(function () { 'use strict'; angular.module('traefik.section.health') .controller('HealthController', ['$scope', '$interval', '$log', 'Health', function ($scope, $interval, $log, Health) { var vm = this; vm.graph = { averageResponseTime: {}, totalStatusCodeCount: {} } vm.graph.totalStatusCodeCount.options = { "chart": { type: 'discreteBarChart', height: 200, margin: { top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 40, left: 55 }, x: function (d) { return d.label; }, y: function (d) { return d.value; }, showValues: true, valueFormat: function (d) { return d3.format('d')(d); }, transitionDuration: 50, yAxis: { axisLabelDistance: 30 } }, "title": { "enable": true, "text": "Total Status Code Count", "css": { "textAlign": "center" } } }; vm.graph.totalStatusCodeCount.data = [ { key: "Total Status Code Count", values: [ { "label": "200", "value": 0 } ] } ]; /** * Update Total Status Code Count graph * * @param {Object} totalStatusCodeCount Object from API */ function updateTotalStatusCodeCount(totalStatusCodeCount) { // extract values vm.graph.totalStatusCodeCount.data[0].values = []; for (var code in totalStatusCodeCount) { if (totalStatusCodeCount.hasOwnProperty(code)) { vm.graph.totalStatusCodeCount.data[0].values.push({ label: code, value: totalStatusCodeCount[code] }) } } // Update Total Status Code Count graph render if (vm.graph.totalStatusCodeCount.api) { vm.graph.totalStatusCodeCount.api.update(); } else { console.error('fail'); } } vm.graph.averageResponseTime.options = { chart: { type: 'lineChart', height: 200, margin: { top: 20, right: 40, bottom: 40, left: 55 }, transitionDuration: 50, x: function (d) { return d.x; }, y: function (d) { return d.y; }, useInteractiveGuideline: true, xAxis: { tickFormat: function (d) { return d3.time.format('%X')(new Date(d)); } }, yAxis: { tickFormat: function (d) { return d3.format(',.1f')(d); } } }, "title": { "enable": true, "text": "Average response time", "css": { "textAlign": "center" } } }; var initialPoint = { x: Date.now() - 3000, y: 0 }; vm.graph.averageResponseTime.data = [ { values: [initialPoint], key: 'Average response time (ms)', type: 'line', color: '#2ca02c' } ]; /** * Update average response time graph * * @param {Number} x Coordinate X * @param {Number} y Coordinate Y */ function updateAverageResponseTimeGraph(x, y) { // x multiply 1000 by because unix time is in seconds and JS Date are in milliseconds var data = { x: x * 1000, y: y * 1000 }; vm.graph.averageResponseTime.data[0].values.push(data); // limit graph entries if (vm.graph.averageResponseTime.data[0].values.length > 100) { vm.graph.averageResponseTime.data[0].values.shift(); } // Update Average Response Time graph render if (vm.graph.averageResponseTime.api) { vm.graph.averageResponseTime.api.update(); } } /** * Load all graph's datas * * @param {Object} health Health data from server */ function loadData(health) { // Load datas and update Average Response Time graph render updateAverageResponseTimeGraph(health.unixtime, health.average_response_time_sec); // Load datas and update Total Status Code Count graph render updateTotalStatusCodeCount(health.total_status_code_count); // set data's view vm.health = health; } /** * Action when load datas failed * * @param {Object} error Error state object */ function erroData(error) { vm.health = {}; $log.error(error); } // first load Health.get(loadData, erroData); // Auto refresh data var intervalId = $interval(function () { Health.get(loadData, erroData); }, 3000); // Stop auto refresh when page change $scope.$on('$destroy', function () { $interval.cancel(intervalId); }); }]); })();