package safe

import (


type routineCtx func(ctx context.Context)

// Pool is a pool of go routines.
type Pool struct {
	waitGroup sync.WaitGroup
	ctx       context.Context
	cancel    context.CancelFunc

// NewPool creates a Pool.
func NewPool(parentCtx context.Context) *Pool {
	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(parentCtx)
	return &Pool{
		ctx:    ctx,
		cancel: cancel,

// GoCtx starts a recoverable goroutine with a context.
func (p *Pool) GoCtx(goroutine routineCtx) {
	Go(func() {
		defer p.waitGroup.Done()

// Stop stops all started routines, waiting for their termination.
func (p *Pool) Stop() {

// Go starts a recoverable goroutine.
func Go(goroutine func()) {
	GoWithRecover(goroutine, defaultRecoverGoroutine)

// GoWithRecover starts a recoverable goroutine using given customRecover() function.
func GoWithRecover(goroutine func(), customRecover func(err interface{})) {
	go func() {
		defer func() {
			if err := recover(); err != nil {

func defaultRecoverGoroutine(err interface{}) {
	log.Error().Interface("error", err).Msg("Error in Go routine")
	log.Error().Msgf("Stack: %s", debug.Stack())

// OperationWithRecover wrap a backoff operation in a Recover.
func OperationWithRecover(operation backoff.Operation) backoff.Operation {
	return func() (err error) {
		defer func() {
			if res := recover(); res != nil {
				err = fmt.Errorf("panic in operation: %w", err)
		return operation()