--- apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: annotations: controller-gen.kubebuilder.io/version: v0.16.1 name: middlewares.traefik.io spec: group: traefik.io names: kind: Middleware listKind: MiddlewareList plural: middlewares singular: middleware scope: Namespaced versions: - name: v1alpha1 schema: openAPIV3Schema: description: |- Middleware is the CRD implementation of a Traefik Middleware. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/middlewares/http/overview/ properties: apiVersion: description: |- APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources type: string kind: description: |- Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds type: string metadata: type: object spec: description: MiddlewareSpec defines the desired state of a Middleware. properties: addPrefix: description: |- AddPrefix holds the add prefix middleware configuration. This middleware updates the path of a request before forwarding it. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/middlewares/http/addprefix/ properties: prefix: description: |- Prefix is the string to add before the current path in the requested URL. It should include a leading slash (/). type: string type: object basicAuth: description: |- BasicAuth holds the basic auth middleware configuration. This middleware restricts access to your services to known users. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/middlewares/http/basicauth/ properties: headerField: description: |- HeaderField defines a header field to store the authenticated user. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/middlewares/http/basicauth/#headerfield type: string realm: description: |- Realm allows the protected resources on a server to be partitioned into a set of protection spaces, each with its own authentication scheme. Default: traefik. type: string removeHeader: description: |- RemoveHeader sets the removeHeader option to true to remove the authorization header before forwarding the request to your service. Default: false. type: boolean secret: description: Secret is the name of the referenced Kubernetes Secret containing user credentials. type: string type: object buffering: description: |- Buffering holds the buffering middleware configuration. This middleware retries or limits the size of requests that can be forwarded to backends. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/middlewares/http/buffering/#maxrequestbodybytes properties: maxRequestBodyBytes: description: |- MaxRequestBodyBytes defines the maximum allowed body size for the request (in bytes). If the request exceeds the allowed size, it is not forwarded to the service, and the client gets a 413 (Request Entity Too Large) response. Default: 0 (no maximum). format: int64 type: integer maxResponseBodyBytes: description: |- MaxResponseBodyBytes defines the maximum allowed response size from the service (in bytes). If the response exceeds the allowed size, it is not forwarded to the client. The client gets a 500 (Internal Server Error) response instead. Default: 0 (no maximum). format: int64 type: integer memRequestBodyBytes: description: |- MemRequestBodyBytes defines the threshold (in bytes) from which the request will be buffered on disk instead of in memory. Default: 1048576 (1Mi). format: int64 type: integer memResponseBodyBytes: description: |- MemResponseBodyBytes defines the threshold (in bytes) from which the response will be buffered on disk instead of in memory. Default: 1048576 (1Mi). format: int64 type: integer retryExpression: description: |- RetryExpression defines the retry conditions. It is a logical combination of functions with operators AND (&&) and OR (||). More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/middlewares/http/buffering/#retryexpression type: string type: object chain: description: |- Chain holds the configuration of the chain middleware. This middleware enables to define reusable combinations of other pieces of middleware. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/middlewares/http/chain/ properties: middlewares: description: Middlewares is the list of MiddlewareRef which composes the chain. items: description: MiddlewareRef is a reference to a Middleware resource. properties: name: description: Name defines the name of the referenced Middleware resource. type: string namespace: description: Namespace defines the namespace of the referenced Middleware resource. type: string required: - name type: object type: array type: object circuitBreaker: description: CircuitBreaker holds the circuit breaker configuration. properties: checkPeriod: anyOf: - type: integer - type: string description: CheckPeriod is the interval between successive checks of the circuit breaker condition (when in standby state). x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true expression: description: Expression is the condition that triggers the tripped state. type: string fallbackDuration: anyOf: - type: integer - type: string description: FallbackDuration is the duration for which the circuit breaker will wait before trying to recover (from a tripped state). x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true recoveryDuration: anyOf: - type: integer - type: string description: RecoveryDuration is the duration for which the circuit breaker will try to recover (as soon as it is in recovering state). x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true type: object compress: description: |- Compress holds the compress middleware configuration. This middleware compresses responses before sending them to the client, using gzip compression. