// This is the main file that sets up integration tests using go-check. package integration import ( "bytes" "context" "errors" "flag" "fmt" "io" "io/fs" "os" "os/exec" "path/filepath" "strings" "testing" "text/template" "time" "github.com/docker/cli/cli/command" "github.com/docker/cli/cli/config/configfile" "github.com/docker/cli/cli/context/docker" "github.com/docker/cli/cli/context/store" manifeststore "github.com/docker/cli/cli/manifest/store" registryclient "github.com/docker/cli/cli/registry/client" "github.com/docker/cli/cli/streams" "github.com/docker/cli/cli/trust" cmdcompose "github.com/docker/compose/v2/cmd/compose" "github.com/docker/compose/v2/cmd/formatter" composeapi "github.com/docker/compose/v2/pkg/api" "github.com/docker/compose/v2/pkg/compose" dockertypes "github.com/docker/docker/api/types" "github.com/docker/docker/api/types/filters" "github.com/docker/docker/client" "github.com/fatih/structs" "github.com/go-check/check" notaryclient "github.com/theupdateframework/notary/client" "github.com/traefik/traefik/v2/pkg/log" checker "github.com/vdemeester/shakers" ) var ( integration = flag.Bool("integration", false, "run integration tests") showLog = flag.Bool("tlog", false, "always show Traefik logs") ) func Test(t *testing.T) { if !*integration { log.WithoutContext().Info("Integration tests disabled.") return } // TODO(mpl): very niche optimization: do not start tailscale if none of the // wanted tests actually need it (e.g. KeepAliveSuite does not). var ( vpn *tailscaleNotSuite useVPN bool ) if os.Getenv("IN_DOCKER") != "true" { if vpn = setupVPN(nil, "tailscale.secret"); vpn != nil { defer vpn.TearDownSuite(nil) useVPN = true } } check.Suite(&AccessLogSuite{}) if !useVPN { check.Suite(&AcmeSuite{}) } check.Suite(&ConsulCatalogSuite{}) check.Suite(&ConsulSuite{}) check.Suite(&DockerComposeSuite{}) check.Suite(&DockerSuite{}) check.Suite(&ErrorPagesSuite{}) check.Suite(&EtcdSuite{}) check.Suite(&FileSuite{}) check.Suite(&GRPCSuite{}) check.Suite(&HeadersSuite{}) check.Suite(&HealthCheckSuite{}) check.Suite(&HostResolverSuite{}) check.Suite(&HTTPSSuite{}) check.Suite(&HTTPSuite{}) if !useVPN { check.Suite(&K8sSuite{}) } check.Suite(&KeepAliveSuite{}) check.Suite(&LogRotationSuite{}) check.Suite(&MarathonSuite{}) check.Suite(&MarathonSuite15{}) if !useVPN { check.Suite(&ProxyProtocolSuite{}) } check.Suite(&RateLimitSuite{}) check.Suite(&RedisSuite{}) check.Suite(&RestSuite{}) check.Suite(&RetrySuite{}) check.Suite(&SimpleSuite{}) check.Suite(&TCPSuite{}) check.Suite(&TimeoutSuite{}) check.Suite(&ThrottlingSuite{}) check.Suite(&TLSClientHeadersSuite{}) check.Suite(&TracingSuite{}) check.Suite(&UDPSuite{}) check.Suite(&WebsocketSuite{}) check.Suite(&ZookeeperSuite{}) check.TestingT(t) } var traefikBinary = "../dist/traefik" type BaseSuite struct { composeProjectOptions *cmdcompose.ProjectOptions dockerComposeService composeapi.Service dockerClient *client.Client } func (s *BaseSuite) TearDownSuite(c *check.C) { if s.composeProjectOptions != nil && s.dockerComposeService != nil { s.composeDown(c) } } // createComposeProject creates the docker compose project stored as a field in the BaseSuite. // This method should be called before starting and/or stopping compose services. func (s *BaseSuite) createComposeProject(c *check.C, name string) { projectName := fmt.Sprintf("traefik-integration-test-%s", name) composeFile := fmt.Sprintf("resources/compose/%s.yml", name) var err error s.dockerClient, err = client.NewClientWithOpts() c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) fakeCLI := &FakeDockerCLI{client: s.dockerClient} s.dockerComposeService = compose.NewComposeService(fakeCLI) s.composeProjectOptions = &cmdcompose.ProjectOptions{ ProjectDir: ".", ProjectName: projectName, ConfigPaths: []string{composeFile}, } } // composeUp starts the given services of the current docker compose project, if they are not already started. // Already running services are not affected (i.e. not stopped). func (s *BaseSuite) composeUp(c *check.C, services ...string) { c.Assert(s.composeProjectOptions, check.NotNil) c.Assert(s.dockerComposeService, check.NotNil) composeProject, err := s.composeProjectOptions.ToProject(nil) c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) // We use Create and Restart instead of Up, because the only option that actually works to control which containers // are started is within the RestartOptions. err = s.dockerComposeService.Create(context.Background(), composeProject, composeapi.CreateOptions{}) c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) err = s.dockerComposeService.Restart(context.Background(), composeProject.Name, composeapi.RestartOptions{Services: services}) c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) } // composeExec runs the command in the given args in the given compose service container. // Already running services are not