [file] ` + createFrontendConfiguration(2) + createBackendConfiguration(3) + createTLS(4), expectedNumFrontend: 2, expectedNumBackend: 3, expectedNumTLSConf: 4, }, { desc: "simple traefik file with templating", traefikFileContent: ` temp="{{ getTag \"test\" }}" [file] ` + createFrontendConfiguration(2) + createBackendConfiguration(3) + createTLS(4), expectedNumFrontend: 2, expectedNumBackend: 3, expectedNumTLSConf: 4, }, } } func TestProvideWithoutWatch(t *testing.T) { for _, test := range getTestCases() { test := test t.Run(test.desc+" without watch", func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() provider, clean := createProvider(t, test, false) defer clean() configChan := make(chan types.ConfigMessage) go func() { err := provider.Provide(configChan, safe.NewPool(context.Background())) assert.NoError(t, err) }() timeout := time.After(time.Second) select { case config := <-configChan: assert.Len(t, config.Configuration.Backends, test.expectedNumBackend) assert.Len(t, config.Configuration.Frontends, test.expectedNumFrontend) assert.Len(t, config.Configuration.TLS, test.expectedNumTLSConf) case <-timeout: t.Errorf("timeout while waiting for config") } }) } } func TestProvideWithWatch(t *testing.T) { for _, test := range getTestCases() { test := test t.Run(test.desc+" with watch", func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() provider, clean := createProvider(t, test, true) defer clean() configChan := make(chan types.ConfigMessage) go func() { err := provider.Provide(configChan, safe.NewPool(context.Background())) assert.NoError(t, err) }() timeout := time.After(time.Second) select { case config := <-configChan: assert.Len(t, config.Configuration.Backends, 0) assert.Len(t, config.Configuration.Frontends, 0) assert.Len(t, config.Configuration.TLS, 0) case <-timeout: t.Errorf("timeout while waiting for config") } if len(test.fileContent) > 0 { if err := ioutil.WriteFile(provider.Filename, []byte(test.fileContent), 0755); err != nil { t.Error(err) } } if len(test.traefikFileContent) > 0 { if err := ioutil.WriteFile(provider.TraefikFile, []byte(test.traefikFileContent), 0755); err != nil { t.Error(err) } } if len(test.directoryContent) > 0 { for _, fileContent := range test.directoryContent { createRandomFile(t, provider.Directory, fileContent) } } timeout = time.After(time.Second * 1) var numUpdates, numBackends, numFrontends, numTLSConfs int for { select { case config := <-configChan: numUpdates++ numBackends = len(config.Configuration.Backends) numFrontends = len(config.Configuration.Frontends) numTLSConfs = len(config.Configuration.TLS) t.Logf("received update #%d: backends %d/%d, frontends %d/%d, TLS configs %d/%d", numUpdates, numBackends, test.expectedNumBackend, numFrontends, test.expectedNumFrontend, numTLSConfs, test.expectedNumTLSConf) if numBackends == test.expectedNumBackend && numFrontends == test.expectedNumFrontend && numTLSConfs == test.expectedNumTLSConf { return } case <-timeout: t.Fatal("timeout while waiting for config") } } }) } } func TestErrorWhenEmptyConfig(t *testing.T) { provider := &Provider{} configChan := make(chan types.ConfigMessage) errorChan := make(chan struct{}) go func() { err := provider.Provide(configChan, safe.NewPool(context.Background())) assert.Error(t, err) close(errorChan) }() timeout := time.After(time.Second) select { case <-configChan: t.Fatal("We should not receive config message") case <-timeout: t.Fatal("timeout while waiting for config") case <-errorChan: } } func createProvider(t *testing.T, test ProvideTestCase, watch bool) (*Provider, func()) { tempDir := createTempDir(t, "testdir") provider := &Provider{} provider.Watch = watch if len(test.directoryContent) > 0 { if !watch { for _, fileContent := range test.directoryContent { createRandomFile(t, tempDir, fileContent) } } provider.Directory = tempDir } if len(test.fileContent) > 0 { if watch { test.fileContent = "" } filename := createRandomFile(t, tempDir, test.fileContent) provider.Filename = filename.Name() } if len(test.traefikFileContent) > 0 { if watch { test.traefikFileContent = "" } filename := createRandomFile(t, tempDir, test.traefikFileContent) provider.TraefikFile = filename.Name() } return provider, func() { os.Remove(tempDir) } }