# Install Traefik You can install Traefik with the following flavors: * [Use the official Docker image](./#use-the-official-docker-image) * [Use the binary distribution](./#use-the-binary-distribution) * [Compile your binary from the sources](./#compile-your-binary-from-the-sources) ## Use the Official Docker Image Choose one of the [official Docker images](https://hub.docker.com/_/traefik) and run it with the [sample configuration file](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/containous/traefik/master/traefik.sample.toml): ```shell docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 80:80 \ -v $PWD/traefik.toml:/etc/traefik/traefik.toml traefik:v2.0 ``` For more details, go to the [Docker provider documentation](../providers/docker.md) !!! tip * Prefer a fixed version than the latest that could be an unexpected version. ex: `traefik:v2.0.0` * Docker images comes in 2 flavors: scratch based or alpine based. * All the orchestrator using docker images could fetch the official Traefik docker image. ## Use the Binary Distribution Grab the latest binary from the [releases](https://github.com/containous/traefik/releases) page. ??? tip "Check the integrity of the downloaded file" ```bash tab="Linux" # Compare this value to the one found in traefik-${traefik_version}_checksums.txt sha256sum ./traefik_${traefik_version}_linux_${arch}.tar.gz ``` ```bash tab="macOS" # Compare this value to the one found in traefik-${traefik_version}_checksums.txt shasum -a256 ./traefik_${traefik_version}_darwin_amd64.tar.gz ``` ```powershell tab="Windows PowerShell" # Compare this value to the one found in traefik-${traefik_version}_checksums.txt Get-FileHash ./traefik_${traefik_version}_windows_${arch}.zip -Algorithm SHA256 ``` ??? tip "Extract the downloaded archive" ```bash tab="Linux" tar -zxvf traefik_${traefik_version}_linux_${arch}.tar.gz ``` ```bash tab="macOS" tar -zxvf ./traefik_${traefik_version}_darwin_amd64.tar.gz ``` ```powershell tab="Windows PowerShell" Expand-Archive traefik_${traefik_version}_windows_${arch}.zip ``` And run it: ```bash ./traefik --help ``` ## Compile your Binary from the Sources All the details are available in the [Contributing Guide](../contributing/building-testing.md)