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/middlewares/http/compress/ properties: excludedContentTypes: description: ExcludedContentTypes defines the list of content types to compare the Content-Type header of the incoming requests and responses before compressing. items: type: string type: array minResponseBodyBytes: description: |- MinResponseBodyBytes defines the minimum amount of bytes a response body must have to be compressed. Default: 1024. type: integer type: object contentType: description: |- ContentType holds the content-type middleware configuration. This middleware exists to enable the correct behavior until at least the default one can be changed in a future version. properties: autoDetect: description: |- AutoDetect specifies whether to let the `Content-Type` header, if it has not been set by the backend, be automatically set to a value derived from the contents of the response. As a proxy, the default behavior should be to leave the header alone, regardless of what the backend did with it. However, the historic default was to always auto-detect and set the header if it was nil, and it is going to be kept that way in order to support users currently relying on it. type: boolean type: object digestAuth: description: |- DigestAuth holds the digest auth middleware configuration. This middleware restricts access to your services to known users. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/middlewares/http/digestauth/ properties: headerField: description: |- HeaderField defines a header field to store the authenticated user. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/middlewares/http/basicauth/#headerfield type: string realm: description: |- Realm allows the protected resources on a server to be partitioned into a set of protection spaces, each with its own authentication scheme. Default: traefik. type: string removeHeader: description: RemoveHeader defines whether to remove the authorization header before forwarding the request to the backend. type: boolean secret: description: Secret is the name of the referenced Kubernetes Secret containing user credentials. type: string type: object errors: description: |- ErrorPage holds the custom error middleware configuration. This middleware returns a custom page in lieu of the default, according to configured ranges of HTTP Status codes. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/middlewares/http/errorpages/ properties: query: description: |- Query defines the URL for the error page (hosted by service). The {status} variable can be used in order to insert the status code in the URL. type: string service: description: |- Service defines the reference to a Kubernetes Service that will serve the error page. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/middlewares/http/errorpages/#service properties: kind: description: Kind defines the kind of the Service. enum: - Service - TraefikService type: string name: description: |- Name defines the name of the referenced Kubernetes Service or TraefikService. The differentiation between the two is specified in the Kind field. type: string namespace: description: Namespace defines the namespace of the referenced Kubernetes Service or TraefikService. type: string nativeLB: description: |- NativeLB controls, when creating the load-balancer, whether the LB's children are directly the pods IPs or if the only child is the Kubernetes Service clusterIP. The Kubernetes Service itself does load-balance to the pods. By default, NativeLB is false. type: boolean passHostHeader: description: |- PassHostHeader defines whether the client Host header is forwarded to the upstream Kubernetes Service. By default, passHostHeader is true. type: boolean port: anyOf: - type: integer - type: string description: |- Port defines the port of a Kubernetes Service. This can be a reference to a named port. x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true responseForwarding: description: ResponseForwarding defines how Traefik forwards the response from the upstream Kubernetes Service to the client. properties: flushInterval: description: |- FlushInterval defines the interval, in milliseconds, in between flushes to the client while copying the response body. A negative value means to flush immediately after each write to the client. This configuration is ignored when ReverseProxy recognizes a response as a streaming response; for such responses, writes are flushed to the client immediately. Default: 100ms type: string type: object scheme: description: |- Scheme defines the scheme to use for the request to the upstream Kubernetes Service. It defaults to https when Kubernetes Service port is 443, http otherwise. type: string serversTransport: description: |- ServersTransport defines the name of ServersTransport resource to use. It allows to configure the transport between Traefik and your servers. Can only be used on a Kubernetes Service. type: string sticky: description: |- Sticky defines the sticky sessions configuration. