package try import ( "errors" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "reflect" "strings" "" ) // ResponseCondition is a retry condition function. // It receives a response, and returns an error if the response failed the condition. type ResponseCondition func(*http.Response) error // BodyContains returns a retry condition function. // The condition returns an error if the request body does not contain all the given strings. func BodyContains(values ...string) ResponseCondition { return func(res *http.Response) error { body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to read response body: %w", err) } for _, value := range values { if !strings.Contains(string(body), value) { return fmt.Errorf("could not find '%s' in body '%s'", value, string(body)) } } return nil } } // BodyNotContains returns a retry condition function. // The condition returns an error if the request body contain one of the given strings. func BodyNotContains(values ...string) ResponseCondition { return func(res *http.Response) error { body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to read response body: %w", err) } for _, value := range values { if strings.Contains(string(body), value) { return fmt.Errorf("find '%s' in body '%s'", value, string(body)) } } return nil } } // BodyContainsOr returns a retry condition function. // The condition returns an error if the request body does not contain one of the given strings. func BodyContainsOr(values ...string) ResponseCondition { return func(res *http.Response) error { body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to read response body: %w", err) } for _, value := range values { if strings.Contains(string(body), value) { return nil } } return fmt.Errorf("could not find '%v' in body '%s'", values, string(body)) } } // HasBody returns a retry condition function. // The condition returns an error if the request body does not have body content. func HasBody() ResponseCondition { return func(res *http.Response) error { body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to read response body: %w", err) } if len(body) == 0 { return errors.New("response doesn't have body content") } return nil } } // HasCn returns a retry condition function. // The condition returns an error if the cn is not correct. func HasCn(cn string) ResponseCondition { return func(res *http.Response) error { if res.TLS == nil { return errors.New("response doesn't have TLS") } if len(res.TLS.PeerCertificates) == 0 { return errors.New("response TLS doesn't have peer certificates") } if res.TLS.PeerCertificates[0] == nil { return errors.New("first peer certificate is nil") } commonName := res.TLS.PeerCertificates[0].Subject.CommonName if cn != commonName { return fmt.Errorf("common name don't match: %s != %s", cn, commonName) } return nil } } // StatusCodeIs returns a retry condition function. // The condition returns an error if the given response's status code is not the // given HTTP status code. func StatusCodeIs(status int) ResponseCondition { return func(res *http.Response) error { if res.StatusCode != status { return fmt.Errorf("got status code %d, wanted %d", res.StatusCode, status) } return nil } } // HasHeader returns a retry condition function. // The condition returns an error if the response does not have a header set. func HasHeader(header string) ResponseCondition { return func(res *http.Response) error { if _, ok := res.Header[header]; !ok { return errors.New("response doesn't contain header: " + header) } return nil } } // HasHeaderValue returns a retry condition function. // The condition returns an error if the response does not have a header set, and a value for that header. // Has an option to test for an exact header match only, not just contains. func HasHeaderValue(header, value string, exactMatch bool) ResponseCondition { return func(res *http.Response) error { if _, ok := res.Header[header]; !ok { return errors.New("response doesn't contain header: " + header) } matchFound := false for _, hdr := range res.Header[header] { if value != hdr && exactMatch { return fmt.Errorf("got header %s with value %s, wanted %s", header, hdr, value) } if value == hdr { matchFound = true } } if !matchFound { return fmt.Errorf("response doesn't contain header %s with value %s", header, value) } return nil } } // HasHeaderStruct returns a retry condition function. // The condition returns an error if the response does contain the headers set, and matching contents. func HasHeaderStruct(header http.Header) ResponseCondition { return func(res *http.Response) error { for key := range header { if _, ok := res.Header[key]; !ok { return fmt.Errorf("header %s not present in the response. Expected headers: %v Got response headers: %v", key, header, res.Header) } // Header exists in the response, test it. if !reflect.DeepEqual(header[key], res.Header[key]) { return fmt.Errorf("for header %s got values %v, wanted %v", key, res.Header[key], header[key]) } } return nil } } // DoCondition is a retry condition function. // It returns an error. type DoCondition func() error // KVExists is a retry condition function. // Verify if a Key exists in the store. func KVExists(kv store.Store, key string) DoCondition { return func() error { _, err := kv.Exists(key, nil) return err } }