--- title: "Traefik ErrorPage Documentation" description: "In Traefik Proxy, the ErrorPage middleware returns custom pages according to configured ranges of HTTP Status codes. Read the technical documentation." --- # ErrorPage It Has Never Been Easier to Say That Something Went Wrong {: .subtitle } ![ErrorPages](../../assets/img/middleware/errorpages.png) The ErrorPage middleware returns a custom page in lieu of the default, according to configured ranges of HTTP Status codes. !!! important The error page itself is _not_ hosted by Traefik. ## Configuration Examples ```yaml tab="Docker" # Dynamic Custom Error Page for 5XX Status Code labels: - "traefik.http.middlewares.test-errorpage.errors.status=500-599" - "traefik.http.middlewares.test-errorpage.errors.service=serviceError" - "traefik.http.middlewares.test-errorpage.errors.query=/{status}.html" ``` ```yaml tab="Kubernetes" apiVersion: traefik.containo.us/v1alpha1 kind: Middleware metadata: name: test-errorpage spec: errors: status: - "500-599" query: /{status}.html service: name: whoami port: 80 ``` ```yaml tab="Consul Catalog" # Dynamic Custom Error Page for 5XX Status Code - "traefik.http.middlewares.test-errorpage.errors.status=500-599" - "traefik.http.middlewares.test-errorpage.errors.service=serviceError" - "traefik.http.middlewares.test-errorpage.errors.query=/{status}.html" ``` ```json tab="Marathon" "labels": { "traefik.http.middlewares.test-errorpage.errors.status": "500-599", "traefik.http.middlewares.test-errorpage.errors.service": "serviceError", "traefik.http.middlewares.test-errorpage.errors.query": "/{status}.html" } ``` ```yaml tab="Rancher" # Dynamic Custom Error Page for 5XX Status Code labels: - "traefik.http.middlewares.test-errorpage.errors.status=500-599" - "traefik.http.middlewares.test-errorpage.errors.service=serviceError" - "traefik.http.middlewares.test-errorpage.errors.query=/{status}.html" ``` ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" # Custom Error Page for 5XX http: middlewares: test-errorpage: errors: status: - "500-599" service: serviceError query: "/{status}.html" services: # ... definition of error-handler-service and my-service ``` ```toml tab="File (TOML)" # Custom Error Page for 5XX [http.middlewares] [http.middlewares.test-errorpage.errors] status = ["500-599"] service = "serviceError" query = "/{status}.html" [http.services] # ... definition of error-handler-service and my-service ``` !!! note "" In this example, the error page URL is based on the status code (`query=/{status}.html`). ## Configuration Options ### `status` The `status` option defines which status or range of statuses should result in an error page. The status code ranges are inclusive (`500-599` will trigger with every code between `500` and `599`, `500` and `599` included). !!! note "" You can define either a status code as a number (`500`), as multiple comma-separated numbers (`500,502`), as ranges by separating two codes with a dash (`500-599`), or a combination of the two (`404,418,500-599`). ### `service` The service that will serve the new requested error page. !!! note "" In Kubernetes, you need to reference a Kubernetes Service instead of a Traefik service. !!! info "Host Header" By default, the client `Host` header value is forwarded to the configured error [service](#service). To forward the `Host` value corresponding to the configured error service URL, the [passHostHeader](../../../routing/services/#pass-host-header) option must be set to `false`. ### `query` The URL for the error page (hosted by `service`). You can use the `{status}` variable in the `query` option in order to insert the status code in the URL.