package main import ( "context" "encoding/json" fmtlog "log" "net/http" "os" "path/filepath" "reflect" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" cmdVersion "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" traefiktls "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func main() { // traefik config inits traefikConfiguration := cmd.NewTraefikConfiguration() traefikPointersConfiguration := cmd.NewTraefikDefaultPointersConfiguration() // traefik Command init traefikCmd := &flaeg.Command{ Name: "traefik", Description: `traefik is a modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer made to deploy microservices with ease. Complete documentation is available at`, Config: traefikConfiguration, DefaultPointersConfig: traefikPointersConfiguration, Run: func() error { runCmd(&traefikConfiguration.GlobalConfiguration, traefikConfiguration.ConfigFile) return nil }, } // storeconfig Command init storeConfigCmd := storeconfig.NewCmd(traefikConfiguration, traefikPointersConfiguration) // init flaeg source f := flaeg.New(traefikCmd, os.Args[1:]) // add custom parsers f.AddParser(reflect.TypeOf(configuration.EntryPoints{}), &configuration.EntryPoints{}) f.AddParser(reflect.TypeOf(configuration.DefaultEntryPoints{}), &configuration.DefaultEntryPoints{}) f.AddParser(reflect.TypeOf(traefiktls.RootCAs{}), &traefiktls.RootCAs{}) f.AddParser(reflect.TypeOf(types.Constraints{}), &types.Constraints{}) f.AddParser(reflect.TypeOf(kubernetes.Namespaces{}), &kubernetes.Namespaces{}) f.AddParser(reflect.TypeOf(ecs.Clusters{}), &ecs.Clusters{}) f.AddParser(reflect.TypeOf([]types.Domain{}), &types.Domains{}) f.AddParser(reflect.TypeOf(types.Buckets{}), &types.Buckets{}) f.AddParser(reflect.TypeOf(types.StatusCodes{}), &types.StatusCodes{}) f.AddParser(reflect.TypeOf(types.FieldNames{}), &types.FieldNames{}) f.AddParser(reflect.TypeOf(types.FieldHeaderNames{}), &types.FieldHeaderNames{}) // add commands f.AddCommand(cmdVersion.NewCmd()) f.AddCommand(bug.NewCmd(traefikConfiguration, traefikPointersConfiguration)) f.AddCommand(storeConfigCmd) f.AddCommand(healthcheck.NewCmd(traefikConfiguration, traefikPointersConfiguration)) usedCmd, err := f.GetCommand() if err != nil { fmtlog.Println(err) os.Exit(1) } if _, err := f.Parse(usedCmd); err != nil { if err == pflag.ErrHelp { os.Exit(0) } fmtlog.Printf("Error parsing command: %s\n", err) os.Exit(1) } // staert init s := staert.NewStaert(traefikCmd) // init TOML source toml := staert.NewTomlSource("traefik", []string{traefikConfiguration.ConfigFile, "/etc/traefik/", "$HOME/.traefik/", "."}) // add sources to staert s.AddSource(toml) s.AddSource(f) if _, err := s.LoadConfig(); err != nil { fmtlog.Printf("Error reading TOML config file %s : %s\n", toml.ConfigFileUsed(), err) os.Exit(1) } traefikConfiguration.ConfigFile = toml.ConfigFileUsed() kv, err := storeconfig.CreateKvSource(traefikConfiguration) if err != nil { fmtlog.Printf("Error creating kv store: %s\n", err) os.Exit(1) } storeConfigCmd.Run = storeconfig.Run(kv, traefikConfiguration) // if a KV Store is enable and no sub-command called in args if kv != nil && usedCmd == traefikCmd { if traefikConfiguration.Cluster == nil { traefikConfiguration.Cluster = &types.Cluster{Node: uuid.Get()} } if traefikConfiguration.Cluster.Store == nil { traefikConfiguration.Cluster.Store = &types.Store{Prefix: kv.Prefix, Store: kv.Store} } s.AddSource(kv) operation := func() error { _, err := s.LoadConfig() return err } notify := func(err error, time time.Duration) { log.Errorf("Load config error: %+v, retrying in %s", err, time) } err := backoff.RetryNotify(safe.OperationWithRecover(operation), job.NewBackOff(backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()), notify) if err != nil { fmtlog.Printf("Error loading configuration: %s\n", err) os.Exit(1) } } if err := s.Run(); err != nil { fmtlog.Printf("Error running traefik: %s\n", err) os.Exit(1) } os.Exit(0) } func runCmd(globalConfiguration *configuration.GlobalConfiguration, configFile string) { configureLogging(globalConfiguration) if len(configFile) > 0 { log.Infof("Using TOML configuration file %s", configFile) } http.DefaultTransport.