# Traefik & HTTP Provide your [dynamic configuration](./overview.md) via an HTTP(S) endpoint and let Traefik do the rest! ## Routing Configuration The HTTP provider uses the same configuration as the [File Provider](./file.md) in YAML or JSON format. ## Provider Configuration ### `endpoint` _Required_ Defines the HTTP(S) endpoint to poll. ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" providers: http: endpoint: - "" ``` ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [providers.http] endpoint = "" ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --providers.http.endpoint= ``` ### `pollInterval` _Optional, Default="5s"_ Defines the polling interval. ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" providers: http: pollInterval: "5s" ``` ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [providers.http] pollInterval = "5s" ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --providers.http.pollInterval=5s ``` ### `pollTimeout` _Optional, Default="5s"_ Defines the polling timeout when connecting to the endpoint. ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" providers: http: pollTimeout: "5s" ``` ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [providers.http] pollTimeout = "5s" ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --providers.http.pollTimeout=5s ``` ### `tls` _Optional_ Defines the TLS configuration used for the secure connection to the endpoint. #### `ca` _Optional_ `ca` is the path to the certificate authority used for the secure connection to the endpoint, it defaults to the system bundle. ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" providers: http: tls: ca: path/to/ca.crt ``` ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [providers.http.tls] ca = "path/to/ca.crt" ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --providers.http.tls.ca=path/to/ca.crt ``` #### `caOptional` _Optional_ The value of `caOptional` defines which policy should be used for the secure connection with TLS Client Authentication to the endpoint. !!! warning "" If `ca` is undefined, this option will be ignored, and no client certificate will be requested during the handshake. Any provided certificate will thus never be verified. When this option is set to `true`, a client certificate is requested during the handshake but is not required. If a certificate is sent, it is required to be valid. When this option is set to `false`, a client certificate is requested during the handshake, and at least one valid certificate should be sent by the client. ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" providers: http: tls: caOptional: true ``` ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [providers.http.tls] caOptional = true ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --providers.http.tls.caOptional=true ``` #### `cert` _Optional_ `cert` is the path to the public certificate used for the secure connection to the endpoint. When using this option, setting the `key` option is required. ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" providers: http: tls: cert: path/to/foo.cert key: path/to/foo.key ``` ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [providers.http.tls] cert = "path/to/foo.cert" key = "path/to/foo.key" ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --providers.http.tls.cert=path/to/foo.cert --providers.http.tls.key=path/to/foo.key ``` #### `key` _Optional_ `key` is the path to the private key used for the secure connection to the endpoint. When using this option, setting the `cert` option is required. ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" providers: http: tls: cert: path/to/foo.cert key: path/to/foo.key ``` ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [providers.http.tls] cert = "path/to/foo.cert" key = "path/to/foo.key" ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --providers.http.tls.cert=path/to/foo.cert --providers.http.tls.key=path/to/foo.key ``` #### `insecureSkipVerify` _Optional, Default=false_ If `insecureSkipVerify` is `true`, the TLS connection to the endpoint accepts any certificate presented by the server regardless of the hostnames it covers. ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" providers: http: tls: insecureSkipVerify: true ``` ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [providers.http.tls] insecureSkipVerify = true ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --providers.http.tls.insecureSkipVerify=true ```