# InfluxDB To enable the InfluxDB: ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [metrics] [metrics.influxdb] ``` ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" metrics: influxdb: {} ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --metrics.influxdb=true ``` #### `address` _Required, Default="localhost:8089"_ Address instructs exporter to send metrics to influxdb at this address. ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [metrics] [metrics.influxdb] address = "localhost:8089" ``` ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" metrics: influxdb: address: localhost:8089 ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --metrics.influxdb.address="localhost:8089" ``` #### `protocol` _Required, Default="udp"_ InfluxDB's address protocol (udp or http). ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [metrics] [metrics.influxdb] protocol = "udp" ``` ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" metrics: influxdb: protocol: udp ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --metrics.influxdb.protocol="udp" ``` #### `database` _Optional, Default=""_ InfluxDB database used when protocol is http. ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [metrics] [metrics.influxdb] database = "" ``` ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" metrics: influxdb: database: "" ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --metrics.influxdb.database="" ``` #### `retentionPolicy` _Optional, Default=""_ InfluxDB retention policy used when protocol is http. ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [metrics] [metrics.influxdb] retentionPolicy = "" ``` ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" metrics: influxdb: retentionPolicy: "" ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --metrics.influxdb.retentionPolicy="" ``` #### `username` _Optional, Default=""_ InfluxDB username (only with http). ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [metrics] [metrics.influxdb] username = "" ``` ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" metrics: influxdb: username: "" ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --metrics.influxdb.username="" ``` #### `password` _Optional, Default=""_ InfluxDB password (only with http). ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [metrics] [metrics.influxdb] password = "" ``` ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" metrics: influxdb: password: "" ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --metrics.influxdb.password="" ``` #### `addEntryPointsLabels` _Optional, Default=true_ Enable metrics on entry points. ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [metrics] [metrics.influxdb] addEntryPointsLabels = true ``` ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" metrics: influxdb: addEntryPointsLabels: true ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --metrics.influxdb.addEntryPointsLabels=true ``` #### `addServicesLabels` _Optional, Default=true_ Enable metrics on services. ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [metrics] [metrics.influxdb] addServicesLabels = true ``` ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" metrics: influxdb: addServicesLabels: true ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --metrics.influxdb.addServicesLabels=true ``` #### `pushInterval` _Optional, Default=10s_ The interval used by the exporter to push metrics to influxdb. ```toml tab="File (TOML)" [metrics] [metrics.influxdb] pushInterval = 10s ``` ```yaml tab="File (YAML)" metrics: influxdb: pushInterval: 10s ``` ```bash tab="CLI" --metrics.influxdb.pushInterval=10s ```