package file import ( "context" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "path" "testing" "time" "" "" "" ) func TestProvideSingleFileAndWatch(t *testing.T) { tempDir := createTempDir(t, "testfile") defer os.RemoveAll(tempDir) expectedNumFrontends := 2 expectedNumBackends := 2 expectedNumTLSConf := 2 tempFile := createFile(t, tempDir, "simple.toml", createFrontendConfiguration(expectedNumFrontends), createBackendConfiguration(expectedNumBackends), createTLSConfiguration(expectedNumTLSConf)) configurationChan, signal := createConfigurationRoutine(t, &expectedNumFrontends, &expectedNumBackends, &expectedNumTLSConf) provide(configurationChan, watch, withFile(tempFile)) // Wait for initial message to be tested err := waitForSignal(signal, 2*time.Second, "initial config") assert.NoError(t, err) // Now test again with single frontend and backend expectedNumFrontends = 1 expectedNumBackends = 1 expectedNumTLSConf = 1 createFile(t, tempDir, "simple.toml", createFrontendConfiguration(expectedNumFrontends), createBackendConfiguration(expectedNumBackends), createTLSConfiguration(expectedNumTLSConf)) err = waitForSignal(signal, 2*time.Second, "single frontend, backend, TLS configuration") assert.NoError(t, err) } func TestProvideSingleFileAndNotWatch(t *testing.T) { tempDir := createTempDir(t, "testfile") defer os.RemoveAll(tempDir) expectedNumFrontends := 2 expectedNumBackends := 2 expectedNumTLSConf := 2 tempFile := createFile(t, tempDir, "simple.toml", createFrontendConfiguration(expectedNumFrontends), createBackendConfiguration(expectedNumBackends), createTLSConfiguration(expectedNumTLSConf)) configurationChan, signal := createConfigurationRoutine(t, &expectedNumFrontends, &expectedNumBackends, &expectedNumTLSConf) provide(configurationChan, withFile(tempFile)) // Wait for initial message to be tested err := waitForSignal(signal, 2*time.Second, "initial config") assert.NoError(t, err) // Now test again with single frontend and backend expectedNumFrontends = 1 expectedNumBackends = 1 expectedNumTLSConf = 1 createFile(t, tempDir, "simple.toml", createFrontendConfiguration(expectedNumFrontends), createBackendConfiguration(expectedNumBackends), createTLSConfiguration(expectedNumTLSConf)) // Must fail because we don't watch the changes err = waitForSignal(signal, 2*time.Second, "single frontend, backend and TLS configuration") assert.Error(t, err) } func TestProvideDirectoryAndWatch(t *testing.T) { tempDir := createTempDir(t, "testdir") defer os.RemoveAll(tempDir) expectedNumFrontends := 2 expectedNumBackends := 2 expectedNumTLSConf := 2 tempFile1 := createRandomFile(t, tempDir, createFrontendConfiguration(expectedNumFrontends)) tempFile2 := createRandomFile(t, tempDir, createBackendConfiguration(expectedNumBackends)) tempFile3 := createRandomFile(t, tempDir, createTLSConfiguration(expectedNumTLSConf)) configurationChan, signal := createConfigurationRoutine(t, &expectedNumFrontends, &expectedNumBackends, &expectedNumTLSConf) provide(configurationChan, watch, withDirectory(tempDir)) // Wait for initial config message to be tested err := waitForSignal(signal, 2*time.Second, "initial config") assert.NoError(t, err) // Now remove the backends file expectedNumFrontends = 2 expectedNumBackends = 0 expectedNumTLSConf = 2 os.Remove(tempFile2.Name()) err = waitForSignal(signal, 2*time.Second, "remove the backends file") assert.NoError(t, err) // Now remove the frontends file expectedNumFrontends = 0 expectedNumBackends = 0 expectedNumTLSConf = 2 os.Remove(tempFile1.Name()) err = waitForSignal(signal, 2*time.Second, "remove the frontends file") assert.NoError(t, err) // Now remove the TLS configuration file expectedNumFrontends = 0 expectedNumBackends = 0 expectedNumTLSConf = 0 os.Remove(tempFile3.Name()) err = waitForSignal(signal, 2*time.Second, "remove the TLS configuration file") assert.NoError(t, err) } func TestProvideDirectoryAndNotWatch(t *testing.T) { tempDir := createTempDir(t, "testdir") tempTLSDir := createSubDir(t, tempDir, "tls") defer os.RemoveAll(tempDir) expectedNumFrontends := 2 expectedNumBackends := 2 expectedNumTLSConf := 2 