.PHONY: all docs docs-serve SRCS = $(shell git ls-files '*.go' | grep -v '^vendor/') TAG_NAME := $(shell git tag -l --contains HEAD) SHA := $(shell git rev-parse HEAD) VERSION_GIT := $(if $(TAG_NAME),$(TAG_NAME),$(SHA)) VERSION := $(if $(VERSION),$(VERSION),$(VERSION_GIT)) BIND_DIR := "dist" GIT_BRANCH := $(subst heads/,,$(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null)) TRAEFIK_DEV_IMAGE := traefik-dev$(if $(GIT_BRANCH),:$(subst /,-,$(GIT_BRANCH))) REPONAME := $(shell echo $(REPO) | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') TRAEFIK_IMAGE := $(if $(REPONAME),$(REPONAME),"containous/traefik") INTEGRATION_OPTS := $(if $(MAKE_DOCKER_HOST),-e "DOCKER_HOST=$(MAKE_DOCKER_HOST)", -e "TEST_CONTAINER=1" -v "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock") DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS := $(if $(DOCKER_VERSION), "--build-arg=DOCKER_VERSION=$(DOCKER_VERSION)",) TRAEFIK_ENVS := \ -e OS_ARCH_ARG \ -e OS_PLATFORM_ARG \ -e TESTFLAGS \ -e VERBOSE \ -e VERSION \ -e CODENAME \ -e TESTDIRS \ -e CI \ -e CONTAINER=DOCKER # Indicator for integration tests that we are running inside a container. TRAEFIK_MOUNT := -v "$(CURDIR)/$(BIND_DIR):/go/src/github.com/containous/traefik/$(BIND_DIR)" DOCKER_RUN_OPTS := $(TRAEFIK_ENVS) $(TRAEFIK_MOUNT) "$(TRAEFIK_DEV_IMAGE)" DOCKER_NON_INTERACTIVE ?= false DOCKER_RUN_TRAEFIK := docker run --add-host=host.docker.internal: $(INTEGRATION_OPTS) $(if $(DOCKER_NON_INTERACTIVE), , -it) $(DOCKER_RUN_OPTS) DOCKER_RUN_TRAEFIK_NOTTY := docker run $(INTEGRATION_OPTS) $(if $(DOCKER_NON_INTERACTIVE), , -i) $(DOCKER_RUN_OPTS) PRE_TARGET ?= build-dev-image PLATFORM_URL := $(if $(PLATFORM_URL),$(PLATFORM_URL),"https://pilot.traefik.io") default: binary ## Build Dev Docker image build-dev-image: dist docker build $(DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS) -t "$(TRAEFIK_DEV_IMAGE)" -f build.Dockerfile . ## Build Dev Docker image without cache build-dev-image-no-cache: dist docker build --no-cache -t "$(TRAEFIK_DEV_IMAGE)" -f build.Dockerfile . ## Create the "dist" directory dist: mkdir dist ## Build WebUI Docker image build-webui-image: docker build -t traefik-webui --build-arg ARG_PLATFORM_URL=$(PLATFORM_URL) -f webui/Dockerfile webui ## Generate WebUI generate-webui: build-webui-image if [ ! -d "static" ]; then \ mkdir -p static; \ docker run --rm -v "$$PWD/static":'/src/static' traefik-webui npm run build:nc; \ docker run --rm -v "$$PWD/static":'/src/static' traefik-webui chown -R $(shell id -u):$(shell id -g) ../static; \ echo 'For more informations show `webui/readme.md`' > $$PWD/static/DONT-EDIT-FILES-IN-THIS-DIRECTORY.md; \ fi ## Build the linux binary binary: generate-webui $(PRE_TARGET) $(if $(PRE_TARGET),$(DOCKER_RUN_TRAEFIK)) ./script/make.sh generate binary ## Build the binary for the standard plaforms (linux, darwin, windows) crossbinary-default: generate-webui build-dev-image $(DOCKER_RUN_TRAEFIK_NOTTY) ./script/make.sh generate crossbinary-default ## Build the binary for the standard plaforms (linux, darwin, windows) in parallel crossbinary-default-parallel: $(MAKE) generate-webui $(MAKE) build-dev-image crossbinary-default ## Run the unit and integration tests test: build-dev-image $(DOCKER_RUN_TRAEFIK) ./script/make.sh generate test-unit binary test-integration ## Run the unit tests test-unit: $(PRE_TARGET) $(if $(PRE_TARGET),$(DOCKER_RUN_TRAEFIK)) ./script/make.sh generate test-unit ## Pull all images for integration tests pull-images: grep --no-filename -E '^\s+image:' ./integration/resources/compose/*.yml | awk '{print $$2}' | sort | uniq | xargs -P 6 -n 1 docker pull ## Run the integration tests test-integration: $(PRE_TARGET) $(if $(PRE_TARGET),$(DOCKER_RUN_TRAEFIK),TEST_CONTAINER=1) ./script/make.sh generate binary test-integration TEST_HOST=1 ./script/make.sh test-integration ## Validate code and docs validate-files: $(PRE_TARGET) $(if $(PRE_TARGET),$(DOCKER_RUN_TRAEFIK)) ./script/make.sh generate validate-lint validate-misspell bash $(CURDIR)/script/validate-shell-script.sh ## Validate code, docs, and vendor validate: $(PRE_TARGET) $(if $(PRE_TARGET),$(DOCKER_RUN_TRAEFIK)) ./script/make.sh generate validate-lint validate-misspell validate-vendor bash $(CURDIR)/script/validate-shell-script.sh ## Clean up static directory and build a Docker Traefik image build-image: binary rm -rf static docker build -t $(TRAEFIK_IMAGE) . ## Build a Docker Traefik image build-image-dirty: binary docker build -t $(TRAEFIK_IMAGE) . ## Start a shell inside the build env shell: build-dev-image $(DOCKER_RUN_TRAEFIK) /bin/bash ## Build documentation site docs: make -C ./docs docs ## Serve the documentation site localy docs-serve: make -C ./docs docs-serve ## Generate CRD clientset generate-crd: ./script/update-generated-crd-code.sh ## Create packages for the release release-packages: generate-webui build-dev-image rm -rf dist $(DOCKER_RUN_TRAEFIK_NOTTY) goreleaser release --skip-publish --timeout="60m" $(DOCKER_RUN_TRAEFIK_NOTTY) tar cfz dist/traefik-${VERSION}.src.tar.gz \ --exclude-vcs \ --exclude .idea \ --exclude .travis \ --exclude .semaphoreci \ --exclude .github \ --exclude dist . $(DOCKER_RUN_TRAEFIK_NOTTY) chown -R $(shell id -u):$(shell id -g) dist/ ## Format the Code fmt: gofmt -s -l -w $(SRCS) run-dev: go generate GO111MODULE=on go build ./cmd/traefik ./traefik