affected (i.e. not stopped). func (s *BaseSuite) composeExec(c *check.C, service string, args ...string) { c.Assert(s.composeProjectOptions, check.NotNil) c.Assert(s.dockerComposeService, check.NotNil) composeProject, err := s.composeProjectOptions.ToProject(nil) c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) _, err = s.dockerComposeService.Exec(context.Background(), composeProject.Name, composeapi.RunOptions{ Service: service, Command: args, Tty: false, Index: 1, }) c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) } // composeStop stops the given services of the current docker compose project and removes the corresponding containers. func (s *BaseSuite) composeStop(c *check.C, services ...string) { c.Assert(s.composeProjectOptions, check.NotNil) c.Assert(s.dockerComposeService, check.NotNil) composeProject, err := s.composeProjectOptions.ToProject(nil) c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) err = s.dockerComposeService.Stop(context.Background(), composeProject.Name, composeapi.StopOptions{Services: services}) c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) err = s.dockerComposeService.Remove(context.Background(), composeProject.Name, composeapi.RemoveOptions{}) c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) } // composeDown stops all compose project services and removes the corresponding containers. func (s *BaseSuite) composeDown(c *check.C) { c.Assert(s.composeProjectOptions, check.NotNil) c.Assert(s.dockerComposeService, check.NotNil) composeProject, err := s.composeProjectOptions.ToProject(nil) c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) err = s.dockerComposeService.Down(context.Background(), composeProject.Name, composeapi.DownOptions{}) c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) } func (s *BaseSuite) cmdTraefik(args ...string) (*exec.Cmd, *bytes.Buffer) { cmd := exec.Command(traefikBinary, args...) var out bytes.Buffer cmd.Stdout = &out cmd.Stderr = &out return cmd, &out } func (s *BaseSuite) killCmd(cmd *exec.Cmd) { err := cmd.Process.Kill() if err != nil { log.WithoutContext().Errorf("Kill: %v", err) } time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond) } func (s *BaseSuite) traefikCmd(args ...string) (*exec.Cmd, func(*check.C)) { cmd, out := s.cmdTraefik(args...) return cmd, func(c *check.C) { if c.Failed() || *showLog { s.displayLogK3S() s.displayLogCompose(c) s.displayTraefikLog(c, out) } } } func (s *BaseSuite) displayLogK3S() { filePath := "./fixtures/k8s/config.skip/k3s.log" if _, err := os.Stat(filePath); err == nil { content, errR := os.ReadFile(filePath) if errR != nil { log.WithoutContext().Error(errR) } log.WithoutContext().Println(string(content)) } log.WithoutContext().Println() log.WithoutContext().Println("################################") log.WithoutContext().Println() } func (s *BaseSuite) displayLogCompose(c *check.C) { if s.dockerComposeService == nil || s.composeProjectOptions == nil { log.WithoutContext().Infof("%s: No docker compose logs.", c.TestName()) return } log.WithoutContext().Infof("%s: docker compose logs: ", c.TestName()) logWriter := log.WithoutContext().WriterLevel(log.GetLevel()) logConsumer := formatter.NewLogConsumer(context.Background(), logWriter, logWriter, false, true, true) composeProject, err := s.composeProjectOptions.ToProject(nil) c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) err = s.dockerComposeService.Logs(context.Background(), composeProject.Name, logConsumer, composeapi.LogOptions{}) c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) log.WithoutContext().Println() log.WithoutContext().Println("################################") log.WithoutContext().Println() } func (s *BaseSuite) displayTraefikLog(c *check.C, output *bytes.Buffer) { if output == nil || output.Len() == 0 { log.WithoutContext().Infof("%s: No Traefik logs.", c.TestName()) } else { log.WithoutContext().Infof("%s: Traefik logs: ", c.TestName()) log.WithoutContext().Infof(output.String()) } } func (s *BaseSuite) getDockerHost() string { dockerHost := os.Getenv("DOCKER_HOST") if dockerHost == "" { // Default docker socket dockerHost = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock" } return dockerHost } func (s *BaseSuite) adaptFile(c *check.C, path string, tempObjects interface{}) string { // Load file tmpl, err := template.ParseFiles(path) c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) folder, prefix := filepath.Split(path) tmpFile, err := os.CreateTemp(folder, strings.TrimSuffix(prefix, filepath.Ext(prefix))+"_*"+filepath.Ext(prefix)) c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) defer tmpFile.Close() model := structs.Map(tempObjects) model["SelfFilename"] = tmpFile.Name() err = tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(tmpFile, prefix, model) c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) err = tmpFile.Sync() c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) return