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/routing/services/#sticky-sessions properties: cookie: description: Cookie defines the sticky cookie configuration. properties: httpOnly: description: HTTPOnly defines whether the cookie can be accessed by client-side APIs, such as JavaScript. type: boolean name: description: Name defines the Cookie name. type: string sameSite: description: |- SameSite defines the same site policy. More info: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie/SameSite type: string secure: description: Secure defines whether the cookie can only be transmitted over an encrypted connection (i.e. HTTPS). type: boolean type: object type: object strategy: description: |- Strategy defines the load balancing strategy between the servers. RoundRobin is the only supported value at the moment. type: string weight: description: |- Weight defines the weight and should only be specified when Name references a TraefikService object (and to be precise, one that embeds a Weighted Round Robin). type: integer required: - name type: object status: description: |- Status defines which status or range of statuses should result in an error page. It can be either a status code as a number (500), as multiple comma-separated numbers (500,502), as ranges by separating two codes with a dash (500-599), or a combination of the two (404,418,500-599). items: type: string type: array type: object forwardAuth: description: |- ForwardAuth holds the forward auth middleware configuration. This middleware delegates the request authentication to a Service. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/middlewares/http/forwardauth/ properties: address: description: Address defines the authentication server address. type: string authRequestHeaders: description: |- AuthRequestHeaders defines the list of the headers to copy from the request to the authentication server. If not set or empty then all request headers are passed. items: type: string type: array authResponseHeaders: description: AuthResponseHeaders defines the list of headers to copy from the authentication server response and set on forwarded request, replacing any existing conflicting headers. items: type: string type: array authResponseHeadersRegex: description: |- AuthResponseHeadersRegex defines the regex to match headers to copy from the authentication server response and set on forwarded request, after stripping all headers that match the regex. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/middlewares/http/forwardauth/#authresponseheadersregex type: string tls: description: TLS defines the configuration used to secure the connection to the authentication server. properties: caOptional: type: boolean caSecret: description: |- CASecret is the name of the referenced Kubernetes Secret containing the CA to validate the server certificate. The CA certificate is extracted from key `tls.ca` or `ca.crt`. type: string certSecret: description: |- CertSecret is the name of the referenced Kubernetes Secret containing the client certificate. The client certificate is extracted from the keys `tls.crt` and `tls.key`. type: string insecureSkipVerify: description: InsecureSkipVerify defines whether the server certificates should be validated. type: boolean type: object trustForwardHeader: description: 'TrustForwardHeader defines whether to trust (ie: forward) all X-Forwarded-* headers.' type: boolean type: object headers: description: |- Headers holds the headers middleware configuration. This middleware manages the requests and responses headers. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/middlewares/http/headers/#customrequestheaders properties: accessControlAllowCredentials: description: AccessControlAllowCredentials defines whether the request can include user credentials. type: boolean accessControlAllowHeaders: description: AccessControlAllowHeaders defines the Access-Control-Request-Headers values sent in preflight response. items: type: string type: array accessControlAllowMethods: description: AccessControlAllowMethods defines the Access-Control-Request-Method values sent in preflight response. items: type: string type: array accessControlAllowOriginList: description: AccessControlAllowOriginList is a list of allowable origins. Can also be a wildcard origin "*". items: type: string type: array accessControlAllowOriginListRegex: description: AccessControlAllowOriginListRegex is a list of allowable origins written following the Regular Expression syntax (https://golang.org/pkg/regexp/). items: type: string type: array accessControlExposeHeaders: description: AccessControlExposeHeaders defines the Access-Control-Expose-Headers values sent in preflight response. items: type: string type: array accessControlMaxAge: description: AccessControlMaxAge defines the time that a preflight request may be cached. format: int64 type: integer addVaryHeader: description: AddVaryHeader defines whether the Vary header is automatically added/updated when the AccessControlAllowOriginList is set. type: boolean allowedHosts: description: AllowedHosts defines the fully qualified list of allowed domain names. items: type: string type: array browserXssFilter: description: BrowserXSSFilter defines whether to add the X-XSS-Protection header with the value 1; mode=block. type: boolean contentSecurityPolicy: description: ContentSecurityPolicy defines the Content-Security-Policy header value. type: string contentTypeNosniff: description: ContentTypeNosniff defines whether to add the X-Content-Type-Options header with the nosniff value. type: boolean customBrowserXSSValue: description: |- CustomBrowserXSSValue defines the X-XSS-Protection header value. This overrides the BrowserXssFilter option. type: string customFrameOptionsValue: