################################################################ # Global configuration ################################################################ # Reverse proxy port # # Optional # Default: ":80" # # port = ":80" # Timeout in seconds. # Duration to give active requests a chance to finish during hot-reloads # # Optional # Default: 10 # # graceTimeOut = 10 # Traefik logs file # If not defined, logs to stdout # # Optional # # traefikLogsFile = "log/traefik.log" # Access logs file # # Optional # # accessLogsFile = "log/access.log" # Log level # # Optional # Default: "ERROR" # # logLevel = "ERROR" # SSL certificates and keys # You may add several certificate/key pairs to terminate HTTPS for multiple domain names using TLS SNI # # Optional # # [[certificates]] # CertFile = "traefik.crt" # KeyFile = "traefik.key" # Backends throttle duration: minimum duration between 2 events from providers # before applying a new configuration. It avoids unnecessary reloads if multiples events # are sent in a short amount of time. # # Optional # Default: "2s" # # ProvidersThrottleDuration = "5s" # If non-zero, controls the maximum idle (keep-alive) to keep per-host. If zero, DefaultMaxIdleConnsPerHost is used. # If you encounter 'too many open files' errors, you can either change this value, or change `ulimit` value. # # Optional # Default: http.DefaultMaxIdleConnsPerHost # # MaxIdleConnsPerHost = 200 ################################################################ # Web configuration backend ################################################################ # Enable web configuration backend # # Optional # # [web] # Web administration port # # Required # # address = ":8080" # SSL certificate and key used # # Optional # # CertFile = "traefik.crt" # KeyFile = "traefik.key" # # Set REST API to read-only mode # # Optional # ReadOnly = false ################################################################ # File configuration backend ################################################################ # Enable file configuration backend # # Optional # # [file] # Rules file # If defined, traefik will load rules from this file, # otherwise, it will load rules from current file (cf Sample rules below). # # Optional # # filename = "rules.toml" # Enable watch file changes # # Optional # # watch = true ################################################################ # Docker configuration backend ################################################################ # Enable Docker configuration backend # # Optional # # [docker] # Docker server endpoint. Can be a tcp or a unix socket endpoint. # # Required # # endpoint = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock" # Default domain used. # Can be overridden by setting the "traefik.domain" label on a container. # # Required # # domain = "docker.localhost" # Enable watch docker changes # # Optional # # watch = true # Override default configuration template. For advanced users :) # # Optional # # filename = "docker.tmpl" # Enable docker TLS connection # # Optional # # [docker.tls] # ca = "/etc/ssl/ca.crt" # cert = "/etc/ssl/docker.crt" # key = "/etc/ssl/docker.key" # insecureskipverify = true ################################################################ # Mesos/Marathon configuration backend ################################################################ # Enable Marathon configuration backend # # Optional # # [marathon] # Marathon server endpoint. # You can also specify multiple endpoint for Marathon: # endpoint := ",," # # Required # # endpoint = "" # Network interface used to call Marathon web services. Needed in case of multiple network interfaces. # Optional # Default: "eth0" # # networkInterface = "eth0" # Enable watch Marathon changes # # Optional # # watch = true # Default domain used. # Can be overridden by setting the "traefik.domain" label on an application. # # Required # # domain = "marathon.localhost" # Override default configuration template. For advanced users :) # # Optional # # filename = "marathon.tmpl" # Enable Marathon basic authentication # # Optional # # [marathon.basic] # httpBasicAuthUser = "foo" # httpBasicPassword = "bar" ################################################################ # Consul KV configuration backend ################################################################ # Enable Consul KV configuration backend # # Optional # # [consul] # Consul server endpoint # # Required # # endpoint = "" # Enable watch Consul changes # # Optional # # watch = true # Prefix used for KV store. # # Optional # # prefix = "/traefik" # Override default configuration template. For advanced users :) # # Optional # # filename = "consul.tmpl" ################################################################ # Etcd configuration backend ################################################################ # Enable Etcd configuration backend # # Optional # # [etcd] # Etcd server endpoint # # Required # # endpoint = "" # Enable watch Etcd changes # # Optional # # watch = true # Prefix used for KV store. # # Optional # # prefix = "/traefik" # Override default configuration template. For advanced users :) # # Optional # # filename = "etcd.tmpl" ################################################################ # Zookeeper configuration backend ################################################################ # Enable Zookeeperconfiguration backend # # Optional # # [zookeeper] # Zookeeper server endpoint # # Required # # endpoint = "" # Enable watch Zookeeper changes # # Optional # # watch = true # Prefix used for KV store. # # Optional # # prefix = "/traefik" # Override default configuration template. For advanced users :) # # Optional # # filename = "zookeeper.tmpl" ################################################################ # BoltDB configuration backend ################################################################ # Enable BoltDB configuration backend # # Optional # # [boltdb] # BoltDB file # # Required # # endpoint = "/my.db" # Enable watch BoltDB changes # # Optional # # watch = true # Prefix used for KV store. # # Optional # # prefix = "/traefik" # Override default configuration template. For advanced users :) # # Optional # # filename = "boltdb.tmpl" ################################################################ # Sample rules ################################################################ # [backends] # [backends.backend1] # [backends.backend1.circuitbreaker] # expression = "NetworkErrorRatio() > 0.5" # [backends.backend1.servers.server1] # url = "" # weight = 10 # [backends.backend1.servers.server2] # url = "" # weight = 1 # [backends.backend2] # [backends.backend2.LoadBalancer] # method = "drr" # [backends.backend2.servers.server1] # url = "" # weight = 1 # [backends.backend2.servers.server2] # url = "" # weight = 2 # # [frontends] # [frontends.frontend1] # backend = "backend2" # [frontends.frontend1.routes.test_1] # rule = "Host" # value = "test.localhost" # [frontends.frontend2] # backend = "backend1" # passHostHeader = true # [frontends.frontend2.routes.test_2] # rule = "Path" # value = "/test"