SRCS = $(shell git ls-files '*.go' | grep -v '^vendor/') TAG_NAME := $(shell git tag -l --contains HEAD) SHA := $(shell git rev-parse HEAD) VERSION_GIT := $(if $(TAG_NAME),$(TAG_NAME),$(SHA)) VERSION := $(if $(VERSION),$(VERSION),$(VERSION_GIT)) GIT_BRANCH := $(subst heads/,,$(shell git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null)) REPONAME := $(shell echo $(REPO) | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') BIN_NAME := traefik CODENAME := cheddar DATE := $(shell date -u '+%Y-%m-%d_%I:%M:%S%p') # Default build target GOOS := $(shell go env GOOS) GOARCH := $(shell go env GOARCH) LINT_EXECUTABLES = misspell shellcheck DOCKER_BUILD_PLATFORMS ?= linux/amd64,linux/arm64 .PHONY: default default: generate binary ## Create the "dist" directory dist: mkdir -p dist ## Build WebUI Docker image .PHONY: build-webui-image build-webui-image: docker build -t traefik-webui -f webui/Dockerfile webui ## Clean WebUI static generated assets .PHONY: clean-webui clean-webui: rm -r webui/static mkdir -p webui/static printf 'For more information see `webui/`' > webui/static/ ## Generate WebUI webui/static/index.html: $(MAKE) build-webui-image docker run --rm -v "$(PWD)/webui/static":'/src/webui/static' traefik-webui npm run build:nc docker run --rm -v "$(PWD)/webui/static":'/src/webui/static' traefik-webui chown -R $(shell id -u):$(shell id -g) ./static .PHONY: generate-webui generate-webui: webui/static/index.html ## Generate code .PHONY: generate generate: go generate ## Build the binary .PHONY: binary binary: generate-webui dist @echo SHA: $(VERSION) $(CODENAME) $(DATE) CGO_ENABLED=0 GOGC=off GOOS=${GOOS} GOARCH=${GOARCH} go build ${FLAGS[*]} -ldflags "-s -w \ -X$(VERSION) \ -X$(CODENAME) \ -X$(DATE)" \ -installsuffix nocgo -o "./dist/${GOOS}/${GOARCH}/$(BIN_NAME)" ./cmd/traefik binary-linux-arm64: export GOOS := linux binary-linux-arm64: export GOARCH := arm64 binary-linux-arm64: @$(MAKE) binary binary-linux-amd64: export GOOS := linux binary-linux-amd64: export GOARCH := amd64 binary-linux-amd64: @$(MAKE) binary binary-windows-amd64: export GOOS := windows binary-windows-amd64: export GOARCH := amd64 binary-windows-amd64: export BIN_NAME := traefik.exe binary-windows-amd64: @$(MAKE) binary ## Build the binary for the standard platforms (linux, darwin, windows) .PHONY: crossbinary-default crossbinary-default: generate generate-webui $(CURDIR)/script/ ## Run the unit and integration tests .PHONY: test test: test-unit test-integration ## Run the unit tests .PHONY: test-unit test-unit: GOOS=$(GOOS) GOARCH=$(GOARCH) go test -cover "-coverprofile=cover.out" -v $(TESTFLAGS) ./pkg/... ./cmd/... ## Run the integration tests .PHONY: test-integration test-integration: binary GOOS=$(GOOS) GOARCH=$(GOARCH) go test ./integration -test.timeout=20m -failfast -v $(TESTFLAGS) ## Pull all Docker images to avoid timeout during integration tests .PHONY: pull-images pull-images: grep --no-filename -E '^\s+image:' ./integration/resources/compose/*.yml \ | awk '{print $$2}' \ | sort \ | uniq \ | xargs -P 6 -n 1 docker pull ## Lint run golangci-lint .PHONY: lint lint: golangci-lint run ## Validate code and docs .PHONY: validate-files validate-files: lint $(foreach exec,$(LINT_EXECUTABLES),\ $(if $(shell which $(exec)),,$(error "No $(exec) in PATH"))) $(CURDIR)/script/ $(CURDIR)/script/ ## Validate code, docs, and vendor .PHONY: validate validate: lint $(foreach exec,$(EXECUTABLES),\ $(if $(shell which $(exec)),,$(error "No $(exec) in PATH"))) $(CURDIR)/script/ $(CURDIR)/script/ $(CURDIR)/script/ # Target for building images for multiple architectures. .PHONY: multi-arch-image-% multi-arch-image-%: binary-linux-amd64 binary-linux-arm64 docker buildx build $(DOCKER_BUILDX_ARGS) -t traefik/traefik:$* --platform=$(DOCKER_BUILD_PLATFORMS) -f Dockerfile . ## Clean up static directory and build a Docker Traefik image .PHONY: build-image build-image: export DOCKER_BUILDX_ARGS := --load build-image: export DOCKER_BUILD_PLATFORMS := linux/$(GOARCH) build-image: clean-webui @$(MAKE) multi-arch-image-latest ## Build a Docker Traefik image without re-building the webui when it's already built .PHONY: build-image-dirty build-image-dirty: export DOCKER_BUILDX_ARGS := --load build-image-dirty: export DOCKER_BUILD_PLATFORMS := linux/$(GOARCH) build-image-dirty: @$(MAKE) multi-arch-image-latest ## Build documentation site .PHONY: docs docs: make -C ./docs docs ## Serve the documentation site locally .PHONY: docs-serve docs-serve: make -C ./docs docs-serve ## Pull image for doc building .PHONY: docs-pull-images docs-pull-images: make -C ./docs docs-pull-images ## Generate CRD clientset and CRD manifests .PHONY: generate-crd generate-crd: @$(CURDIR)/script/ ## Generate code from dynamic configuration .PHONY: generate-genconf generate-genconf: go run ./cmd/internal/gen/ ## Create packages for the release .PHONY: release-packages release-packages: generate-webui $(CURDIR)/script/ ## Format the Code .PHONY: fmt fmt: gofmt -s -l -w $(SRCS)