## CODE GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY ## THIS FILE MUST NOT BE EDITED BY HAND [global] checkNewVersion = true sendAnonymousUsage = true [serversTransport] insecureSkipVerify = true rootCAs = ["foobar", "foobar"] maxIdleConnsPerHost = 42 [serversTransport.forwardingTimeouts] dialTimeout = "42s" responseHeaderTimeout = "42s" idleConnTimeout = "42s" [serversTransport.spiffe] ids = ["foobar", "foobar"] trustDomain = "foobar" [tcpServersTransport] dialKeepAlive = "42s" dialTimeout = "42s" terminationDelay = "42s" [tcpServersTransport.tls] insecureSkipVerify = true rootCAs = ["foobar", "foobar"] [tcpServersTransport.tls.spiffe] ids = ["foobar", "foobar"] trustDomain = "foobar" [entryPoints] [entryPoints.EntryPoint0] address = "foobar" allowACMEByPass = true reusePort = true asDefault = true [entryPoints.EntryPoint0.transport] keepAliveMaxTime = "42s" keepAliveMaxRequests = 42 [entryPoints.EntryPoint0.transport.lifeCycle] requestAcceptGraceTimeout = "42s" graceTimeOut = "42s" [entryPoints.EntryPoint0.transport.respondingTimeouts] readTimeout = "42s" writeTimeout = "42s" idleTimeout = "42s" [entryPoints.EntryPoint0.proxyProtocol] insecure = true trustedIPs = ["foobar", "foobar"] [entryPoints.EntryPoint0.forwardedHeaders] insecure = true trustedIPs = ["foobar", "foobar"] connection = ["foobar", "foobar"] [entryPoints.EntryPoint0.http] middlewares = ["foobar", "foobar"] encodeQuerySemicolons = true maxHeaderBytes = 42 [entryPoints.EntryPoint0.http.redirections] [entryPoints.EntryPoint0.http.redirections.entryPoint] to = "foobar" scheme = "foobar" permanent = true priority = 42 [entryPoints.EntryPoint0.http.tls] options = "foobar" certResolver = "foobar" [[entryPoints.EntryPoint0.http.tls.domains]] main = "foobar" sans = ["foobar", "foobar"] [[entryPoints.EntryPoint0.http.tls.domains]] main = "foobar" sans = ["foobar", "foobar"] [entryPoints.EntryPoint0.http2] maxConcurrentStreams = 42 [entryPoints.EntryPoint0.http3] advertisedPort = 42 [entryPoints.EntryPoint0.udp] timeout = "42s" [providers] providersThrottleDuration = "42s" [providers.docker] exposedByDefault = true constraints = "foobar" allowEmptyServices = true network = "foobar" useBindPortIP = true watch = true defaultRule = "foobar" username = "foobar" password = "foobar" endpoint = "foobar" httpClientTimeout = "42s" [providers.docker.tls] ca = "foobar" cert = "foobar" key = "foobar" insecureSkipVerify = true [providers.swarm] exposedByDefault = true constraints = "foobar" allowEmptyServices = true network = "foobar" useBindPortIP = true watch = true defaultRule = "foobar" username = "foobar" password = "foobar" endpoint = "foobar" httpClientTimeout = "42s" refreshSeconds = "42s" [providers.swarm.tls] ca = "foobar" cert = "foobar" key = "foobar" insecureSkipVerify = true [providers.file] directory = "foobar" watch = true filename = "foobar" debugLogGeneratedTemplate = true [providers.kubernetesIngress] endpoint = "foobar" token = "foobar" certAuthFilePath = "foobar" namespaces = ["foobar", "foobar"] labelSelector = "foobar" ingressClass = "foobar" throttleDuration = "42s" allowEmptyServices = true allowExternalNameServices = true disableIngressClassLookup = true disableClusterScopeResources = true nativeLBByDefault = true [providers.kubernetesIngress.ingressEndpoint] ip = "foobar" hostname = "foobar" publishedService = "foobar" [providers.kubernetesCRD] endpoint = "foobar" token = "foobar" certAuthFilePath = "foobar" namespaces = ["foobar", "foobar"] allowCrossNamespace = true allowExternalNameServices = true labelSelector = "foobar" ingressClass = "foobar" throttleDuration = "42s" allowEmptyServices = true nativeLBByDefault = true disableClusterScopeResources = true [providers.kubernetesGateway] endpoint = "foobar" token = "foobar" certAuthFilePath = "foobar" namespaces = ["foobar", "foobar"] labelSelector = "foobar" throttleDuration = "42s" experimentalChannel = true nativeLBByDefault = true [providers.kubernetesGateway.statusAddress] ip = "foobar" hostname = "foobar" [providers.kubernetesGateway.statusAddress.service] name = "foobar" namespace = "foobar" [providers.rest] insecure = true [providers.consulCatalog] constraints = "foobar" prefix = "foobar" refreshInterval = "42s" requireConsistent = true stale = true cache = true exposedByDefault = true defaultRule = "foobar" connectAware = true connectByDefault = true serviceName = "foobar" watch = true strictChecks = ["foobar", "foobar"] namespaces = ["foobar", "foobar"] [providers.consulCatalog.endpoint] address = "foobar" scheme = "foobar" datacenter = "foobar" token = "foobar" endpointWaitTime = "42s" [providers.consulCatalog.endpoint.tls] ca = "foobar" cert = "foobar" key = "foobar" insecureSkipVerify = true [providers.consulCatalog.endpoint.httpAuth] username = "foobar" password = "foobar" [providers.nomad] defaultRule = "foobar" constraints = "foobar" prefix = "foobar" stale = true exposedByDefault = true refreshInterval = "42s" allowEmptyServices = true watch = true throttleDuration = "42s" namespaces = ["foobar", "foobar"] [providers.nomad.endpoint] address = "foobar" region = "foobar" token = "foobar" endpointWaitTime = "42s" [providers.nomad.endpoint.tls] ca = "foobar" cert = "foobar" key = "foobar" insecureSkipVerify = true [providers.ecs] constraints = "foobar" exposedByDefault = true refreshSeconds = 42 defaultRule = "foobar" clusters = ["foobar", "foobar"] autoDiscoverClusters = true healthyTasksOnly = true ecsAnywhere = true region = "foobar" accessKeyID = "foobar" secretAccessKey = "foobar" [providers.consul] rootKey = "foobar" endpoints = ["foobar", "foobar"] token = "foobar" namespaces = ["foobar", "foobar"] [providers.consul.tls] ca = "foobar" cert = "foobar" key = "foobar" insecureSkipVerify = true [providers.etcd] rootKey = "foobar" endpoints = ["foobar", "foobar"] username = "foobar" password = "foobar" [providers.etcd.tls] ca = "foobar" cert = "foobar" key = "foobar" insecureSkipVerify = true [providers.zooKeeper] rootKey = "foobar" endpoints = ["foobar", "foobar"] username = "foobar" password = "foobar" [providers.redis] rootKey = "foobar" endpoints = ["foobar", "foobar"] username = "foobar" password = "foobar" db = 42 [providers.redis.tls] ca = "foobar" cert = "foobar" key = "foobar" insecureSkipVerify = true [providers.redis.sentinel] masterName = "foobar" username = "foobar" password = "foobar" latencyStrategy = true randomStrategy = true replicaStrategy = true useDisconnectedReplicas = true [providers.http] endpoint = "foobar" pollInterval = "42s" pollTimeout = "42s" [providers.http.headers] name0 = "foobar" name1 = "foobar" [providers.http.tls] ca = "foobar" cert = "foobar" key = "foobar" insecureSkipVerify = true [providers.plugin] [providers.plugin.PluginConf0] name0 = "foobar" name1 = "foobar" [providers.plugin.PluginConf1] name0 = "foobar" name1 = "foobar" [api] insecure = true dashboard = true debug = true disableDashboardAd = true [metrics] addInternals = true [metrics.prometheus] buckets = [42.0, 42.0] addEntryPointsLabels = true addRoutersLabels = true addServicesLabels = true entryPoint = "foobar" manualRouting = true [metrics.prometheus.headerLabels] name0 = "foobar" name1 = "foobar" [metrics.datadog] address = "foobar" pushInterval = "42s" addEntryPointsLabels = true addRoutersLabels = true addServicesLabels = true prefix = "foobar" [metrics.statsD] address = "foobar" pushInterval = "42s" addEntryPointsLabels = true addRoutersLabels = true addServicesLabels = true prefix = "foobar" [metrics.influxDB2] address = "foobar" token = "foobar" pushInterval = "42s" org = "foobar" bucket = "foobar" addEntryPointsLabels = true addRoutersLabels = true addServicesLabels = true [metrics.influxDB2.additionalLabels] name0 = "foobar" name1 = "foobar" [metrics.otlp] addEntryPointsLabels = true addRoutersLabels = true addServicesLabels = true explicitBoundaries = [42.0, 42.0] pushInterval = "42s" serviceName = "foobar" [metrics.otlp.grpc] endpoint = "foobar" insecure = true [metrics.otlp.grpc.tls] ca = "foobar" cert = "foobar" key = "foobar" insecureSkipVerify = true [metrics.otlp.grpc.headers] name0 = "foobar" name1 = "foobar" [metrics.otlp.http] endpoint = "foobar" [metrics.otlp.http.tls] ca = "foobar" cert = "foobar" key = "foobar" insecureSkipVerify = true [metrics.otlp.http.headers] name0 = "foobar" name1 = "foobar" [ping] entryPoint = "foobar" manualRouting = true terminatingStatusCode = 42 [log] level = "foobar" format = "foobar" noColor = true filePath = "foobar" maxSize = 42 maxAge = 42 maxBackups = 42 compress = true [accessLog] filePath = "foobar" format = "foobar" bufferingSize = 42 addInternals = true [accessLog.filters] statusCodes = ["foobar", "foobar"] retryAttempts = true minDuration = "42s" [accessLog.fields] defaultMode = "foobar" [accessLog.fields.names] name0 = "foobar" name1 = "foobar" [accessLog.fields.headers] defaultMode = "foobar" [accessLog.fields.headers.names] name0 = "foobar" name1 = "foobar" [tracing] serviceName = "foobar" capturedRequestHeaders = ["foobar", "foobar"] capturedResponseHeaders = ["foobar", "foobar"] safeQueryParams = ["foobar", "foobar"] sampleRate = 42.0 addInternals = true [tracing.globalAttributes] name0 = "foobar" name1 = "foobar" [tracing.otlp] [tracing.otlp.grpc] endpoint = "foobar" insecure = true [tracing.otlp.grpc.tls] ca = "foobar" cert = "foobar" key = "foobar" insecureSkipVerify = true [tracing.otlp.grpc.headers] name0 = "foobar" name1 = "foobar" [tracing.otlp.http] endpoint = "foobar" [tracing.otlp.http.tls] ca = "foobar" cert = "foobar" key = "foobar" insecureSkipVerify = true [tracing.otlp.http.headers] name0 = "foobar" name1 = "foobar" [hostResolver] cnameFlattening = true resolvConfig = "foobar" resolvDepth = 42 [certificatesResolvers] [certificatesResolvers.CertificateResolver0] [certificatesResolvers.CertificateResolver0.acme] email = "foobar" caServer = "foobar" preferredChain = "foobar" storage = "foobar" keyType = "foobar" certificatesDuration = 42 caCertificates = ["foobar", "foobar"] caSystemCertPool = true caServerName = "foobar" [certificatesResolvers.CertificateResolver0.acme.eab] kid = "foobar" hmacEncoded = "foobar" [certificatesResolvers.CertificateResolver0.acme.dnsChallenge] provider = "foobar" delayBeforeCheck = "42s" resolvers = ["foobar", "foobar"] disablePropagationCheck = true [certificatesResolvers.CertificateResolver0.acme.httpChallenge] entryPoint = "foobar" [certificatesResolvers.CertificateResolver0.acme.tlsChallenge] [certificatesResolvers.CertificateResolver0.tailscale] [certificatesResolvers.CertificateResolver1] [certificatesResolvers.CertificateResolver1.acme] email = "foobar" caServer = "foobar" preferredChain = "foobar" storage = "foobar" keyType = "foobar" certificatesDuration = 42 caCertificates = ["foobar", "foobar"] caSystemCertPool = true caServerName = "foobar" [certificatesResolvers.CertificateResolver1.acme.eab] kid = "foobar" hmacEncoded = "foobar" [certificatesResolvers.CertificateResolver1.acme.dnsChallenge] provider = "foobar" delayBeforeCheck = "42s" resolvers = ["foobar", "foobar"] disablePropagationCheck = true [certificatesResolvers.CertificateResolver1.acme.httpChallenge] entryPoint = "foobar" [certificatesResolvers.CertificateResolver1.acme.tlsChallenge] [certificatesResolvers.CertificateResolver1.tailscale] [experimental] abortOnPluginFailure = true kubernetesGateway = true [experimental.plugins] [experimental.plugins.Descriptor0] moduleName = "foobar" version = "foobar" [experimental.plugins.Descriptor0.settings] envs = ["foobar", "foobar"] mounts = ["foobar", "foobar"] [experimental.plugins.Descriptor1] moduleName = "foobar" version = "foobar" [experimental.plugins.Descriptor1.settings] envs = ["foobar", "foobar"] mounts = ["foobar", "foobar"] [experimental.localPlugins] [experimental.localPlugins.LocalDescriptor0] moduleName = "foobar" [experimental.localPlugins.LocalDescriptor0.settings] envs = ["foobar", "foobar"] mounts = ["foobar", "foobar"] [experimental.localPlugins.LocalDescriptor1] moduleName = "foobar" [experimental.localPlugins.LocalDescriptor1.settings] envs = ["foobar", "foobar"] mounts = ["foobar", "foobar"] [experimental.fastProxy] debug = true [core] defaultRuleSyntax = "foobar" [spiffe] workloadAPIAddr = "foobar"