createRandomFile(t, tempDir, createFrontendConfiguration(expectedNumFrontends)) tempFile2 := createRandomFile(t, tempDir, createBackendConfiguration(expectedNumBackends)) createRandomFile(t, tempTLSDir, createTLSConfiguration(expectedNumTLSConf)) configurationChan, signal := createConfigurationRoutine(t, &expectedNumFrontends, &expectedNumBackends, &expectedNumTLSConf) provide(configurationChan, withDirectory(tempDir)) // Wait for initial config message to be tested err := waitForSignal(signal, 2*time.Second, "initial config") assert.NoError(t, err) // Now remove the backends file expectedNumFrontends = 2 expectedNumBackends = 0 expectedNumTLSConf = 2 os.Remove(tempFile2.Name()) // Must fail because we don't watch the changes err = waitForSignal(signal, 2*time.Second, "remove the backends file") assert.Error(t, err) } func createConfigurationRoutine(t *testing.T, expectedNumFrontends *int, expectedNumBackends *int, expectedNumTLSConfigurations *int) (chan types.ConfigMessage, chan interface{}) { configurationChan := make(chan types.ConfigMessage) signal := make(chan interface{}) safe.Go(func() { for { data := <-configurationChan assert.Equal(t, "file", data.ProviderName) assert.Len(t, data.Configuration.Frontends, *expectedNumFrontends) assert.Len(t, data.Configuration.Backends, *expectedNumBackends) assert.Len(t, data.Configuration.TLSConfiguration, *expectedNumTLSConfigurations) signal <- nil } }) return configurationChan, signal } func waitForSignal(signal chan interface{}, timeout time.Duration, caseName string) error { timer := time.NewTimer(timeout) defer timer.Stop() select { case <-signal: case <-timer.C: return fmt.Errorf("Timed out waiting for assertions to be tested: %s", caseName) } return nil } func provide(configurationChan chan types.ConfigMessage, builders ...func(p *Provider)) { pvd := &Provider{} for _, builder := range builders { builder(pvd) } pvd.Provide(configurationChan, safe.NewPool(context.Background()), nil) } func watch(pvd *Provider) { pvd.Watch = true } func withDirectory(name string) func(*Provider) { return func(pvd *Provider) { pvd.Directory = name } } func withFile(tempFile *os.File) func(*Provider) { return func(p *Provider) { p.Filename = tempFile.Name() } } // createRandomFile Helper func createRandomFile(t *testing.T, tempDir string, contents ...string) *os.File { return createFile(t, tempDir, fmt.Sprintf("temp%d.toml", time.Now().UnixNano()), contents...) } // createFile Helper func createFile(t *testing.T, tempDir string, name string, contents ...string) *os.File { t.Helper() fileName := path.Join(tempDir, name) tempFile, err := os.Create(fileName) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } for _, content := range contents { _, err := tempFile.WriteString(content) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } } err = tempFile.Close() if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return tempFile } // createTempDir Helper func createTempDir(t *testing.T, dir string) string { t.Helper() d, err := ioutil.TempDir("", dir) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return d } // createDir Helper func createSubDir(t *testing.T, rootDir, dir string) string { t.Helper() err := os.Mkdir(rootDir+"/"+dir, 0775) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return rootDir + "/" + dir } // createFrontendConfiguration Helper func createFrontendConfiguration(n int) string { conf := "[frontends]\n" for i := 1; i <= n; i++ { conf += fmt.Sprintf(` [frontends.frontend%[1]d] backend = "backend%[1]d" `, i) } return conf } // createBackendConfiguration Helper func createBackendConfiguration(n int) string { conf := "[backends]\n" for i := 1; i <= n; i++ { conf += fmt.Sprintf(` [backends.backend%[1]d] [backends.backend%[1]d.servers.server1] url = "http://172.17.0.%[1]d:80" `, i) } return conf } // createTLSConfiguration Helper func createTLSConfiguration(n int) string { var conf string for i := 1; i <= n; i++ { conf += fmt.Sprintf(`[[TLSConfiguration]] EntryPoints = ["https"] [TLSConfiguration.Certificate] CertFile = "integration/fixtures/https/snitest%[1]" KeyFile = "integration/fixtures/https/snitest%[1]" `, i) } return conf }