description: |- CustomFrameOptionsValue defines the X-Frame-Options header value. This overrides the FrameDeny option. type: string customRequestHeaders: additionalProperties: type: string description: CustomRequestHeaders defines the header names and values to apply to the request. type: object customResponseHeaders: additionalProperties: type: string description: CustomResponseHeaders defines the header names and values to apply to the response. type: object featurePolicy: description: 'Deprecated: use PermissionsPolicy instead.' type: string forceSTSHeader: description: ForceSTSHeader defines whether to add the STS header even when the connection is HTTP. type: boolean frameDeny: description: FrameDeny defines whether to add the X-Frame-Options header with the DENY value. type: boolean hostsProxyHeaders: description: HostsProxyHeaders defines the header keys that may hold a proxied hostname value for the request. items: type: string type: array isDevelopment: description: |- IsDevelopment defines whether to mitigate the unwanted effects of the AllowedHosts, SSL, and STS options when developing. Usually testing takes place using HTTP, not HTTPS, and on localhost, not your production domain. If you would like your development environment to mimic production with complete Host blocking, SSL redirects, and STS headers, leave this as false. type: boolean permissionsPolicy: description: |- PermissionsPolicy defines the Permissions-Policy header value. This allows sites to control browser features. type: string publicKey: description: PublicKey is the public key that implements HPKP to prevent MITM attacks with forged certificates. type: string referrerPolicy: description: |- ReferrerPolicy defines the Referrer-Policy header value. This allows sites to control whether browsers forward the Referer header to other sites. type: string sslForceHost: description: 'Deprecated: use RedirectRegex instead.' type: boolean sslHost: description: 'Deprecated: use RedirectRegex instead.' type: string sslProxyHeaders: additionalProperties: type: string description: |- SSLProxyHeaders defines the header keys with associated values that would indicate a valid HTTPS request. It can be useful when using other proxies (example: "X-Forwarded-Proto": "https"). type: object sslRedirect: description: 'Deprecated: use EntryPoint redirection or RedirectScheme instead.' type: boolean sslTemporaryRedirect: description: 'Deprecated: use EntryPoint redirection or RedirectScheme instead.' type: boolean stsIncludeSubdomains: description: STSIncludeSubdomains defines whether the includeSubDomains directive is appended to the Strict-Transport-Security header. type: boolean stsPreload: description: STSPreload defines whether the preload flag is appended to the Strict-Transport-Security header. type: boolean stsSeconds: description: |- STSSeconds defines the max-age of the Strict-Transport-Security header. If set to 0, the header is not set. format: int64 type: integer type: object inFlightReq: description: |- InFlightReq holds the in-flight request middleware configuration. This middleware limits the number of requests being processed and served concurrently. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/middlewares/http/inflightreq/ properties: amount: description: |- Amount defines the maximum amount of allowed simultaneous in-flight request. The middleware responds with HTTP 429 Too Many Requests if there are already amount requests in progress (based on the same sourceCriterion strategy). format: int64 type: integer sourceCriterion: description: |- SourceCriterion defines what criterion is used to group requests as originating from a common source. If several strategies are defined at the same time, an error will be raised. If none are set, the default is to use the requestHost. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/middlewares/http/inflightreq/#sourcecriterion properties: ipStrategy: description: |- IPStrategy holds the IP strategy configuration used by Traefik to determine the client IP. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/middlewares/http/ipallowlist/#ipstrategy properties: depth: description: Depth tells Traefik to use the X-Forwarded-For header and take the IP located at the depth position (starting from the right). type: integer excludedIPs: description: ExcludedIPs configures Traefik to scan the X-Forwarded-For header and select the first IP not in the list. items: type: string type: array type: object requestHeaderName: description: RequestHeaderName defines the name of the header used to group incoming requests. type: string requestHost: description: RequestHost defines whether to consider the request Host as the source. type: boolean type: object type: object ipAllowList: description: |- IPAllowList holds the IP allowlist middleware configuration. This middleware limits allowed requests based on the client IP. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/middlewares/http/ipallowlist/ properties: ipStrategy: description: |- IPStrategy holds the IP strategy configuration used by Traefik to determine the client IP. