# Jaeger To enable the Jaeger tracer: ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" tracing: jaeger: {} ``` ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [tracing] [tracing.jaeger] ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --tracing.jaeger=true ``` !!! warning Traefik is able to send data over the compact thrift protocol to the [Jaeger agent](https://www.jaegertracing.io/docs/deployment/#agent) or a [Jaeger collector](https://www.jaegertracing.io/docs/deployment/#collector). !!! info All Jaeger configuration can be overridden by [environment variables](https://github.com/jaegertracing/jaeger-client-go#environment-variables) #### `samplingServerURL` _Required, Default="http://localhost:5778/sampling"_ Address of the Jaeger Agent HTTP sampling server. ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" tracing: jaeger: samplingServerURL: http://localhost:5778/sampling ``` ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [tracing] [tracing.jaeger] samplingServerURL = "http://localhost:5778/sampling" ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --tracing.jaeger.samplingServerURL=http://localhost:5778/sampling ``` #### `samplingType` _Required, Default="const"_ Type of the sampler. Valid values are: - `const` - `probabilistic` - `rateLimiting` ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" tracing: jaeger: samplingType: const ``` ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [tracing] [tracing.jaeger] samplingType = "const" ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --tracing.jaeger.samplingType=const ``` #### `samplingParam` _Required, Default=1.0_ Value passed to the sampler. Valid values are: - for `const` sampler, 0 or 1 for always false/true respectively - for `probabilistic` sampler, a probability between 0 and 1 - for `rateLimiting` sampler, the number of spans per second ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" tracing: jaeger: samplingParam: 1.0 ``` ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [tracing] [tracing.jaeger] samplingParam = 1.0 ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --tracing.jaeger.samplingParam=1.0 ``` #### `localAgentHostPort` _Required, Default=""_ Local Agent Host Port instructs the reporter to send spans to the Jaeger Agent at this address (host:port). ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" tracing: jaeger: localAgentHostPort: ``` ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [tracing] [tracing.jaeger] localAgentHostPort = "" ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --tracing.jaeger.localAgentHostPort= ``` #### `gen128Bit` _Optional, Default=false_ Generates 128 bits trace IDs, compatible with OpenCensus. ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" tracing: jaeger: gen128Bit: true ``` ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [tracing] [tracing.jaeger] gen128Bit = true ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --tracing.jaeger.gen128Bit ``` #### `propagation` _Required, Default="jaeger"_ Sets the propagation header type. Valid values are: - `jaeger`, jaeger's default trace header. - `b3`, compatible with OpenZipkin ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" tracing: jaeger: propagation: jaeger ``` ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [tracing] [tracing.jaeger] propagation = "jaeger" ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --tracing.jaeger.propagation=jaeger ``` #### `traceContextHeaderName` _Required, Default="uber-trace-id"_ HTTP header name used to propagate tracing context. This must be in lower-case to avoid mismatches when decoding incoming headers. ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" tracing: jaeger: traceContextHeaderName: uber-trace-id ``` ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [tracing] [tracing.jaeger] traceContextHeaderName = "uber-trace-id" ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --tracing.jaeger.traceContextHeaderName=uber-trace-id ``` ### disableAttemptReconnecting _Optional, Default=true_ Disables the UDP connection helper that periodically re-resolves the agent's hostname and reconnects if there was a change. Enabling the re-resolving of UDP address make the client more robust in Kubernetes deployments. ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" tracing: jaeger: disableAttemptReconnecting: false ``` ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [tracing] [tracing.jaeger] disableAttemptReconnecting = false ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --tracing.jaeger.disableAttemptReconnecting=false ``` ### `collector` #### `endpoint` _Optional, Default=""_ Collector Endpoint instructs the reporter to send spans to the Jaeger Collector at this URL. ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" tracing: jaeger: collector: endpoint: ``` ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [tracing] [tracing.jaeger.collector] endpoint = "" ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --tracing.jaeger.collector.endpoint= ``` #### `user` _Optional, Default=""_ User instructs the reporter to include a user for basic HTTP authentication when sending spans to the Jaeger Collector. ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" tracing: jaeger: collector: user: my-user ``` ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [tracing] [tracing.jaeger.collector] user = "my-user" ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --tracing.jaeger.collector.user=my-user ``` #### `password` _Optional, Default=""_ Password instructs the reporter to include a password for basic HTTP authentication when sending spans to the Jaeger Collector. ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" tracing: jaeger: collector: password: my-password ``` ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [tracing] [tracing.jaeger.collector] password = "my-password" ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --tracing.jaeger.collector.password=my-password ```