(*http.Transport).Proxy = http.ProxyFromEnvironment globalConfiguration.SetEffectiveConfiguration(configFile) globalConfiguration.ValidateConfiguration() jsonConf, _ := json.Marshal(globalConfiguration) log.Infof("Traefik version %s built on %s", version.Version, version.BuildDate) if globalConfiguration.CheckNewVersion { checkNewVersion() } stats(globalConfiguration) log.Debugf("Global configuration loaded %s", string(jsonConf)) if acme.IsEnabled() { store := acme.NewLocalStore(acme.Get().Storage) acme.Get().Store = &store } svr := server.NewServer(*globalConfiguration, configuration.NewProviderAggregator(globalConfiguration)) if acme.IsEnabled() && acme.Get().OnHostRule { acme.Get().SetConfigListenerChan(make(chan types.Configuration)) svr.AddListener(acme.Get().ListenConfiguration) } ctx := cmd.ContextWithSignal(context.Background()) svr.StartWithContext(ctx) defer svr.Close() sent, err := daemon.SdNotify(false, "READY=1") if !sent && err != nil { log.Error("Fail to notify", err) } t, err := daemon.SdWatchdogEnabled(false) if err != nil { log.Error("Problem with watchdog", err) } else if t != 0 { // Send a ping each half time given t = t / 2 log.Info("Watchdog activated with timer each ", t) safe.Go(func() { tick := time.Tick(t) for range tick { _, errHealthCheck := healthcheck.Do(*globalConfiguration) if globalConfiguration.Ping == nil || errHealthCheck == nil { if ok, _ := daemon.SdNotify(false, "WATCHDOG=1"); !ok { log.Error("Fail to tick watchdog") } } else { log.Error(errHealthCheck) } } }) } svr.Wait() log.Info("Shutting down") logrus.Exit(0) } func configureLogging(globalConfiguration *configuration.GlobalConfiguration) { // configure default log flags fmtlog.SetFlags(fmtlog.Lshortfile | fmtlog.LstdFlags) // configure log level // an explicitly defined log level always has precedence. if none is // given and debug mode is disabled, the default is ERROR, and DEBUG // otherwise. levelStr := strings.ToLower(globalConfiguration.LogLevel) if levelStr == "" { levelStr = "error" if globalConfiguration.Debug { levelStr = "debug" } } level, err := logrus.ParseLevel(levelStr) if err != nil { log.Error("Error getting level", err) } log.SetLevel(level) // configure log output file logFile := globalConfiguration.TraefikLogsFile if len(logFile) > 0 { log.Warn("top-level traefikLogsFile has been deprecated -- please use traefiklog.filepath") } if globalConfiguration.TraefikLog != nil && len(globalConfiguration.TraefikLog.FilePath) > 0 { logFile = globalConfiguration.TraefikLog.FilePath } // configure log format var formatter logrus.Formatter if globalConfiguration.TraefikLog != nil && globalConfiguration.TraefikLog.Format == "json" { formatter = &logrus.JSONFormatter{} } else { disableColors := len(logFile) > 0 formatter = &logrus.TextFormatter{DisableColors: disableColors, FullTimestamp: true, DisableSorting: true} } log.SetFormatter(formatter) if len(logFile) > 0 { dir := filepath.Dir(logFile) if err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0755); err != nil { log.Errorf("Failed to create log path %s: %s", dir, err) } err = log.OpenFile(logFile) logrus.RegisterExitHandler(func() { if err := log.CloseFile(); err != nil { log.Error("Error closing log", err) } }) if err != nil { log.Error("Error opening file", err) } } } func checkNewVersion() { ticker := time.Tick(24 * time.Hour) safe.Go(func() { for time.Sleep(10 * time.Minute); ; <-ticker { version.CheckNewVersion() } }) } func stats(globalConfiguration *configuration.GlobalConfiguration) { if globalConfiguration.SendAnonymousUsage { log.Info(` Stats collection is enabled. Many thanks for contributing to Traefik's improvement by allowing us to receive anonymous information from your configuration. Help us improve Traefik by leaving this feature on :) More details on: `) collect(globalConfiguration) } else { log.Info(` Stats collection is disabled. Help us improve Traefik by turning this feature on :) More details on: `) } } func collect(globalConfiguration *configuration.GlobalConfiguration) { ticker := time.Tick(24 * time.Hour) safe.Go(func() { for time.Sleep(10 * time.Minute); ; <-ticker { if err := collector.Collect(globalConfiguration); err != nil { log.Debug(err) } } }) }