package kv import ( "sort" "strconv" "testing" "" "" "" "" "" ) func aKVPair(key string, value string) *store.KVPair { return &store.KVPair{Key: key, Value: []byte(value)} } func TestProviderBuildConfiguration(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { desc string kvPairs []*store.KVPair expected *types.Configuration }{ { desc: "name with dot", kvPairs: filler("traefik", frontend("", withPair("backend", ""), withPair("routes/", "Host:test.localhost")), backend("", withPair("servers/", ""), withPair("servers/", "0"), withPair("servers/", "0")), ), expected: &types.Configuration{ Backends: map[string]*types.Backend{ "": { Servers: map[string]types.Server{ "": { URL: "", Weight: 0, }, }, }, }, Frontends: map[string]*types.Frontend{ "": { Backend: "", PassHostHeader: true, EntryPoints: []string{}, Routes: map[string]types.Route{ "": { Rule: "Host:test.localhost", }, }, }, }, }, }, { desc: "all parameters", kvPairs: filler("traefik", backend("backend1", withPair("healthcheck/path", "/health"), withPair("healthcheck/port", "80"), withPair("healthcheck/interval", "30s"), withPair("maxconn/amount", "5"), withPair("maxconn/extractorfunc", "client.ip"), withPair(pathBackendCircuitBreakerExpression, label.DefaultCircuitBreakerExpression), withPair(pathBackendLoadBalancerMethod, "drr"), withPair(pathBackendLoadBalancerSticky, "true"), withPair(pathBackendLoadBalancerStickiness, "true"), withPair(pathBackendLoadBalancerStickinessCookieName, "tomate"), withPair("servers/server1/url", ""), withPair("servers/server1/weight", "0"), withPair("servers/server2/weight", "0")), frontend("frontend1", withPair(pathFrontendBackend, "backend1"), withPair(pathFrontendPriority, "6"), withPair(pathFrontendPassHostHeader, "false"), withPair(pathFrontendEntryPoints, "http,https"), withPair("routes/route1/rule", "Host:test.localhost"), withPair("routes/route2/rule", "Path:/foo")), entry("tlsconfiguration/foo", withPair("entrypoints", "http,https"), withPair("certificate/certfile", "certfile1"), withPair("certificate/keyfile", "keyfile1")), entry("tlsconfiguration/bar", withPair("entrypoints", "http,https"), withPair("certificate/certfile", "certfile2"), withPair("certificate/keyfile", "keyfile2")), ), expected: &types.Configuration{ Backends: map[string]*types.Backend{ "backend1": { Servers: map[string]types.Server{ "server1": { URL: "", Weight: 0, }, }, CircuitBreaker: &types.CircuitBreaker{ Expression: "NetworkErrorRatio() > 1", }, LoadBalancer: &types.LoadBalancer{ Method: "drr", Sticky: true, Stickiness: &types.Stickiness{ CookieName: "tomate", }, }, MaxConn: &types.MaxConn{ Amount: 5, ExtractorFunc: "client.ip", }, HealthCheck: &types.HealthCheck{ Path: "/health", Port: 0, Interval: "30s", }, }, }, Frontends: map[string]*types.Frontend{ "frontend1": { Priority: 6, EntryPoints: []string{"http", "https"}, Backend: "backend1", Routes: map[string]types.Route{ "route1": { Rule: "Host:test.localhost", }, "route2": { Rule: "Path:/foo", }, }, }, }, TLSConfiguration: []*tls.Configuration{ { EntryPoints: []string{"http", "https"}, Certificate: &tls.Certificate{ CertFile: "certfile2", KeyFile: "keyfile2", }, }, { EntryPoints: []string{"http", "https"}, Certificate: &tls.Certificate{ CertFile: "certfile1", KeyFile: "keyfile1", }, }, }, }, }, } for _, test := range testCases { test := test t.Run(test.desc, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() p := &Provider{ Prefix: "traefik", kvClient: &Mock{ KVPairs: test.kvPairs, }, } actual := p.buildConfiguration() assert.NotNil(t, actual) assert.EqualValues(t, test.expected.Backends, actual.Backends) assert.EqualValues(t, test.expected.Frontends, actual.Frontends) assert.EqualValues(t, test.expected, actual) }) } } func