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toc: permalink: true # Page tree nav: - 'Welcome': '' - 'Getting Started': - 'Concepts' : 'getting-started/' - 'Quick Start': - 'Docker': 'getting-started/' - 'Kubernetes': 'getting-started/' - 'Configuration Introduction': 'getting-started/' - 'Install Traefik': 'getting-started/' - 'Frequently Asked Questions': 'getting-started/' - 'Configuration Discovery': - 'Overview': 'providers/' - 'Docker': 'providers/' - 'Swarm': 'providers/' - 'Kubernetes IngressRoute': 'providers/' - 'Kubernetes Ingress': 'providers/' - 'Kubernetes Gateway API': 'providers/' - 'Consul Catalog': 'providers/' - 'Nomad': 'providers/' - 'ECS': 'providers/' - 'File': 'providers/' - 'Consul': 'providers/' - 'Etcd': 'providers/' - 'ZooKeeper': 'providers/' - 'Redis': 'providers/' - 'HTTP': 'providers/' - 'Routing & Load Balancing': - 'Overview': 'routing/' - 'EntryPoints': 'routing/' - 'Routers': 'routing/routers/' - 'Services': 'routing/services/' - 'Providers': - 'Docker': 'routing/providers/' - 'Swarm': 'routing/providers/' - 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'Tracing': - 'Overview': 'observability/tracing/' - 'OpenTelemetry': 'observability/tracing/' - 'User Guides': - 'FastProxy': 'user-guides/' - 'Kubernetes and Let''s Encrypt': 'user-guides/crd-acme/' - 'gRPC Examples': 'user-guides/' - 'Docker': - 'Basic Example': 'user-guides/docker-compose/basic-example/' - 'HTTPS with Let''s Encrypt': - 'TLS Challenge': 'user-guides/docker-compose/acme-tls/' - 'HTTP Challenge': 'user-guides/docker-compose/acme-http/' - 'DNS Challenge': 'user-guides/docker-compose/acme-dns/' - 'Migration': - 'Traefik v3 minor migrations': 'migration/' - 'Traefik v2 to v3': - 'Migration guide': 'migration/' - 'Configuration changes for v3': 'migration/' - 'Traefik v2 minor migrations': 'migration/' - 'Traefik v1 to v2': 'migration/' - 'Contributing': - 'Thank You!': 'contributing/' - 'Submitting Issues': 'contributing/' - 'Submitting PRs': 'contributing/' - 'Security': 'contributing/' - 'Building and Testing': 'contributing/' - 'Documentation': 'contributing/' - 'Data Collection': 'contributing/' - 'Advocating': 'contributing/' - 'Maintainers': 'contributing/' - 'References': - 'Static Configuration': - 'Overview': 'reference/static-configuration/' - 'File': 'reference/static-configuration/' - 'CLI': 'reference/static-configuration/' - 'Environment variables': 'reference/static-configuration/' - 'Dynamic Configuration': - 'File': 'reference/dynamic-configuration/' - 'Docker': 'reference/dynamic-configuration/' - 'Swarm': 'reference/dynamic-configuration/' - 'Kubernetes CRD': 'reference/dynamic-configuration/' - 'Consul Catalog': 'reference/dynamic-configuration/' - 'Nomad': "reference/dynamic-configuration/" - 'ECS': 'reference/dynamic-configuration/' - 'KV': 'reference/dynamic-configuration/' - 'Deprecation Notices': - 'Releases': 'deprecation/' - 'Features': 'deprecation/'