package dynamic // +k8s:deepcopy-gen=true // TCPMiddleware holds the TCPMiddleware configuration. type TCPMiddleware struct { InFlightConn *TCPInFlightConn `json:"inFlightConn,omitempty" toml:"inFlightConn,omitempty" yaml:"inFlightConn,omitempty" export:"true"` IPWhiteList *TCPIPWhiteList `json:"ipWhiteList,omitempty" toml:"ipWhiteList,omitempty" yaml:"ipWhiteList,omitempty" export:"true"` } // +k8s:deepcopy-gen=true // TCPInFlightConn holds the TCP InFlightConn middleware configuration. // This middleware prevents services from being overwhelmed with high load, // by limiting the number of allowed simultaneous connections for one IP. // More info: type TCPInFlightConn struct { // Amount defines the maximum amount of allowed simultaneous connections. // The middleware closes the connection if there are already amount connections opened. Amount int64 `json:"amount,omitempty" toml:"amount,omitempty" yaml:"amount,omitempty" export:"true"` } // +k8s:deepcopy-gen=true // TCPIPWhiteList holds the TCP IPWhiteList middleware configuration. // This middleware accepts/refuses connections based on the client IP. type TCPIPWhiteList struct { // SourceRange defines the allowed IPs (or ranges of allowed IPs by using CIDR notation). SourceRange []string `json:"sourceRange,omitempty" toml:"sourceRange,omitempty" yaml:"sourceRange,omitempty"` }