tmpFile.Name() } func (s *BaseSuite) getComposeServiceIP(c *check.C, name string) string { c.Assert(s.composeProjectOptions, check.NotNil) c.Assert(s.dockerComposeService, check.NotNil) composeProject, err := s.composeProjectOptions.ToProject(nil) c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) filter := filters.NewArgs( filters.Arg("label", fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", composeapi.ProjectLabel, composeProject.Name)), filters.Arg("label", fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", composeapi.ServiceLabel, name)), ) containers, err := s.dockerClient.ContainerList(context.Background(), dockertypes.ContainerListOptions{Filters: filter}) c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) c.Assert(containers, checker.HasLen, 1) networkNames := composeProject.NetworkNames() c.Assert(networkNames, checker.HasLen, 1) network := composeProject.Networks[networkNames[0]] return containers[0].NetworkSettings.Networks[network.Name].IPAddress } func (s *BaseSuite) getContainerIP(c *check.C, name string) string { container, err := s.dockerClient.ContainerInspect(context.Background(), name) c.Assert(err, checker.IsNil) c.Assert(container.NetworkSettings.Networks, check.NotNil) for _, network := range container.NetworkSettings.Networks { return network.IPAddress } // Should never happen. c.Error("No network found") return "" } func withConfigFile(file string) string { return "--configFile=" + file } // tailscaleNotSuite includes a BaseSuite out of convenience, so we can benefit // from composeUp et co., but it is not meant to function as a TestSuite per se. type tailscaleNotSuite struct{ BaseSuite } // setupVPN starts Tailscale on the corresponding container, and makes it a subnet // router, for all the other containers (whoamis, etc) subsequently started for the // integration tests. // It only does so if the file provided as argument exists, and contains a // Tailscale auth key (an ephemeral, but reusable, one is recommended). // // Add this section to your tailscale ACLs to auto-approve the routes for the // containers in the docker subnet: // // "autoApprovers": { // // Allow myself to automatically advertize routes for docker networks // "routes": { // "": ["your_tailscale_identity"], // }, // }, // // TODO(mpl): we could maybe even move this setup to the Makefile, to start it // and let it run (forever, or until voluntarily stopped). func setupVPN(c *check.C, keyFile string) *tailscaleNotSuite { data, err := os.ReadFile(keyFile) if err != nil { if !errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) { log.Fatal(err) } return nil } authKey := strings.TrimSpace(string(data)) // TODO: copy and create versions that don't need a check.C? vpn := &tailscaleNotSuite{} vpn.createComposeProject(c, "tailscale") vpn.composeUp(c) time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) // If we ever change the docker subnet in the Makefile, // we need to change this one below correspondingly. vpn.composeExec(c, "tailscaled", "tailscale", "up", "--authkey="+authKey, "--advertise-routes=") return vpn } type FakeDockerCLI struct { client client.APIClient } func (f FakeDockerCLI) Client() client.APIClient { return f.client } func (f FakeDockerCLI) In() *streams.In { return streams.NewIn(os.Stdin) } func (f FakeDockerCLI) Out() *streams.Out { return streams.NewOut(os.Stdout) } func (f FakeDockerCLI) Err() io.Writer { return streams.NewOut(os.Stderr) } func (f FakeDockerCLI) SetIn(in *streams.In) { panic("implement me if you need me") } func (f FakeDockerCLI) Apply(ops ...command.DockerCliOption) error { panic("implement me if you need me") } func (f FakeDockerCLI) ConfigFile() *configfile.ConfigFile { return &configfile.ConfigFile{} } func (f FakeDockerCLI) ServerInfo() command.ServerInfo { panic("implement me if you need me") } func (f FakeDockerCLI) NotaryClient(imgRefAndAuth trust.ImageRefAndAuth, actions []string) (notaryclient.Repository, error) { panic("implement me if you need me") } func (f FakeDockerCLI) DefaultVersion() string { panic("implement me if you need me") } func (f FakeDockerCLI) CurrentVersion() string { panic("implement me if you need me") } func (f FakeDockerCLI) ManifestStore() manifeststore.Store { panic("implement me if you need me") } func (f FakeDockerCLI) RegistryClient(b bool) registryclient.RegistryClient { panic("implement me if you need me") } func (f FakeDockerCLI) ContentTrustEnabled() bool { panic("implement me if you need me") } func (f FakeDockerCLI) BuildKitEnabled() (bool, error) { panic("implement me if you need me") } func (f FakeDockerCLI) ContextStore() store.Store { panic("implement me if you need me") } func (f FakeDockerCLI) CurrentContext() string { panic("implement me if you need me") } func (f FakeDockerCLI) DockerEndpoint() docker.Endpoint { panic("implement me if you need me") }