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/middlewares/http/ipallowlist/#ipstrategy properties: depth: description: Depth tells Traefik to use the X-Forwarded-For header and take the IP located at the depth position (starting from the right). type: integer excludedIPs: description: ExcludedIPs configures Traefik to scan the X-Forwarded-For header and select the first IP not in the list. items: type: string type: array type: object sourceRange: description: SourceRange defines the set of allowed IPs (or ranges of allowed IPs by using CIDR notation). items: type: string type: array type: object ipWhiteList: description: |- IPWhiteList holds the IP whitelist middleware configuration. This middleware limits allowed requests based on the client IP. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/middlewares/http/ipwhitelist/ Deprecated: please use IPAllowList instead. properties: ipStrategy: description: |- IPStrategy holds the IP strategy configuration used by Traefik to determine the client IP. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/middlewares/http/ipallowlist/#ipstrategy properties: depth: description: Depth tells Traefik to use the X-Forwarded-For header and take the IP located at the depth position (starting from the right). type: integer excludedIPs: description: ExcludedIPs configures Traefik to scan the X-Forwarded-For header and select the first IP not in the list. items: type: string type: array type: object sourceRange: description: SourceRange defines the set of allowed IPs (or ranges of allowed IPs by using CIDR notation). Required. items: type: string type: array type: object passTLSClientCert: description: |- PassTLSClientCert holds the pass TLS client cert middleware configuration. This middleware adds the selected data from the passed client TLS certificate to a header. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/middlewares/http/passtlsclientcert/ properties: info: description: Info selects the specific client certificate details you want to add to the X-Forwarded-Tls-Client-Cert-Info header. properties: issuer: description: Issuer defines the client certificate issuer details to add to the X-Forwarded-Tls-Client-Cert-Info header. properties: commonName: description: CommonName defines whether to add the organizationalUnit information into the issuer. type: boolean country: description: Country defines whether to add the country information into the issuer. type: boolean domainComponent: description: DomainComponent defines whether to add the domainComponent information into the issuer. type: boolean locality: description: Locality defines whether to add the locality information into the issuer. type: boolean organization: description: Organization defines whether to add the organization information into the issuer. type: boolean province: description: Province defines whether to add the province information into the issuer. type: boolean serialNumber: description: SerialNumber defines whether to add the serialNumber information into the issuer. type: boolean type: object notAfter: description: NotAfter defines whether to add the Not After information from the Validity part. type: boolean notBefore: description: NotBefore defines whether to add the Not Before information from the Validity part. type: boolean sans: description: Sans defines whether to add the Subject Alternative Name information from the Subject Alternative Name part. type: boolean serialNumber: description: SerialNumber defines whether to add the client serialNumber information. type: boolean subject: description: Subject defines the client certificate subject details to add to the X-Forwarded-Tls-Client-Cert-Info header. properties: commonName: description: CommonName defines whether to add the organizationalUnit information into the subject. type: boolean country: description: Country defines whether to add the country information into the subject. type: boolean domainComponent: description: DomainComponent defines whether to add the domainComponent information into the subject. type: boolean locality: description: Locality defines whether to add the locality information into the subject. type: boolean organization: description: Organization defines whether to add the organization information into the subject. type: boolean organizationalUnit: description: OrganizationalUnit defines whether to add the organizationalUnit information into the subject. type: boolean province: description: Province defines whether to add the province information into the subject. type: boolean serialNumber: description: SerialNumber defines whether to add the serialNumber information into the subject. type: boolean type: object type: object pem: description: PEM sets the X-Forwarded-Tls-Client-Cert header with the certificate. type: boolean type: object plugin: additionalProperties: x-kubernetes-preserve-unknown-fields: true description: |- Plugin defines the middleware plugin configuration. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/plugins/ type: object rateLimit: description: |- RateLimit holds the rate limit configuration. This middleware ensures that services will receive a fair amount of requests, and allows one to define what fair is. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/middlewares/http/ratelimit/ properties: average: description: |- Average is the maximum rate, by default in requests/s, allowed for the given source. It defaults to 0, which means no rate limiting. The rate is actually defined by dividing Average by Period. So for a rate below 1req/s, one needs to define a Period larger than a second. format: int64 type: integer burst: description: |- Burst is the maximum number of requests allowed to arrive in the same arbitrarily small period of time. It defaults to 1. format: int64 type: integer period: anyOf: - type: integer - type: string description: |- Period, in combination with Average, defines the actual maximum rate, such as: r = Average / Period. It defaults to a second. x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true sourceCriterion: description: |- SourceCriterion defines what criterion is used to group requests as originating from a common source. If several strategies are defined at the same time, an error will be raised. If none are set, the default is to use the request's remote address field (as an ipStrategy). properties: ipStrategy: description: |- IPStrategy holds the IP strategy configuration used by Traefik to determine the client IP. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/middlewares/http/ipallowlist/#ipstrategy properties: depth: description: Depth tells Traefik to use the X-Forwarded-For header and take the IP located at the depth position (starting from the right). type: integer excludedIPs: description: ExcludedIPs configures Traefik to scan the X-Forwarded-For header and select the first IP not in the list. items: type: string type: array type: object requestHeaderName: description: RequestHeaderName defines the name of the header used to group incoming requests. type: string requestHost: description: RequestHost defines whether to consider the request Host as the source. type: boolean type: object type: object redirectRegex: description: |- RedirectRegex holds the redirect regex middleware configuration. This middleware redirects a request using regex matching and replacement. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/middlewares/http/redirectregex/#regex properties: permanent: description: Permanent defines whether the redirection is permanent (301). type: boolean regex: description: Regex defines the regex used to match and capture elements from the request URL. type: string replacement: description: Replacement defines how to modify the URL to have the new target URL. type: string type: object redirectScheme: description: |- RedirectScheme holds the redirect scheme middleware configuration. This middleware redirects requests from a scheme/port to another. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/middlewares/http/redirectscheme/ properties: permanent: description: Permanent defines whether the redirection is permanent (301). type: boolean port: description: Port defines the port of the new URL. type: string scheme: description: Scheme defines the scheme of the new URL. type: string type: object replacePath: description: |- ReplacePath holds the replace path middleware configuration. This middleware replaces the path of the request URL and store the original path in an X-Replaced-Path header. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/middlewares/http/replacepath/ properties: path: description: Path defines the path to use as replacement in the request URL. type: string type: object replacePathRegex: description: |- ReplacePathRegex holds the replace path regex middleware configuration. This middleware replaces the path of a URL using regex matching and replacement. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/middlewares/http/replacepathregex/ properties: regex: description: Regex defines the regular expression used to match and capture the path from the request URL. type: string replacement: description: Replacement defines the replacement path format, which can include captured variables. type: string type: object retry: description: |- Retry holds the retry middleware configuration. This middleware reissues requests a given number of times to a backend server if that server does not reply. As soon as the server answers, the middleware stops retrying, regardless of the response status. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/middlewares/http/retry/ properties: attempts: description: Attempts defines how many times the request should be retried. type: integer initialInterval: anyOf: - type: integer - type: string description: |- InitialInterval defines the first wait time in the exponential backoff series. The maximum interval is calculated as twice the initialInterval. If unspecified, requests will be retried immediately. The value of initialInterval should be provided in seconds or as a valid duration format, see https://pkg.go.dev/time#ParseDuration. x-kubernetes-int-or-string: true type: object stripPrefix: description: |- StripPrefix holds the strip prefix middleware configuration. This middleware removes the specified prefixes from the URL path. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/middlewares/http/stripprefix/ properties: forceSlash: description: |- ForceSlash ensures that the resulting stripped path is not the empty string, by replacing it with / when necessary. Default: true. type: boolean prefixes: description: Prefixes defines the prefixes to strip from the request URL. items: type: string type: array type: object stripPrefixRegex: description: |- StripPrefixRegex holds the strip prefix regex middleware configuration. This middleware removes the matching prefixes from the URL path. More info: https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/v2.11/middlewares/http/stripprefixregex/ properties: regex: description: Regex defines the regular expression to match the path prefix from the request URL. items: type: string type: array type: object type: object required: - metadata - spec type: object served: true storage: true