TestProviderList(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { desc string kvPairs []*store.KVPair kvError error keyParts []string expected []string }{ { desc: "empty key parts and empty store", keyParts: []string{}, expected: []string{}, }, { desc: "when non existing key and empty store", keyParts: []string{"traefik"}, expected: []string{}, }, { desc: "when non existing key", kvPairs: []*store.KVPair{ aKVPair("foo", "bar"), }, keyParts: []string{"bar"}, expected: []string{}, }, { desc: "when one key", kvPairs: []*store.KVPair{ aKVPair("foo", "bar"), }, keyParts: []string{"foo"}, expected: []string{"foo"}, }, { desc: "when multiple sub keys and nested sub key", kvPairs: []*store.KVPair{ aKVPair("foo/baz/1", "bar"), aKVPair("foo/baz/2", "bar"), aKVPair("foo/baz/biz/1", "bar"), }, keyParts: []string{"foo", "/baz/"}, expected: []string{"foo/baz/1", "foo/baz/2"}, }, { desc: "when KV error", kvError: store.ErrNotReachable, kvPairs: []*store.KVPair{ aKVPair("foo/baz/1", "bar1"), aKVPair("foo/baz/2", "bar2"), aKVPair("foo/baz/biz/1", "bar3"), }, keyParts: []string{"foo/baz/1"}, expected: nil, }, } for _, test := range testCases { test := test t.Run(test.desc, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() p := &Provider{ kvClient: newKvClientMock(test.kvPairs, test.kvError), } actual := p.list(test.keyParts...) sort.Strings(test.expected) assert.Equal(t, test.expected, actual, "key: %v", test.keyParts) }) } } func TestProviderGet(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { desc string kvPairs []*store.KVPair storeType store.Backend keyParts []string defaultValue string kvError error expected string }{ { desc: "when empty key parts, empty store", defaultValue: "circle", keyParts: []string{}, expected: "circle", }, { desc: "when non existing key", defaultValue: "circle", kvPairs: []*store.KVPair{ aKVPair("foo", "bar"), }, keyParts: []string{"bar"}, expected: "circle", }, { desc: "when one part key", kvPairs: []*store.KVPair{ aKVPair("foo", "bar"), }, keyParts: []string{"foo"}, expected: "bar", }, { desc: "when several parts key", kvPairs: []*store.KVPair{ aKVPair("foo/baz/1", "bar1"), aKVPair("foo/baz/2", "bar2"), aKVPair("foo/baz/biz/1", "bar3"), }, keyParts: []string{"foo", "/baz/", "2"}, expected: "bar2", }, { desc: "when several parts key, starts with /", defaultValue: "circle", kvPairs: []*store.KVPair{ aKVPair("foo/baz/1", "bar1"), aKVPair("foo/baz/2", "bar2"), aKVPair("foo/baz/biz/1", "bar3"), }, keyParts: []string{"/foo", "/baz/", "2"}, expected: "circle", }, { desc: "when several parts key starts with /, ETCD v2", storeType: store.ETCD, kvPairs: []*store.KVPair{ aKVPair("foo/baz/1", "bar1"), aKVPair("foo/baz/2", "bar2"), aKVPair("foo/baz/biz/1", "bar3"), }, keyParts: []string{"/foo", "/baz/", "2"}, expected: "bar2", }, { desc: "when KV error", kvError: store.ErrNotReachable, kvPairs: []*store.KVPair{ aKVPair("foo/baz/1", "bar1"), aKVPair("foo/baz/2", "bar2"), aKVPair("foo/baz/biz/1", "bar3"), }, keyParts: []string{"foo/baz/1"}, expected: "", }, } for _, test := range testCases { test := test t.Run(test.desc, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() p := &Provider{ kvClient: newKvClientMock(test.kvPairs, test.kvError), storeType: test.storeType, } actual := p.get(test.defaultValue, test.keyParts...) assert.Equal(t, test.expected, actual, "key %v", test.keyParts) }) } } func TestProviderLast(t *testing.T) { p := &Provider{} testCases := []struct { key string expected string }{ { key: "", expected: "", }, { key: "foo", expected: "foo", }, { key: "foo/bar", expected: "bar", }, { key: "foo/bar/baz", expected: "baz", }, // FIXME is this wanted ? { key: "foo/bar/", expected: "", }, } for i, test := range testCases { test := test t.Run(strconv.Itoa(i), func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() actual := p.last(test.key) assert.Equal(t, test.expected, actual) }) } } func TestProviderSplitGet(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { desc string kvPairs []*store.KVPair kvError error keyParts []string expected []string }{ { desc: "when has value", kvPairs: filler("traefik", frontend("foo", withPair("bar", "courgette, carotte, tomate, aubergine"), ), ), keyParts: []string{"traefik/frontends/foo/bar"}, expected: []string{"courgette", "carotte", "tomate", "aubergine"}, }, { desc: "when empty value", kvPairs: filler("traefik", frontend("foo", withPair("bar", ""), ), ), keyParts: []string{"traefik/frontends/foo/bar"}, expected: nil, }, { desc: "when not existing key", kvPairs: nil, keyParts: []string{"traefik/frontends/foo/bar"}, expected: nil, }, { desc: "when KV error", kvError: store.ErrNotReachable, kvPairs: filler("traefik", frontend("foo", withPair("bar", ""), ), ), keyParts: []string{"traefik/frontends/foo/bar"}, expected: nil, }, } for _, test := range testCases { test := test t.Run(test.desc, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() p := &Provider{ kvClient: newKvClientMock(test.kvPairs, test.kvError), } values := p.splitGet(test.keyParts...) assert.Equal(t, test.expected, values, "key: %v", test.keyParts) }) } } func TestProviderGetBool(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { desc string kvPairs []*store.KVPair kvError error keyParts []string expected bool }{ { desc: "when value is 'true", kvPairs: filler("traefik", frontend("foo", withPair("bar", "true"), ), ), keyParts: []string{"traefik/frontends/foo/bar"}, expected: true, }, { desc: "when value is 'false", kvPairs: filler("traefik", frontend("foo", withPair("bar", "false"), ), ), keyParts: []string{"traefik/frontends/foo/bar"}, expected: false, }, { desc: "when empty value", kvPairs: filler("traefik", frontend("foo", withPair("bar", ""), ), ), keyParts: []string{"traefik/frontends/foo/bar"}, expected: false, }, { desc: "when not existing key", kvPairs: nil, keyParts: []string{"traefik/frontends/foo/bar"}, expected: false, }, { desc: "when KV error", kvError: store.ErrNotReachable, kvPairs: filler("traefik", frontend("foo", withPair("bar", "true"), ), ), keyParts: []string{"traefik/frontends/foo/bar"}, expected: false, }, } for i, test := range testCases { test := test t.Run(strconv.Itoa(i), func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() p := &Provider{ kvClient: newKvClientMock(test.kvPairs, test.kvError), } actual := p.getBool(false, test.keyParts...) assert.Equal(t, test.expected, actual, "key: %v", test.keyParts) }) } } func TestProviderHasStickinessLabel(t *testing.T) { testCases := []struct { desc string kvPairs []*store.KVPair rootPath string expected bool }{ { desc: "without option", expected: false, }, { desc: "with cookie name without stickiness=true", rootPath: "traefik/backends/foo", kvPairs: filler("traefik", backend("foo", withPair(pathBackendLoadBalancerStickinessCookieName, "aubergine"), ), ), expected: false, }, { desc: "stickiness=true", rootPath: "traefik/backends/foo", kvPairs: filler("traefik", backend("foo", withPair(pathBackendLoadBalancerStickiness, "true"), ), ), expected: true, }, } for _, test := range testCases { test := test t.Run(test.desc, func(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() p := &Provider{ kvClient: &Mock{ KVPairs: test.kvPairs, }, } actual := p.hasStickinessLabel(test.rootPath) if actual != test.expected { t.Fatalf("expected %v, got %v", test.expected, actual) } }) } }